Episode 1: 04-06-1973: Like The Sun, Mother of Ultra: Higashi,Kôtarô is killed and under the direction of the Mother of Ultra his body is carried off to the Land of Light by Ultraman Ace, escorted by the other Ultra Brothers. The newly born Ultrman Taro merges with Kôtarô's body and Ultraman Taro is immediatly sent to Earth to fight a giant monster.

Episode 2: 04-13-1973: This Time It's Ultra Mother:
Higashi, Kôtarô transforms into Ultraman Taro for the first time (in episode one Ultraman Taro just appears on Earth after the merger), two monsters battle each other. One of them has swallowed alive a dog and Higashi, Kôtarô.

Episode 3: 04-20-1973:
Mother of Ultra Forever: ZAT finds away to make the monster sneeze out Higashi, Kôtarô and the dog. The two monsters stop fighting each and start attacking ZAT and Ultraman Taro.One monster is defeated but one remains. Later Mother of Ultra appears, heals her son and helps him carry the second monster into space, where the two Ultras destroy it.

Episode 4: 04-27-1973: Big Sea Turtle Monsters Attack Tokyo!: Taro is on
the wrong side. Two giant turtle monsters can pull into their shells
fly and drop bombs. Their eggs are stolen and they target the men who
stole them in revenge. In my opinion the men got what they deserved for
trying to abduct the giant turtles, which were peaceful creatures not
bothering anybody, and running off with their eggs.

Episode 5: 05-04-1973: Parent Star, Child Star, First Star: Queen
Tortoise is killed and all but one of her eggs destroyed, because of
the Navy. Ultraman Taro is in trouble when he's attacked by King
Tortoise and the surviving baby. He doesn't want to fight them but they
don't understand that. He carries Queen Tortoise's body into space. The
baby can't fly so Ultra Seven appears to carry it and King Tortoise
follows his child and deceased mate away from Earth. Ultraman Taro
returns to Earth alone. It looked to me like both King and Queen moved their jaws so she must have been revived.

Episode 6: 05-11-1973: Jewel's are The Monster's Fodder: An acid
spitting slug vaporizes a dog. The monsters in this show seem to have
it in for dogs. Later Kôtarô zaps the slug with his laser, giving the
slug the energy bust it needed to become a giant monsters. Our hero,
7: 05-18-1973: Heaven and Hell have Moved!: First it was Gamera's relatives now its Ebira's. A giant crab is a
threat to shipping. Three male ZAT members land their aircraft on what
they think is a small island. They don't take their job very seriously.
Two strip to their underwear and go for a swim, the other tries to
catch fish. Eventually they realise that their island is actually the
back of a monster. The giant crab and a giant octopus fight. The crab
defeats the octopus and then has to face ZAT and Ultraman Taro. The
crab nearly wins again.
Episode 8: 05-25-1973: Dead Spirits of the Man-Eating Marsh: In
this episode ZAT gains a new man and at the end one of the women gets
to fly the aircraft and fire missles at the monster. A young boy phone
ZAT to report a monster in a lake. They treat his call as a joke. I
don't know why. Later when a police officer reports that the monster
has swallowed the boy's father, and ZAT appears on the scene, the boy
is understandably angry at them.
Episode 9: 06-01-1973: The Day That Tokyo Crumbles:
Fire spitting ants (or maybe they're termites) are causing buildings to
fall down. Two boys are the first to see the bugs. They try to warn
people in a building that's about to colapse but the occupants won't
listen. The boys are eventually able to reach ZAT and ZAT empties the
building just in time. Ultraman Taro battles a giant fire and acid
spitting bug.
Episode 10: 06-08-1973: The Fang Cross is a Monster's Grave!:
Higashi, Kôtarô is training for a boxing match. His starvation diet has
him seeing food where no food is. His bath is interrupted by water
shooting out of the tub, caused by a burrowing monster. ZAT manages to
destroy the monster, which looks like a walrus to me, but it
regenerates itself and reappears as ZAT members are watching Kôtarô
box. They sneak out to deal with the monster, without him. After the
match, Kôtarô stuffs himself than becomes Ultraman Taro to finish off
the monster.
Episode 11: 06-15-1973: The Blood-Sucking Flower is Young Girl's Spirit:
Two police officers are killed by something unseen. The next day a
little girl picks some flowers. Higashi, Kôtarô and his friends help
the lost girl find her way home. She gives Shiratori, Kenichi and
Moriyama, Izumi some of the flowers. At night Kenichi and Izumi are
nearly killed by a creeping vine. The little girls mother throws the
rest of the flowers in the trash. A vine grows out of the garbage and
kills the mother. Later Kôtarô finds the girl giving away flowers to
strangers. Kôtarô warns the people about the flowers. He and another
ZAT member find the plant and try to pull it out of the ground. This
makes the plant angry and it transforms into a giant monster.
Episode 12: 06-22-1973: Monster's Solo Journey:
Drilling disturbs a sleeping monster, which causes a small earthquak,
during which a young boy's father vanishes. Already on the scene,
Kôtarô, calls ZAT in to investigate. The boy, Takeshi, turns on the
drill to make the monster come up so he can take revenge on it. Of
course his throwing rocks at the monster just angers it. ZAT's shooting
it does nothing to improve its mood. This monster is the second one not
harmed by Ultraman Taro's energy weapon.
Episode 13: 06-29-1973: Monster's Cavity Hurts!: A
sea monster is minding its own buisness, bothering nobody, taking a nap
at the bottom of the ocean when it gets hit in the mouth by a ZAT
torpedo. The device does not detonate. Unable to dislodge this irittant
from between its teeth, the monster becomes annoyed. Meanwhile the
mother of one of the ZAT members decided to pay him a visit. Using a
ZAT aircraft Higashi, Kôtarô attempts to remove the foreign object from
the monster's mouth but he makes a mistake and pulls a tooth instead.
The pain enraged monster goes on a rampage which puts the ZAT officer's
mother in danger. This monster is the third not harmed by Ultraman
Taro's energy weapon. Having tooth ache myself while watching this
episode my sympathies were with the poor monster and was angry at Taro
and ZAT for killing it.

Episode 14: 07-06-1973: Taro's Head Got Chopped Off!: A
construction crew's blasting uncovers a small statue. When the statue
is removed from the hillside it causes those who removed it to have
nightmares and then it awakens a giant warrior, armed with a sword and
shield, which bursts from the hill. ZAT is unable to even slow this
monster down. Ultraman Taro fails against it as well, until he creates
an illusion of himself which tricks the monster into thinking it killed

Episode 15: 07-13-1973: Young Girl of the Blue Will-o-the-Wisp:
This is a strange episode. After a girl's mother is killed in an
explosion the girl is bullied by boys and chased by grown men who act
as if she's a dangerous criminal. When the girl is stuck on the roof of
a cable car Ultraman Taro waits until its almost too late to save her.
Taro strikes a meaningless boxer pose before doing his Kamen Rider
imitation, kicking the monster to death.

Episode 16: 07-20-1973: The Monster's Flute Sounds:
When a baby cries the mother blames her older son's playing of an
ocarina for waking the child. She breaks the instrument. The father
gives the boy a strange looking instrument. That night the boy sneaks
out of the house, so as not to wake the baby. When he finally makes a
musical sound he wakes a very strange looking monster. The boy runs
into Kôtarô and another man from ZAT but the monster has disappeared
and they don't believe the boy's story. The next day after school the
boy breaks his new instrument. Kôtarô glues it back together and
strangly it sounds better. The boy's music attracks the monster, which
ZAT now attacks. The monster vanishes. Later, the monster appears again
when the boy plays "Yankee Doodle". When Kôtarô tells the boy to run
away, the boy falls and drops his instrument, shattering it. The kid
tries to attack the monster, Kôtarô stops him. Ultraman Taro fights
dirty, kicking the monster between the legs. During the course of the
fight the monster loses a touth which nearly lands on a couple of ZAT

Episode 17: 07-27-1973: Two Big Monsters Close in on Taro!:
Kôtarô visits a watermelon farm, picking up four watermelons. He leaves
one at an earthquake research station and gives one to a boy named
Takeshi. Takeshi hears a strange noise in his melon and cutting it open
releases an unusually large and agressive catepillar. While snacking on
watermelon, ZAT receives a phone call from Takeshi's mother, reporting
a monster. While ZAT members listen to the boy's recording of the sound
the catepillar made, a giant chicken sleeping in a volcano wakes up.
The researchers panic when attacked by a second catepillar. One
researcher is saved from the catepillar when the chicken monster eats
it, however he doesn't have time to be grateful as the bird eats him as
well. By the time ZAT arrives at the center the monster has vanished.
Later, at Takeshi's home ZAT tries to kill the first catepillar but all
they do is make it angry. It giant sizes and now they have a real
problem. Ultraman Taro rescues a ZAT man only to be tied up in silk
himself. As Taro struggles to free himself the giant chicken appears.
Taro breaks the bans but is attacked from behind by the chicken. With
is color timer flashing red, Taro is down and about to be picked to
death. Takeshi and a ZAT man are hit by a falling beam. End of episode.

