18. Black Chameleon The Phantasmic
Big Heist Maneuver

Black Chameleon

Gil is trying to steal the element “uratorium” and punishes his robots when they fail. He sends Black Chameleon out to get it. Black sets up an elaborate trap, which Mitsuko and company promptly ride Hanpei’s car into. Jiro stops them. Gil plays his flute, but Black Chameleon’s missile blasts block the sound, and Kikaida foils the Dark’s evil plans!

Jiro vs Black Chameleon

Notes: Black Chameleon looks pretty cool, despite an immobile face. His fade-in and out power is cool to see, especially in the age of having to do digital stuff to show stuff like this now. The scene where he finds out Jiro is alive is great. They also have a cool battle on top of a truck. The newscasters say an “unknown group” is attacking the trucks. Hello? Where have they been? Perhaps the charge of incompetence in the media isn’t unfounded!

To be continued

this episode summary written by Megaloman

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