Komyoji, Mitsuko

Every Episode

Komyoji, Mitsuko

The daughter of Komyoji, Nobuhiko, Mitsuko ("shining light") was abducted along with the doctor.

Mitsuko, Masaru and Jiro

Mitsuko secretly assisted her father in making Jiro/Kikaida. She escaped from the Dark Destruction Corps with Jiro's help. Even though she knows Jiro is not human Mitsuko has romanic feelings towards Jiro, leading her to become jealous of other women and even "female" robots that show an interest in Jiro.

The Komyojis

When Mitsuko escapes from the Dark she is reunited with her younger brother, but seperated from her father. She is not reunited with her father until the last episode.

Komyoji, Mitsuko was played by Mizunoe Jun, who retired from acting and is now a wife and mother.

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