Episode 18: 08-03-1973: Taro Died! Zoffy Died Too!: ZAT comes
to Ultraman Taro's rescue and fires on the chicken. It responds by
spitting fire at the ground. As the bird and the catepillar turn on
each other, Ultraman Taro's color time goes out. One of the ZAT men
seeing it says, "Taro wa shinda" (Taro is dead). The chicken kills the
catepillar and then flies away. As ZAT looks for their missing man (not
realising they're looking at him when they salute the fallen Ultraman)
children across Japan morn for Taro. Suddenly, Zoffy, the original
Ultraman's superior, appears and after spraying Taro with some kind of
white mist, carries his fallen brother into space. As Shiratori,
Kenichi visits Takeshi at the ZAT Medical Center, the ZAT commander
doesn't have the heart to tell the boy that Kôtarô is missing.
Takeshi's mother blames Kôtarô and ZAT for her husband and son being
hurt. When the commander tells her that Kôtarô is missing and presumed
dead, Kenichi blames the mother and rushes out of the hospital calling
for Kôtarô. Nobody is happy in this episode. After the chicken monster
causes a jet liner to crash and stirs up a lot of smoke from the
volcano ZAT tries to capture it by dropping a sticky substance on it.
The commander got the idea from bubble gum. Apparently not knowing that
Taro is dead, Takeshi calls for Ultraman Taro's help. Instead of Taro,
Zoffy appears, but the older Ultraman does no better against the giant
bird. The episode end with Zoffy down and unmoving. Birdon 2, Ultra
brothers 0.

Episode 19: 08-10-1973: The Ultra Mother Miracle Of Love: On Earth
rain falls on the body of Zoffy, and ZAT takes a lot of frantic phone
calls. On the Land of Light, the Mother of Ultra revives her son Taro and
gives him the "King Bracelet". Back on Earth, the man-eating chicken
attacks an apartment complex. ZAT's intervention just makes things
worse and it spits fire in response to their shooting hand guns at it.
Birdon is about to eat a member of ZAT when Ultraman Taro suddenly
appears giving a punch to the head which blurs its vision. Taro
wresltes with the chicken and uses his new weapon to hit it with what
look like electrical shocks. When the bird flies away Taro lets it go
in order to put out a fire. After being missing for what was presumably
several days, Kôtarô suddenly appears. I wish the disc was subtitled so
I'd know how he explained himself. Kôtarô shows up at the medical
center. It sounded to me like he took the blame for their wounds and
apologised. Father and son welcome him but mother, typical woman,
remains spiteful. ZAT men standing on the edge of the volcano realise
that there are eggs down there and finding one giant chicken to be more
than enough, open fire. Unfortunantly for them, the mother picked that
instant to return to the nest. Ultraman Taro appears to split in two.
The confused chicken hurls itself at one but falls into the volcano and
is killed (didnt make sense to me either). As Taro approaches the body
of Zoffy the Mother of Ultra appears but all she does is hug the corpse.
So does Taro. Then mother and son carry Zoffy's body into space. (Zoffy does show up alive in episode 25 so they must have revived him off camera).

Episode 20: 08-17-1973: A Monster Came Raining Down: Higashi,
Kôtarô; Shiratori, Kenichi and Shiratori, Saori are on vacation. They
attend some kind of festival during which masks are on sale, inlcuding
masks of Ultraman, Ultraman Taro and Kamen Rider V3. There is a
fireworks display which is visible from space. A baby giant space bird
is attracked by the light, but when it gets too close its burnt and
falls to earth. Kôtarô calls in ZAT to search for the fallen bird. This
episode made me angry with Kôtarô, ZAT and Taro. The wounded creature
wasn't harming anyone untl ZAT attacked it, then it did what any animal
would, fought back. Ultraman Taro fights the bird until Mother of Ultra
appears to let him know he's wrong. Then Taro fires a healing ray at
the monster, restoring its broken wing. Afterwards he picks it up and
helps it back to its parent in orbit. Kôtarô and his friends go through
several costume changes in this episode. They start out wearing modern
clothing, then switch to more traditional Japanese clothing for the
festival. After the explosions, Kôtarô puts on his ZAT uniform and the
other two are back to modern clothing.
Episode 21: 08-24-1973: Tokyo Newtown Sinking:
It's a hot day. Higashi, Kôtarô and Shiratori, Kenichi are bug hunting.
They meet a kid who has captured two large cicada. Later, when an
earthquake strikes a tokyo apartment complex (looks to me like the same
one the giant chicken attacked in episode 19) the occupants rush out.
The boy with the bugs realises he has forgot the cicadas and rushes
back in. His mother meets ZAT and sends Kôtarô after the boy. While
they're in the building the see a giant red eye and some kind of claw.
Kôtarô reports the monster. The monster turns out to be a giant cicada.
The bug crasy kid convinces ZAT not to kill it, they drop a net on it.
That night the bug makes so much noice it wakes people in nearby
buildings. They come out and complain. When Kôtarô and his partner show
no inclination to do something about the monster the people light
tourches and throw them at it. The giant bug escapes the net and flies
off, pausing only to spray a white liquid on some the people who tried
to burn it. The bug lands on a tower and continues making noise. A
crowd talks a policeman into drawing his revolver and firing it at the
monster. The bug respons by spraying the white liquid on three men and
then setting the city on fire. ZAT of course attacks the bug. Only
after the monster tries to drop a building on the bug crazy kid does
Kôtarô become Ultraman Taro. Taro lets the kid talk him into not
killing the monster, instead he carries into into space. I didn't know
cicadas could survive without oxygen in the cold of space. The kid
releases his two cicadas.

Episode 22: 08-31-1973: The Wrath Of A Child-Carrying Monster!: A
couple of Kôtarô's friends get married (American style church wedding
rather than traditional Japanese style). On their honeymoon they
encounter a giant monster. The bride falls down a mountain. The groom
climbs to where she fell but all he finds his hear white hat. He phones
Kôtarô but won't let him call in ZAT. As the groom joins a couple of
hunter friends (all 3 armed with rifles) to search for the monster he
assumes ate his wife, Kôtarô alone searches for the bride. He finds the
woman and the panda monster and its baby. The monsters are not hostile,
in fact they treated the woman's wounded leg with some herbs. While the
two humans are talking the monsters disappear. They've gone looking for
food, which consists of trees as they are not carnivors. The three
hunters find the monsters and not knowing any better open fire,
wounding the mother monster in the tail. She makes a smoke screen to
escape the hunters. Back at its cave the giant monster allows Kôtarô to
remove a bullet and the baby treats the wound with herbs. Kôtarô finds
the hunters and lets the groom know that his bride is okay and that
she's stayed with the monsters. The three hunters respond to this news
by tying Kôtarô to a tree. The hunters set a trap for the baby monster
then send a boulder rolling down hill into the cave. Landing on the
mother's tail it imobilises the larger monster. The newly married (and
soon to be divorced?) man then shoots the harmless baby monster. The
mother finally frees herself and spits fire, taking out two of the
hunters. Kôtarô appears and proving to be nearly as big a jerk as his
friend shoots the enranged mother in the head, this of course just
makes her even angrier, she sets about setting the country side on fire
including people's homes. Talking to his watch Kôtarô summons ZAT. That
the men of ZAT are not killed by "friendly fire" is a miracle. They're
so close to the monster that their fighter jet's attack should have
wiped them out not to mention the backlash from their own bazookas.
Ultraman Taro appears and after beating up the poor mother heals both
monsters. The female ZAT pilot then blasts the cave entrance sealing
the monsters in. Miraculously Ultraman Taro who stands near the cave is
not ripped to shreads by the shrapnel. The bride and groom go off
together in a speed boat. The groom, swearing off violence, stops the
boat to drop his rifel into the water. He's apparently not held
responsible for the deaths of his friends or the deaths of the people
killed when their homes were blown up or burnt to the ground even
though he's to blame.

Episode 23: 09-07-1973: Gentle Daddy Monster!:
Kôtarô's housemates join a family of three on a road trip. When a black
"tornado" disolves the car Shiratori, Kenichi and Shiratori, Saori some
how reach Kôtarô who brings in ZAT to investigate. A foolish and
headstrong woman convinces the other victims that they don't need ZAT
and the people chase ZAT away. When the monster appears ZAT's aifrcraft
fire darts which pierce the monster then after a couple seconds
explode. These are followed by laser beams. The annoyed creature spits
acid taking out both aircraft, pilot and crews parachute. The female
ZAT member drives up to hand one of the men an oversized squirt gun.
The liquid it sprays seems to hurt the monster more than missiles or
laser beams. The foolish woman once again intervenes and has to be
dragged off by family and friends. The ZAT car, squirt gun and weapons
in their holsters are all melted away by the giant monster's acid
(which strangely does not disolve cloth or skin). That annoying woman
is captured by the monster. Her long suffering husband uses a tree to
repel himself onto the monster to rescue her. Kôtarô cuts off a long
piece of bamboo than uses a bent tree branch to catipult himself onto
the monster. He pokes the monster in the eye several times before it
throws him off. Before he hits the water bellow Kôtarô becomes Ultraman
Taro. Taro catches the couple who also fell and places them on the
ground before facing the monster. Taro hits the monster will a glowing
kick which sends its head and arms flying, but the monster doesn't die.
The head and arms just attack Taro before reatching themselves. The
monster sprays its acid at Taro but not being made of metal he's
unharmed. Never the less, Taro finds it neccesary to knock off the
monster's nose. There is an exchange of energy weapons fire before Taro
turns himself into a tornado and spins the monster to death. The giant
monsters body is transfored into toy vechiles which the kids pick up.
Taro flies away. The strong willed and demanding wife is no longer
strong willed or demanding. What's going on here? Last week it was an
arrogant husband this week its an arrogant wife. Next week its an
arrogant child.

Episode 24: 09-14-1973: This Is the Land of Ultra!: This
episode is an advertisement for Ultraman products. Three boys run into
a woman carrying groceries causing her to drop everything. Two of the
boys and several other children help her to recover her groceries but
one of the three refuses to help. The kids backpacks all have different
Ultras on them. The trouble maker has Ultraman Ace. Six of the kids, 4
boys and 2 girls, are siblings (unsual number of kids for a Japanese
family isn't it?) The father and sons bathe together. After the bath
its time for a meal. The kids each have a different Ultraman on their
bowls: Zoffy (oldest boy Ichiro), Ultraman (oldest daughter, sorry I
couldn't understand her name), Ultraman Jack [narrator refers to him as
Kaettekita Urutoraman apparently not named Ultraman Jack yet] (second
son, Jiro) , Ultraseven (3rd son Saburo), Ultraman Ace (4th son Shiro),
Ultraman Taro (youngest daughter, again I couldn't make out what the
narrator said). The parents do not have Ultras on their bowls and
neither does the dog (outside) so Mother of Ultra and Father of Ultra are
left out. After dinner mother makes a recording. Both parents head out
the door carrying suitcases, all the other children say there farwells
but Shiro sits at the table reading a comic book. A jet airliner is
attacked by space moths and a giant monster. ZAT responds by sending
Kôtarô out in a jet to photograph the crash site. A moth lands on his
windscreen. Back at ZAT headquarters Kôtarô reports the month. He looks
at some kind of report, airline passanger list (?) on which he
recognises a name or names. The children are sitting around a table
looking at a photograph of their parents. For some reason people
outside or making a lot of noise and the dog is barking. The kids play
back the tape. Some of them cry. Shiratori, Kenichi shows up at the
house carrying flowers and is almost ran down by an upset Shiro running
out the door. Kôtarô and the kids look for Shiro. The family dog finds
Shiro. Kôtarô and the other kids find a lot of space moths and a giant
monster. Kôtarô radios ZAT. Shiro and the dog come out of hiding.
Kôtarô sends the children (and prusumably the dog) home. ZAT jets
arrive to shoot at the monster. This should come as no surprise: the
monster spits and ZAT loses another aircraft. Then it swats the second
aircraft out of the sky. Kôtarô becomes Ultraman Taro to catch the
plane (probably saving the Japanese goverment a trillion yen). Taro and
the monster wrestle. One of the ZAT members fires a large gun at the
monster. The monster releases thick black smoke to make it hard to see,
then sprays acid at Taro burning his arm. TARO falls. His color time
flashes red. Taro crosses his arms and vanishes. The monster spins
around spewing black smoke which covers Tokyo before spreading out to
block the sun from the entire planet (?). Back at their house, the boys
try to seal the doors so the smoke doesn't enter. The oldest girl
butters toast. The youngest girl cries for mother and father. A rainbow
colored beam shines down on an unconscious Kôtarô. He awakes to find
himself bathed in red light. Ultramother appears and after a short talk
Kôtarô becomes Ultraman Taro and flies up the rainbow beam into space
and home to the Land of Light, where he's met in the air by a dog like
creature, his pet?

Episode 25: 09-21-1973: Burn On! The Six Ultra Brothers: At ZAT
headquarters Kôtarô is noticibly abscent from the meeting. ZAT responds
to report of space moths at a lighthouse. Like the months the giant
monster is atracted to the light. ZAT members on the ground report the
monster to the captain in the air. The months attack the ZAT team on
the ground. When the captain fires on the giant monster moths land on
his windscreen, blocking his vision and forcing him to retreat. The
monster's corrosive spray brings down the lighthouse. The lighthouse
keeper is upset with ZAT's failure to protect the lighthouse. Back at
ZAT headquarters the team is studying the space moths. The recently
orphaned children have no electricity, they make do with candles. They
discover that they do not have running water. Shiro take a pitcher of
iced tea(?) out of the refrigerator intending to give each sibling an
equal share but he trips and spills most of it. He gives what there is
left to the youngest girl. At the Land of Light, Ultraman Taro lands
and one at a time hugs each of his brothers. Zoffy, since he's highest
ranking, makes some kind of speech with a lot of arm gestering. The
narrator gives a brief history of the Ultras which is illustrated with
cartoon like drawings. I wish this episode had English subtitles. After
the narration the Ultra brothers fly in a circle around a flame. The
flame goes down but not out. Taro lands in the fire. The other Ultras
land in the fire and merge into a single Ultra that looks like Zoffy.
This Ultra then merges with Taro who then spins around and submerges.
Underground, Taro rings then carries off the Ultra Bell. When he
resurfaces the fire returns to its full flame. With the Ultra Bell
strapped to his body Taro flies off. Once in space Taro stops to split
back into the 6 Ultra brothers. All six carry the Ultra Bell through
space. Meanwhile back on Earth two of the boys have found a well
operated by a hand pump and with the owners permission have filled
several containers with water. As the boys and the dog walk home a man
is driving a truck. Attracked by the headlights space moths swarm the
truck causing the man to lose control of the truck. He runs over
Ichiro. At ZAT their hospital is working with flashlights and candles.
One of the ZAT men finds a place with lights on, he tries to get the
lights turned off but he's ignored. The monster appears. Part of the
building and a man are vaporized. One of the ZAT planes takes off. A
ZAT man with a busted arm talks his chief into letting him go into
action. He drops out of the plane on top of the monster's head. He's
carrying some kind of tank. The Ultra brothers finally reach Earth. As
the others hold up the Ultra Bell, Taro rings it. The sound of the bell
disipates the black cloud from around Earth. People run out of the
building into the light. The space moths flee. The ZAT man connects the
tank to the monsters horn and then jumps off the monster, pulling a
parachute, but instead of floating safely to the ground he's pulled
back towards the monster by its movements. Ultraman Taro appears and
knocks the parachutest a safe distance away. Taro flings the monster
into the air, where exsposure to sunlight causes it to explode. Taro
joins the Ultra brothers in carrying the Ultra Bell, but Zoffy hugs
Taro before sending him back to Earth. Kôtarô is reunited with ZAT, how
he explains his absence I don't know. The children are together and we
see that other than having his arm in a sling Ichiro is okay. As happy
an ending as can be expected considering these 6 children are orphaned
and no adult has taken them in. I don't think the writers of this show
think out the full consequences of the events they write.

Episode 26: 09-28-1973: I Can Conquer Monsters Too!: Some kind
of festival going on, at which masks are on sale, including Ultraman
Taro masks. Shiratori, Kenichi and another boy see another kid being
bullied by older boys. They pretend not to notice and attemp to sneak
past until one of the bullies tears off the victims Ultraman Taro mask
and throws it at their feet. Now Kenichi is shamed into helping the
other boy. He shouts something at the three older boys and they leave
their victim to attack him. His shorter friend backs away afraid to
help. Fortunantly for Kenichi an adult comes by, the scared boy's
father and the bullies run away. The boy seems to be ashamed of his
father for some reason. The ZATs car pulls up with Kôtarô in it. Later
at the festival the father is telling an ilustrated story about a
centipede like monster. Probably this story the boy is ashamed of.
Kôtarô and friend show up and are handed some kind of meat on sticks
(fair food!) Suddenly the sky darks snd the eyes on a statue flash,
just as suddenly the sky brightens again. As the storyteller nears the
end of his tale smoke comes out of a tree covered hill. The ground
bursts open and a giant centipede like monster crawls out! The
storyteller believing his own story about the samurai and the spear
grabs a spear and tries to fight the monster. It does not seem to be
too bothered by the spear, but then the ZAT car pulls up and Kôtarô
(the idiot) shoots the monster, which does make it mad. It responds by
spraying webs all over the man with the spear. Then the monster spits
flames setting our would be samurai on fire. Kôtarô runs up, shooting
and drags the man away. After the boy (who reminds me of Akira from
Kikaida 01) pleads with the fallen hero not to die, Kôtarô's takes the
wounded man away. ZAT sends in two more planes to get destroyed. They
hook a chain to both planes then fly at the monster, grabbing the
monster by the neck. It first it looks like they will be able to drag
the monster off, but after a few seconds the monster's neck seperates
from the body, this does not however kill the monster. It just puts
itself back together than knocks the linked planes out of the sky. It
shots fire at two of the parachuting men. To distract it from the other
men Kôtarô shoots at it. The two boys run up to Kôtarô who tells them
to get away. Kenichi makes it out but the other boy falls. Kôtarô
carries him away. Kôtarô meets up with the other men from ZAT. He
doesn't stay with them long though. While one of the others shoots at
the monster from the ground (always seems to be the same man btw),
Kôtarô climbs a bell tower to shoot at from up high. The monster
responds to this by spray webbing at Kôtarô. Another car pulls up. The
female ZAT member hands the captain a gas gun. Kenichi pleads to be the
one to save Kôtarô and the captain being an irresponsible imbicle hands
the boy the gun, but the other kid grabs the gun and runs off to the
bell tower. The captain responds to this by shooting his gun at the
monster. The boy climbs the tower and sprays Kôtarô in the face with a
foamy white liquid. This stuff revives Kôtarô. The monster rams the
tower, getting its head caught in it. Lifting the tower with Kôtarô and
the boy on into the air it then shakes the tower off sending it, the
man and the boy flying. There is a flash and Kôtarô becomes Ultraman
Taro. Taro has his hand cupped around something which he places on the
ground behind a house. The monster grabs Taro's leg with its mouth and
tosses the hero around a bit. The narrator calls on Taro to fight. When
Taro kicks the monster in the head its neck flies off its body. As the
head watches the body attacks Taro. The monster pulls itself back
together. A karate chop from Taro seperates the kneck and body. Taro
ignores the body to go after the head. A blow to the head causes the
body pain. Taro throws the head and neck into the air. As it flies
around in a circle the body follows. Taro hits the head-neck with an
energy blast destroying it. The body falls towards Taro he just raises
his fists over his head, when the body lands on his upraised arms the
body explodes. Back at the festival the storyteller with bandaged head
and arms is back at his post. The boy picks a fight with another boy
and for some reason he's not interfered with. When he wins the fight
with the taller kid Kôtarô appears and shows his approval. Some times I
don't understand Japanese culture. Next week an alien attacks a
baseball team.

Episode 27: 10-05-1973: He's Out!-It's Mephiras-Seijin!:
This week's monster is an old foe of Ultraman's Mephilas Sejin.
Shiratori, Kenichi has joined a baseball team, he's number 5. Kôtarô is
driving an ordinary looking green car (it does have ZAT logo on it).
Kôtarô and the boys spot a vending machine. Kôtarô puts money in it but
nothing comes out so one of the boys hits the side of the machine with
his baseball bat then the machine releases a bunch of cans. As
everybody is drinking a clawed arm comes out of the machine and hits
one of the boys (the one hit the machine with the bat?) in the leg. No
one noticed the claw but the boy drops down in pain. A car pulls up and
a man gets out. He looks at the machine and talks about it. Later that
night, two police men notice the vending machine. The same man appears.
He's apparently from the vending company because he has a key which he
uses to open the machine. Clawed arms come out of the machine and drag
the men into it. Then the machine glows and starts moving away. Next
day two teams are on the field for a game but their umpire (the man
with the vending machine key apparently) has not shown up. Kôtarô,
another man and Shiratori, Saori show up. Her brother picks her as the
umpire. After watching a bit of the game, the other man looks at his
watch. It must be time for him and Kôtarô to report for duty at ZAT
because they leave together. After they've gone the pitcher colapses.
Later, Kenichi shows up at home with a bunch of flowers. The hospital
would not allow him to visit his friend. At the hospital the boy tries
to leave, his mother finds him on the floor and helps him back into
bed. There is a knock at the window. The woman opens the window then
helps her son over to look out. His friends are outside waving to him.
Number 5 is making strange arm gestures which the mother doesn't
understand, they're apparently signals to the pitcher. Kôtarô is with
the team. Later he visits the boy in his hospital room. To Kôtarô's
surprise the nurse asks him to see the doctor, with the boys mother.
The boy must not have a father. I think the doctor says that the boy
will never walk again. The three adults don't know that the sick boy
has managed to get himself into a wheelchair and is outside the door
listening to every word the say about his condition. As the mother
begins to cry the boy wheels himself away. On the screen is the boy in
his uniform about to throw a baseball while a crowd cheers, suddenly
the image is shattered and we see the boy in bed, baseball in hand.
When his mother and Kôtarô enter the room he has his back to them.
Eventually he roles over. With tears in his eyes he says some angry
words and throws the baseball into the flower vace. Kôtarô picks up the
ball. The mother cries. So does the boy but quitely. Kôtarô tries to
comfort him. Apparently there is a cure and ZAT is searching for it.
The rarely seen ZAT helicopter takes off to look for it. Radio calls go
out to ZAT teams throughout the planet. Unfortutnantly the narrator
speaks Japanese over the English speaking radio man so I couldn't make
out what the man said, but others in other languages repeat the
message. Its a rainy night. A girl with an umbrella walks up to a
vending machine. As she puts in her coins she's stapped in the leg. She
collapses. The fancy ZAT car pulls up. Kôtarô and his partner exit.
Katora notices the red mark on the girl's leg. He picks up the girl and
hands her to his partner who takes her to the car. Later, the baseball
team comes accross the machine. A coin is dropped in the slot but
instead of a can dropping down a shoe is received. More coins net more
clothes. When number 5 attempts to hit the machine with a bit the
machine moves aside. As clawed arms come out the machine three of the
boys run, including number 5, three try to fight the machine with
baseball bats. Naturally the boys who ran run into the ZAT car. When
Kôtarô and his partner find the machine no boys are around. The machine
sprays gas at the men. When Kôtarô shoots the machine there is an
explosion and the giant plant monster appears. Of course the flower in
the middle of the plant is the cure the boy (and girl) need. Kôtarô and
his partner shoot the plant. There is anothe explosion and now a
different giant holds the plant in its hand. The monster is wounded. It
breaks the plant in half and uses half to heal the wound. Then the
monster speaks. One of the ZAT fighter planes arrives to shoot at the
monster. Kôtarô radios his chief and the captain calls off the attack.
Instead of trying to kill the alien ZAT tries to capture it. The plane
drops a net on the monster but the monster breaks free. A blast from an
energy wespon through the eyes and swap by the monsters hand brings
down yet another ZAT aircraft. As the alien destroys the town the
hospital is evacuated. The former baseball player is wheeled out by his
mother. When he drops his autographed baseball he pulls away from his
mother to go after it. The giant alien arrives at this point. Kôtarô
doesn't seem to care if the alien wipes out the rest of the town but
when it threatens his friends he turns into Ultraman Taro. Taro puts up
a shield to block the aliens energy attack then punches a hole in the
monsters stomach before vaporising the alien with his own energy
attack. The flower is unharmed. Taro squeezes the plant releasing a red
ray which bathes the boy and his mother. Kôtarô shows up and throws a
baseball at the boy who instinctivley stands to catch it. He's cured.
What about the girl? It appears the writers forgot about her. I guess
since she's a stranger to Kôtarô she doesn't matter. Next week: an old
foe of Ultraseven appears, Eleking.

Episode 28: 10-12-1973: Monster Eleking Barks At The Full Moon!: Its a night of a full moon, no were wolves something far worse Elking killed by Ultra Seven has several years ago has revived. When the sun rises Elking becomes weak and as ZAT shoots at it the monster vanishes in a puff of smoke. They search for it during the day but can't find any sign of it. Meanwhile, some children are playing, one of them is Tarzan. another is wielding a sword and the third uses his feet to power a sling shot. They attack Shiratori, Kenichi and try to steal his lunch, an old man stops them and the boy shares his food but then after the man has left Kenichi.follows the other boys into a cave where' they're tying to break off some strange formation with a rock. Kenichi tries to tell them to stop and the tie him up and leave but when they come back later he's escaped and gone to ZAT. Apparently he thinks that thing in the cave is part of Elking. The other boys are trying to cut this strange rock with a saw (what they think it is and why they want it I don't know). An earthquake colapses the entrance to the back part of the cave trapping the three boys. The boys manage to get free but when the sun sets and the moon rises Elking surfaces again. ZAT attacks and loses an aicraft to the monsters firey breath. "Tarzan" and his two crazy friends try to capture the monster and nearly get fried. Then this crazy old man tries tp spear the monster which respons but burning the village down. Kôtarô tries to kill Elking with ZAT's car but only get it set on fire and has to transform into Ultraman Taro. Taro puts on the fire then wrestles with Elking. When it rips its horns of it dies. He flies the horns into space, apparently the horns could respawn another Elking. In the final scene "Tarzan" lazzo's Kôtarô.

Episode 29: 10-19-1973: Bemstar Resurrected! Taro Absolutely Expires!: an alien who is apparenlty Ultraman Ace's worst enemy now wants to pick a fight with Utraman Toro, the monster he sends to Earth attacks a ZAT space station. Kôtarô had just been talking to a boy who's father works at a ZAT station. Poor kid. ZAT recognizes the monster as Bemstar, which should be dead as Ultraman Jack killed it. They watch a film of Ultraman Jack fightning the monster, then getting a new weapon from Ultra Seven then using it to kill the monster (I can see them having a film of the fight on Earth but how would they get a film of what happnes in the Land of Light?) Deputy Captain Aragaki, Shuhhei takes Higashi, Kôtarô with him to break the news to the new widow. When Kôtarô sees the boy outside their house and hears him talking about his father he's speachless. The Deputy Captain breaks the sad news to the wife and she tells the boy who of course weeps. ZAT attached a saw to one of their aircraft and tried to cut up Bemstar but it just makes the monster mad and the lalien Yapool laughs. Bemstar vanishes. Some children and a teacher argue about ZAT and Ultraman Taro. The teacher thinks he's going to blow up Bemstar by dropping a bomb down the monster's throat so Kôtarô has to become Ultraman Taro to save the fool.

Episode 30: 10-26-1973: Counterattack!: Ultraman Taro is on the ground not moving. That crazy teacher runs towards him and does ZAT (its their job to run into danger). Taro's body glows blue than vanished. The children watching from a distance seem to think Taro died as they start to cry. ZAT thinks so too, more importantly so does Yapoo who calls Bemstar off. ZAT looks for the missing Kôtarô as do his roommates and the son of the man killed when the space station was destroyed. Those three fiend him, unconscious. The teacher finds them and then so does ZAT. Kôtarô is bedridden and the rest of ZAT is worried because nothing is happen with Bemstar. his crazy teacher keeps climbing trees and swinging on ropes, while shouting like a mad man. Kôtarô has a bad leg and goes to this crazy teacher to get therapy. So naturally that's when Bemstar appears. The crazy teacher manages to lazoo Bemstar's horn but it doesn't seem to noice, and swngs over to the monster so he can stab it in the eye. He actually suceeds in blinding it in one eye. ZAT fires somekind of energy draiing missile into the monster's stomach. Yapool responds by sending Reconstructed Sabotenda (a monster Ultraman Ace previously defeated) which pushed the Reconstructed Bemstar aside rather than helping it. Ultraman Taro appears and knocks Sabotenda into Bemstar. While Taro wrestles with Sabotenda the teacher climbs back up his rope probably going for Bemstar's other eye. So Yapool sends Reconstructed Verokron (another monster Ultraman Ace previously defeated). ZAT immediatly opens fire on the new threat. And the teacher blinds Bemstar. Taro takes down Sabotenda then saves the teacher, ZAT takes out Verokron and then finishes Bemstar for good measure. Yapool tries to flee in his space ship, but Taro's not having that and blows it up. ZAT brings presents for the crazy teacher students.

Episode 31: 11-02-1973: Danger! Lying Poison Mushroom: a giant mushroom appears and nothing seems to hurt it until Ultraman Taro shoots fire out of fingers and burns it up. Nobody noticed a small mushroom get buried by a constructionc crew. A child proud of his grade on a test rushes home to tell mom but she's not there, she left a notice. Disappointed he's sitting outisde on a swing, mopping. He turns his report into a paper airplane and it lands in a ZAT car. Kôtarô takes it back to the boy. Kôtarô gives the lonely child a portable ZAT radio. The boy picks up a strange voice on the radio asking for water (guess I learned something watching Iron King I know a request for water in Japanese now) coming from under the sidewalk. When he pours water on the sidewalk the talking mushroom breaks throw. Three, older, bigger boys appear and one of the puts the mushroom in his pocket thent the three of them bully the boy into take them to his home where they play loud music (apparently they know he has no parents at home) at dance with each other (I though only girls did that). Then they make him take a bite out of the mushroom, which turns his head into a mushroom. wich talks to the boy. The boy wanders the streets looking for his parents and calling for help. Next day Kôtarô can't find the boy but does she his radio in the hands of one of the bullies. Kôtarô bullies the bullies they give him the radio. Now I dont get this part, Kôtarô uses that radio to get in touch with the boy who no longer has it (huh?) The boy tells him about the mushroom before being cut off. The missing parents are finally home from work and find the test but not their son. Kôtarô goes to their apartment but when they dont answe he just goes in and finds too mushroom headed people. The building's water supply has been invected and the adults just had tea. So did their neighbors. The water towe explodes revealing a giant mushroom monster. It sprays three ZAT members and turns them itno mushroom people. Leaving Kôtarô to shoot at it. It trys to spray him but he anticipated that and climbs inot the ZAT car just in time Whith Kôtarô shooting at it from the ground and. Moriyama, Izumi shooting at it from the air it hits the mushroom headed people with a beam of light and they start marching. It works, Kôtarô is distracted by this and tries to tallk to his fellow ZAT officers but they can't hear him. When he gets out of the car they knock him down and literally walk over him. After everyone has walked over him he becomes Ultraman Taro. Shoots a white light at the people but it has no effect. The monster attacks him so has to fight. After the monster is dead the people are freed, starting with it first victim, the boy who wakes him a field wondering how he got there. He finds his parent. Mom apologises. At ZAT Tower Kôtarô and Izumi eat mushrooms and rice. At first the others won't but then the suddenly become famished and do.

Episode 32: 11-09-1973: A Nipping Wind Monster!: There is a new kid in town, Kenichi decides to befriend this strange boy who never speaks and won't let go of an umbrella evem though its not raining. The monster scoops up the two boys so its riding on top of it. Kenichi tries to get the other kid's umbrella but he wont let go of it. So Kenichi stabs the monster with a drafting triangle. The other boy then stabs it with his umbrella. The monster bleeds black blood. The monster can generate gusts of wind. Kôtarô crashes Sky Whale into the monsters air vent two fire missiiles inside the monster when it throws the plane the two ZAT men parachute out. The two boys use the umbrella like a parachute and jump off the monster. While floating down with his parachute Kôtarô transforms into Ultraman Taro. He use the King Bracelet to kill the monster. Later, Kenichi is at the gate of his school waiting for his strange little friend. When there is a gust of wind he looks up and sees the umbrella way up in the sky. And for the first time the other kid, who apparently was in fact some kind of alien speaks I guess to thank Kenichi for his friendship as he departs the Earth.

Episode 33: 11-16-1973: Five Seconds Before The Great Explosion Of The Land Of Ultra!: I do not understand this episode. The Ultra Brothers are on Earth and steadfastly refuse to help Taro who keeps getting beatem up by a giant alien and keeps calling on his older brothers to help him. They even hide from him by changing human forms. Alien Temperor before destroying the Land of Light decides to take out the new Ultra Brother, Ultraman Taro on Earth first by sending his subordinate to do this. It will take all of the Ultra Brothers to defend Earth and the Land of Light. Ultraman, Ultra Seven, Ultraman Jack and Ultraman Ace fly together to Earth, apparently just to vist Ultraman Taro as none of them show any sign of urgency. Higashi, Kôtarô meets them as they land on a beach. They transform into their human host forms: Hayata, Shin; Moroboshi, Dan; Go, Hideki and Hokuto, Seiji. Knowing they will have missed human food and drink, Kôtarô has a meal prepared for them. But as they enjoying this the alien space ship arrives on Earth. Kôtarô gets a call from ZAT but just as he is about to respond Zoffy arrives to warn him is is the extremly dangerrous Alien Temperor reaks havoc he calls for the Ultra Brothers. ZAT fires at Temperor but he just laughs at them and again calls out the Ultra Brothers. Ultraman Taro appears and tries to draw the monster away from the city but running believing it will chase after him but ZAT doesn't understand what he's doing and start firing at it uselessly again. The vindicative monsters follows Taro but then stops suddenly laughs at him and intentionaly destroys buildings. Taro flies away and again ZAT doesn't understand he's trying to lure the monster out of Tokyo and again waists ammo shooting at a monster they' cannot hurt. It just causes it do be more destructive. So in this instance ZAT is inscreasing the death toll and lose of propert not reducing either. Kôtarô returns to his brothers. There seems to be some differnce in opinion as to what to do. The younger brothers (Kôtarô, Seiji. Hideki) want to rush into battle, the older brothers (Zoffy, Shin and Dan) are more cautios. ZAT still shooting at the alien are about to loose two aircraft, Zoffy swoops in and carries them off.Their crews appear unconscious on the beach (Zoffy apparently put them to sleep and teleported them). Zoffy posses a scientist who was consulting with ZAT and was onboard one of the aircraft.. Ultraman borrows the body of Deputy Captain Aragaki, Shuuhei. Ultra Seven borrows the body of Kitajima, Tetsuya, Ultraman Jack borrows the body of Nanbara, Tadao. Ultraman Ace borrows the body of Ueno, Takashi. On their foreheads are faint the "Ultra Symbols" indicating their names, in light blue. Only someone from the Land of Light can see these symbols but they cause them to vanish because apparently they don't want Higashi, Kôtarô to know what they've done. Why I don't know. I said I don't understand this episode. The problem is Taro is fighting the alien and losing to its lightning bolt whips and calling for his brothers to help him! Forced back into human form Kôtarô can't find his brothers. At ZAT headquarters Moriyama, Izum; Shiratori, Saori; Shiratori, Kenichi and the scientists son are morning the deaths of the ZAT officers and scientist having seen their planes go down without them parachuting out. It appears to them that ZAT has been all but wiped out in a single day. A wounded Kôtarô arrives and seeing the photos and the candles assumes the worst as well and starts crying. The scientists son runs out. Kôtarô follows. Then the "dead" mean come running up. There is some argument about Ultraman Taro's failure started by the kid with the brothers not revealing who they really are preending to agree and Kôtarô's relief at seeing his ZAT brothers alive turns to anger and he goes storming off.. And again the younger Ultra Brothers want to tell Kôtarô the truth but the older ones are against it. When they talk as the Ultra Brothers the symbols reappear on their foreheads and their voices echo. Ultraman Taro is trying again to fight the alien, is losing and again is callinf for his missing brothers to come help him. Zoffy as the scientist wont let the others henshin to go help their brother. Until he's beaten up againa and forced back into human form. Then in a strange scene they go running towards the monster and when they speak its not in their voices but in the voices of children as they finally transform in a group. BTW Ultra Seven looks out of place with all these other mostly silver Ultras. Kôtarô's glows yellow and enters a red ball. A kid picks it up and throws it at the monsters(huh?) The ball opens to reveal a small Ultraman Taro he flies into the monster, then giant sizes which blows up the monster. The Ultra Brothers fly away.

Episode 34: 11-23-1973: The Last Day Of The Six Ultra Brothers!: Back in their normal human guises the Ultra Brothers are driking champaign. And for some reason Ace who always wanted to help Taro is now made at Taro. And Zoffy who doesn't have a human form and wasn there drinking suddely flies in again. This guy never beings good news. The other Ultra Brothers celebration was premature. As Kôtarô' drives off annoyed with is brothers his ZAT car is fired on by a space ship. And Alien Temperor is back and can see Kôtarô' who jumped out of the flaming car is Ultraman Taro but after talking to Kôtarô' it flies away. The other Ultra Brothers take over the ZAT member and the scientists bodies again. Children are talking about Ultraman Taro's victory when the alien attacks again. Kôtarô' now in a differrent ZAT car is driving around trying to taunt the alien. When the Ultra Brothers show up as the ZAT men in the ZAT airplanes they seem even more comical than normal not less. I'm not sure they actually know how to handle the ZAT aircraft. The alien flies away again, maybe its afraid of Kôtarô/Ultraman Taro now. Returns to the space ship, shrinking to human size and lies down on the floor of the ship to take a nap. Later it spies on Kôtarô' and seeing him enter a house it sends a space spider to gas Shiratori, Saori and then takes possesion of her. Saori and Kôtarô' are on a picnic. She attacks him by throwing a gold alien cloth at him which is crushing him while she turns into the giant sized alien who laughs. ZAT shows up. The monster starts dancing as jazz plays in the background And I though episode 33 was weired. Were the writters smoking funny ciggarettes? A beam from one of the aircraft cuts Kôtarô' lose who falls landing out the outside of the plane. Apparently they land because the scientist, the ZAT men and Kôtarô' are on the ground when the alien zaps them with his eye beam which reveals to him they are the Ultra Brothers. He sprays fire at them destroying the buildings he missed in the first attack. When he attacks a group of athletes the Ultra Brothers including Taro now take over their bodies to confuse the alien. Doesn't seem to work when he sees them running around he hits them with his beam. Then he zaps them with a differnet beam and they seem to explode. But apparently these were illusions because the ZAT team and scienitst are alive and well elsewhere with the athlets ying on the ground. Kôtarô' apparently has a plan he goes off with the scientists son. But Kôtarô' gets zapped and the alien sprays fire around. Other children throw red "Ultra Balls" at the monster. Each of which releases a tiney Ultra Brother, but this time they all giant size,. Thincluding Taro. They cut off the monsters arms throwi it in the air and Taro kills it. Then whent the space ship arrives to try to revive it again all of the Ultra Brothers fire their arm rays destroying it. Starting with Zoffy and ending with Taro the Ultra Brothers fly away. When they look down the athlets are jogging so I guess they were just knocked out. The other Ultra Brothers head for hime. Taroi returns to Earth where Kôtarô' is reunited with the other men of ZAT. I can't tell if they remember anything but they dont' seem to notice when Kôtarô' turns around looks up waves and yells "good bye to his brothers. I hope the next episode makes more sense to me.

Episode 35 11-30-1973: Certain Kill! Taro's One Blow Of Rage!: This episode is a lot easier to follow. An allien who most know Kôtarô is Ultraman Taro and wants him dead uses a little girl to get to Kôtarô. A dog runs on the street, a girl holding an Ultraman doll (call them "action figures" now) runs out to rescue the dog, both are almost hit by a car being driven by :Kôtarô. After making sure both are okay Kôtarô gets back on the road, and spots a car being drivin by a monster, and radios it an as he follows the car. The other car crashes and burns and strangle, Kôtarô finds the girl he left several blocks behind laying unonscious by the car. No dog, At the ZAT hospital the girl keeps saying "sebun, sebun" (seven, seven) so Kôtarô goes out and buys her an Ultra Seven doll. On the way back he is hit by a car driven by the monster, wounding his arm. The girl wakes up to find Kôtarô not there, he's at ZAT Tower. When the hospital calls he returns, to find the Ultra Seven doll in pieces on the floor. He goes out again to get a Ultraman Ace doll for the girl and walking past a building under construction is nearly killed when some of the construction falls on him. Some is about to stab him when a ZAT vechicle pulls up and the person with the knife (not seen) vanishes. Whats amazing about this episode is it actually has the ZAT Captain, not Deputy Captain in it. He even vistis Kôtarô now in the hospital as a patient. The captain taks Kôtarô wrapped gift to the girl but he finds Moriyama, Izumi unconscious on the floor and the girl's bed empty. The girl enters Kôtarô's room through the window and back up to his door, and locks it. A strange voice speaks through the girl, then the human sized monster appears in the room blinds Kôtarô by firing beams into his eyes. It then attempts to strangle him. The Captain and Izumi show up, the Captain blasts the locked door with his energy pisol. The monster grabs the girl. When Kôtarô jumps on the monsters back it drops the girl andt jumps out the window and giant sizes. Kôtarô gets Izumi to take care of the girl. The captain shoots at the giant alien with his pistol. ZAT planes fire on it when it tries to set the girl and the woman on fire. Kôtarô still blind bumbps into a gurnie and climbs out to ride it out the door trasnforming just as he passes through the door. The alien uses his blinding beams on Taro and tries to burn him. ZAT s preparred for everything. They manaage to attach a collar with 3 giant bells on it to the aliens's neck so Taro will be able to hear the bells and now were to strike. He uses "Ultra Dynamite" in which he bursts into flames, charges the monsters and explodes. Somehow he surives that. Kôtarô finally give the girl her present, but its an Ultraman Taro doll not Ace because the Captain switched

Episode 36: 12-07-1973: Coward! The Breed Cried: A boy and his older sister take hot food to a construction crew, the boy spots a monster but no one believes him. The next day when they try to bring food, the woman's boyfriend acts terrified of the hot food. They stuborn young woman wont listen to her brother about the strange behaivor of her boyfriend, and the creature he saw the night before. In a world in which monsters are real its foolish to ignore anyone who says they have seen one. She drops him off at school but as he watches her walk away he has a frighting vision of her marrying a monster. So he sneaks into the contruction site which is unsually cold. On the wall is the head of a monster. The boy hides and watches a contruction worker kneel before the head. The boy triies to sneak out but knocks something over and is chased by construction workers. He gets away and tries to tell a police officer what happened but he doesn't believe the boy. He tries to tell ZAT but they've suddenly gone stupid and don't believe him either. So suddenly remember his sister's boyfriend's reaction to heat he decices to fight them himself. He throws hoat coals on them and pocks them with holt piece of metal but it gets knocked out of his hand and dropped in a puddle. Just as he's about to be overwhelmed ZAT shows up. They're only two of them and they are out numbered. The boy tells Kôtarô' to shoot the head. He tries but his gun is knocked out of his hands The boy picks it up and he shoots the head. This causes the monster to giant size and Kôtarô' transforms into Ultraman Taro at the same time. Taro has the boy and two construction workers, now free from the monster's control in his hands and he sets them down and they flee. The two giants appearing destroyed the building and everyone including the other ZAT officer should have been killed but of course they somehow got out unharmed. The monster freezes TARO.. ZAT aircraft appear and their lasers start to melt the ice monster but its freezing gas takes them out. TARO uses his bracelet to melt the ice covering him and kills the monster. The woman and the construction worker get married.

Episode 37: 12-14-1973: Monster, Return To Your Homeland!: a monster crash lands on Earth, when ZAT planes fly bit it just waves at them. when they fire on it it does not fight back. ZAT on the ground keep an eye on it. At night a woman in white appears and tries to convince them to kill the monster, which isn't harming anyone. Moriyama, Izumi is assinged to look after the woman. She doesn't seem to notice that when this woman talks her voice echoes, like the ZAT men possed by the Ultra Brothers. The women is of course an alien and she possess Moriyama, Izumi to user her to pilot a ZAT aircraft to attack the poor harmless giant creature. It falls down as if dead. The woman then fires on the ZAT men and then at their aircraft. Kôtarô manages to get one airborne anyway. There is still one aircraft at ZAT base and its launched. Its shot down and when the ejection system fails Kôtarô transforms into Ultraman Taro to save the other pilot. The alien lands and reveals its true form, another giant monster. ZAT recovers Moriyama, Izumi . The first monster which was just playing dead tries to help Taro but its just not a warrior. After the evil monster is dead, ZAT is shocked when a car pulls up and the woman in white steps out. Apparently she was possessed too. Which make sense since the monste'rs voice was male. They check her out with a monster dectector. Now why didn't they do that before? Would have save a lot of trouble. They take the woman home. Then ZAT planes put the friendly monster in a net and fly it back into space.

Episode 38: 12-21-1973: The Ultra Christmas Tree: Its Christmas. A little girl is alone in a shopping center with her dog. Nothing is happening at ZAT Tower, Moriyama, Izumi lights a match and has a vision in which she marries Higashi, Kôtarô.. Three ZAT guys light a match and have the same vision of them riding a bicycle made for 3 and crashing it. Later, when Kôtarô is at home with Saori and Kenichi he lights a lighter and has a vision of the Mother of Ultra. Kenichi sees himself sparring with Ultraman Taro. Saori sees herself in a wedding dress beside Kôtarô but when she looks to his his other side she sees Izumi also in a wedding dress. She pinches the real Kôtarô hard. (Neither women will get him as he resigns from ZAT and leaves Tokyo in the end). The girl with the dog passes the window in which she sees the three friends celebrating. Later, she is sitting by a tree and looking into a crystal sees herself with her parents who give her a wrapped present. Later, Kôtarô finds a green cystal on the ground and the girl claims it. So he give it to her. After they talk she lets Kôtarô look at the crystal. He sees Ultraman Taro fighting the tortoises from episodes 4 and 5 but he also sees the colatoral damage that fight caused, an apartment building cola[sing killing many people including the girl's parents. The girl tells Kôtarô about the Alien Miracle who gave her the crystal. She looks into the crystal and sees a man giving her the crystal before saying goodbye. But then shes another alien. and it terrorfies her, so Kôtarô takes the crystal and sees the second alien murder the first. The evil monster appears giant sized and starts attacking round things, I don't think it actually knows what the cyrstal its looking for looks like or that its tiny. ZAT are annoyed that it interupted their Christmas. Ultraman Taro just doesn;t like evil aliens. The crystal flashes in the girl's hand and she throws it at the monster, it explodes killing it instantly. The monster turns to ice and Taro just to be certain picks it up, hurls into the air and explodes the frozen body with his energy weapon. At which point it starts to snow. TARO flies off and as he passes a tower he fires a beam at which causes the tower to become decorated like a Christmas Tree. Later, the girl and her dog are at the Shirator home Kenichi gives her a presnet and wishes her "Merry Christmas". The present is a golden haired doll. The episode ends with an instrumental version of "Silent Night" playing in the background as it snows.

Episode 39: 12-28-1973: Ultra Father And Son Big Mochi-Making Strategy: Another silly episode. It's "Mochi-Day". An alien appears and eats up all the rice that was to be used to make rice cakes for the celebration. Kôtarô hears a piano song no one else can hear and then talks to a woman in white, Minami, Yuko former host of Ultraman Ace who comes from the moon. The Father of Ultra also shows up wanting to know what this monster wants on Earth. And when it turns out all the alien wants is to eat its full of rice cakes Yuko giant sizes to help Ultraman Taro make enough rice cakes to satisfiy the alien which Father of Ultra and Yuko then carries away ino space. Seems a rather silly reason to bring in the head of the Ultra's military for. Kôtarô apparently didn't get enough swinging of a hammer all night to make rice cakes for a giant alien as Ultraman Taro because the next morning he makes more rice cakes for humans.

Episode 40: 01-04-1974: Go Beyond The Ultra Brothers!: A more serious episode. A monster created by the combined spirits of monsters defeated by the other Ultra Brothers is heading towards Earth from Neptune. Zoffy tries to stop it and fails. He is too weak to send an "Ultra Sign"". On Uranus, Ultraman tires to stop it and fails, he sends an "Ultra Sign" but the monster can see it and erases it. Seven tries to stop it on Saturn, and fails, sends a signal but Kôtarô misses it. Jack on Jupiter is able to send an "Ultra Sign" but it too is erased., Ace on Mars finally gets a sign sent which Kôtarô sees.. Before each fight (except Zoffy's clips from the Ultra's series are shown). The monster chooses to strike on Higashi, Kôtarô one day off, New Years Day. he even took off his ZAT communicator and dressed in civilian clothes. Which is why if it were not for the "Utra Sign" sent by Ace he would not have known what was happening. He missed Ultra Seven's sign because he was helping a boy learn to ride a bicycle. ZAT was tracking the monster all along and did try to reach Kôtarô by radio. Perhaps the monster was worn out fighting the other Ultra Brothers bu the time it arrives on Earth as it proves no match for Ultraman Taro.Shiratori, Kenichi take up where Kôtarô left off in teaching the other kid to ride a bicycle. Mother of Ultra makes a brief appearance after the monster is dead, probably heard the other Ultra Brothers got hurt and came to make sure her son was okay which he was.

Episode 41: 01-11-1974: Mother's Wish-A Mid-Winter Cherry Blossom Blizzard: a planet explodes a shadow from it reaches Earth and a drawing on a wall because a monster,The episode title comes from a boy's mother who is sick in the hospital. The boy and his friends draw trees with cherry blosooms on a wall across from the hospital because the mother wants to see cherry blosooms. The same wall the monster drawing comes from. A crazy woman kicks the monster drawing and then hits it with a stick so it comes to life, gianti sizes and tosses her into a tree. ZAT's weapons don't harm it, but it turns back into a drawing anyway. Unfortunantly the crazy woman got out of the tree and tries to force the boy to erase the drawing which just makes the monster come out again. The boy draws Ultraman Taro on the wall and keeps yelling at the drawing to fight the monster. Only after both ZAT aircraft are shot down and the boy has gotten away from the wall does Kôtarô stand in front of the drawing and transform into Ultraman Taro. Once Ultraman Taro realizes the monster is really just a drawing brought to life, he quite literally erases it, leaving a glowling ball which is the actual alien, it tries to fly away but he zaps it, when it explodes it starts snowing. Before flying away Taro uses his bracelet to create an actually cherry blossom branch for the boy's sick mother.

Episode 42: 01-18-1974: The Phantom Mother Is A Monster User!: one of the ZAT members has a pet parrot, Kôtarô meets an old friend, a younger man he served with when served on a ship, this man's mother was killed in an automobile accident and his father has built an android duplicare of her. The android charges a police car turning it over and killing the police officers. Then it raises the dead woman's dead parrot as a giant monster and orders it to destroy cars, killing innocent people. Kôtarô tries to shoot the android but his aim is spoiled by its maker. His son tries to shoot the android but it stars singing in his mother's voice and he can't bring himself to shoot. When the bird grabs a car with the android's makers youngest son inside of it, the older brother finally shoots it, with a ZAT laser rifle, the androids explosdes and the bird throws the car. Kôtarô barely out of sight of the other people turns into Ultraman Taro and manages to catch the car (right the car would have hit the ground in the time it took to take the Ultra Badge off his shoulder nevermind the time it took to transform), When Taro explodes the monster feathers fly all over. (I dont get this:) Taro fires a beam that restores the android which then flies away into space. Back at ZAT Tower, their parrot apparently says something funny because everyone but Kôtarô laughs.

Episode 43: 01-25-1974: Pickle The Monster With Salt!: Thie episode begins with ZAT aircraft fighting an alien space ship which has made it to Earth, they are able to shoot it down but unknown to them an egg from the ship made iit safelty to the ground and was picked up by a boy, the egg hatched and he tried the alien as pet not realizing it would grow into a giant monster. It only eats vegitables (no fruit) but the more it eats the bigger it gets and the bigger it gets the more it needs to eat and the boy can only steal so much from his father's produce shop. When it becomes so big that they boy Takeshi can't feed it it turns on him. Takeshi and his father try to stab it with sharpened bamboo but that only makes it mad and though it doesn't eat meat it drops them in its mouth at which point Kôtarô transforms into Ultraman Taro and forces the creature to spit them out. Taro sprays the monster with salt then squahes it unti it shrinks back down to its original size, Takeshi brings bagged vegies which Taro ties to the little monster then hurls into the air so it can fly back to where it came from and have a snack on the way. ZAT shows up at the stand to buy fresh fruits and vegitables.As do Kôtarô's housemates.

Episode 44: 02-01-1974: Oh! Taro Is Being Eaten!: its some kind of festival which involves throwing beans at people wearing red or green masks an old woman dressed in black (like a witch) sees Kôtarô and recognizes he is Ultraman Taro and she doesn't like him one bit. There are two brothers Jiro and Ichiro, one of whom looks strangely like the friend of the next Ultraman (cause its the same actor) and the other who is also familiar (only so many child actors I guess) who are not getting along. The alien reveals itself to Kôtarô but apparently Ichiro sees nothing. Later the woman giant sizes before transforming into her second form and goes after Jiro. Kôtarô and Ichiro arrive on the scene. Kôtarô and Ichiro can covered in sticky substanced sprayed from the monster which then compresses them down into the size of a bean. ZAT and Jiro assume Kôtarô and Ichiro are "shinda" (dead) having been squashed to death but of course they're kept alive even shruken by magic. Jiro starts eating beans not realzing his brother is alive inside one. He almost eats it but the woman who was watching and hoping for just that got too close and he stopped when he saw her. She turned into her giant monster form and the boy started throwin beans at it. Apparently throwing beans at oni is a thing. Of oourse the bean carrying Kôtarô and Ichiro is one of them. As the been splits open Kôtarô transforms into Ultraman Taro, which at the very least should mean the boy now knows he's Taro. Taro places the now normal sized Ichiro on the ground. Brothers embrace. Taro beats the monster with its own club and throws beans at it. Its the beans that makes it fly away. Tarp tjrpws ot club at it. hitting it in thead, but it gets away with the club now in its hand. Later, the boys are fighting again over who gets the Ultraman Taro doll and how gets the ZAT aircraft. Kôtarô throws beans at the other ZAT members. And they all throw beans at the audience.

Episode 45: 02-08-1974: She Was Wearing Red Shoes...: Higashi, Kôtarô and Kitajima, Tetsuya have just gotten off duty. Kitajima, Tetsuya goes ice skating. after which he sees a man in black carrying a girl in red, the girl drops one of her red shows. When Kitajima, Tetsuya picks it up it has the name "Mari" inside it. At home he dreams about his childhood friend Mari was kidnappened by a man in black and ever seen again. In space an alien is able to monitor his dream and come up with an evil scheme to destroy ZAT. The next morning a woman shows up at Tetsuya's door (and though she looks nothing like the little girl he once knew) he recognizes her as the all grown up Mari (he doesn't look like the boy Mari would have know either). Later "Mari" will turn into a giant monster and try to destroy ZAT. For some mysterious reason Taro doesn't kill the monster he just tosses into space. The alien that actually sent the monster never appears on Earth. (I don't know if we're supposed to believe that aliens kidnapped a little girl because they know that 20 years later her best friend would be an officer in an agency that didn't exist when they kidnapped her so she could destroy that agency when it does exist, but I don't its too absurd. She had to be an imposter. They got the idea from Kitajima, Tetsuya's memories it wasn't something they planned 20 years in advance.) When Kitajima, Tetsuya sees a red shoe fall in the water beside him he shoots it multiple times. Later, in the ZAT Tower he seesm to be okay.

b>Episode 46: 02-15-1974: The White Rabbit Is a Bad Guy!: an alien child who decided to ride a comet for fun and fell to Earth. Hides in a smoke stack. Has a pyschic link to a boy's pet white rabbit. Saw Higashi, Kôtarô and recognized him as Ultraman Taro. Was not hostile until he discovered a horrible man who lives in the same apartment building is the boy and the rabbit has poisoned the rabbit's food that he decicdes humans are all evil and giant sizes to destroy the city. Called Kôtarô, Ultraman Taro confusing another ZAT officer and some civilians who heard it but didn't believe it. Fought Taro until he was exhausted then Taro picked up and threw him back to the comet. The rabbit recovered. At ZAT Tower they watch the alien riding the coment on a monitor screen.

Episode 47: 02-22-1974: The Monster Master: Crossover time: on another planet Ultraman Taro defeats a monster from Mirrorman (another Tsuburaya Productions series), in the process Taro is wounded but instead of going home to the Land of Light to allow the Mother of Ultra to heal him but ends up returning to Earth to deal with another monster instead. That monster has buried itself under a school and laid its eggs there. When a the eggs hatch a young kendo students kills several of the young monsters with a wooden sword to protect a girl with a broken leg, which enrages the mother. Later the boy stabs the monster just under its eye with a real sword than plants in the ground so it steps on it. The still wounded Ultraman Taro almost loses the fight with the enranged monster, When he realises she's just trying to protect her eggs, Taro freezes her and her eggs and carries them into space.

Episode 48: 03-01-1974: Monster Girl's Festival: As the title implies it's time for another festival to be interrupted by another giant alien intruder. A group of "Space Boys" who who all play musical instruments arrive on Earth during the Girl's Festival trying to find a drunken monster which fell to Earth. ZAT can't defeat it because it teleports away. The "Space Boys" and a human "tomboy" who was the first to mee them tried callm it down with music. Ultraman Taro tries to have a dancing contest with it but ends up pouring cold water over its head to sober it up then he carries it and the Space Boys back home into space.

Episode 49: 03-08-1974: Sing! Monster Big Match: Every year a friendly monster appears by a mountain village to sing to the villagers, he is so friendly that when he accidently destroys a bridge he runs away in shame. Kitajima, Tetsuya and Higashi, Kôtarô are under cover (wearing civilian) clothes watching a group that's looking for the monster when Kitajima, Tetsuya suddenly goes nuts and attacks his partner. He's eventually subdued when Moriyama, Izumi arruves to run tests on him. The other group fakes being an orchestra, the music is recorded. in order to attract the friendly music loving monster. The monster tries to conduct the orchestra but the leader turns the recording speed up as fast it will go and the monster gets dizzy and almost steps on the village but he catches hismelf and its end hurtiing his leg when he moves back. He can actually he heard crying as it starts to dig itself back into the ground. Tetsuya is back to normal. ZAT exposes its leader as an alien. Which then ends up embidding itself in the friendly monsters stomach in order to control it to drive it wild. Apparently the alien cannot giantsize so it needs a giant monster to cause the destruction it craves. The villagers beg Ultraman Taro not to kill their friend. Ultraman Taro use use giant sweezers to remove the allien from the friendly monster thus killing the hostile alien and freeing the friendly alien to sing his song and dance before hybernating for another year.

Episode 50: 03-15-1974: The Monster Sign Is V: A monster arrives on Earth rolled up in a ball when ZAT shoots at it it rolls back up and flies away. A young woman is trying to leave to become stewardess but everyone she knows young and old is trying to keep from leaving, an old man even pretends to be sick. The children's vollyball team don't want her to leave either. Why I can't understand, I find her annoying and would carry her bags to the car to get rid of her. When the monster this annoying woman and the monster takes turns passing a ball back and forth. When the monster cannot return her serve it goes on a rampage. When it tries to step on another ZAT member Kôtarô transforms into Ultraman Taro to save him (that's one slow moving monster). The annoying woman yells at Toro not to kill the monster so he just hurls into space. ôtarô the idiot talked the annoying woman into staying when she was heading out.

Episode 51: 03-22-1974: The Father of Ultra and the Bride Have Come: A giant monster is already on a rampage. ZAT flies in. The monster falls down, its a faint. When Nanbara, Tadao and Higashi, Kôtarô 's plane swoops in for the kill it stands back up they crash into its mouth. They cannot eject so they decided to self destruct knowing there is little hope they will survive the explosion. Tadao utters a quick prayer than flips the switch. As the plane explodes Kôtarô' transforms into Ultraman Toro and places Tadao safely on the ground (if you can call being a few yards from a giant monster safe). Taro manages to decapitate the monster and naturally everyone assumes its dead. Back at ZAT Tower there is a stranger in a ZAT uniform sitting at Deputy Captain Aragaki, Shuuhe's desk,He's the new Deputy Captain, Kazumii, Nitan having taken Deputy Captain Aragaki, Shuuhe's place (he is moving to command a ZAT Space station). Nanbara, Tadao receives a summons by phone from his mother.. When he goes to answer it he finds himself engaged to be married. Something he wasn't planning on. Crowds gather to look at the "dead" monster, and whilet they're looking at it and laugh, its head reconnects to its body and its alive again. Naturally Nanbara, Tadao's mother and future bride is among the crowd. The mother tells the younger woman to go on without her but she refuses and picks up the older woman. Tadao and Kôtarô make their way to the women and thought they had them to safety when the monster destroying of building drops debries on top of the young woman. The older woman keeps interrupting Kôtarô as he's trying to transform into Ultraman Taro, when the Father of Ultra appears and kills the monster with a giant feather. The young woman dies. Father of Ultra throws a flower wreath at it which brings her back to life. Tadao decides to marry the young woman after all. Unlike the other weddings in this series there's involved tradiational Japanase ceremony which makes the groom and the ZAT quests uncomfortible as they're not used sitting on the floor with their knees bent under them.

Episode 52: 03-29-1974: Steal The Ultra Life!: The new man Deputy Captain Kazumii, Nitan) probably releasing he's not up for job is out training himself. Kôtarô sees him jogging when the both receive the same radio call to report to the ZAT Tower. Radar has picked up two objects. Those two objects are Ultraman Jack and an escaped prisoner from M78. The monster gets away from Jack and reaching Earth starts looking for and calling for "Taro!". Seems it wants Ultraman Taro's "Color Timer". When Taro doesn't respond it starts destroying a railroad yard. ZAT attacks with the new Deputy Captain in a plane by himself. Space Whale is hit and the other ZAT officers parachute out. The new Deputy Captain keeps firing but then his plane vanishes. And as the other go looking for him Kôtarô sees that the other plane is actually caught in the giant lantern the monster carries. Kôtarô does not realize there is a wounded Goh, Hideki wandering around. The monster flattens the ZAT car but Kôtarô transforms into Ultraman Taro and saves his partner. But worried about the new Deputy Captain he lets the monster who carries a club in the other hand get the drop on him and he takes a beating. The Deputy Captain to save Taro puts his pistol to his head but something is wrong it won't fire. He then tries the planes controls but he can't get anything working. Taro retreats and its only then that Kôtarô sees his "brother". After they talk abit and a flashback of two space ships shooting at each other, one must of been piloted by Ultraman Jack and the other by the monster, Goh, Hideki transforms into Ultraman Jack and offer his "Color Time" in trade for the monster lanter. The monster hands him the lantern and takes Ultraman Jack's "Color Time". Ultraman Jack manages to set the plane down before colapsing and melting. The monster tries to fly away but Kôtarô becomes Ultraman Taro and Taro jumps into the air, grabs the monster and forces it back down. However, having embeded Ultraman Jack's "Color Timer" in its own chest the monster is now even stronger than before. ZAT must keep back up planes on hand somewhere because a new Sky Shark arrives so ZAT is able to help Ultraman Taro fight the monster. And that turns the tide. The monster's new "Color Time" begins to flash red. Taro retrives the "Color Timer" and returns it to Ultraman Jack's body bringiing back to life but in a very weak state. He take his brother home. And ZAT finishes off the monster. Later, at ZAT Tower, Kôtarô tries to cheer up his new field commander and leads him to his proper chair.

Episode 53: 04-05-1974: Farewell Taro! The Ultra Mother! : The Mother of Ultra only appears in this episode in her human disguise. Higashi, Kôtarô is standing by a beach watching the sun set (or is it rising) probably contimplating a major decision he's gong to make later. when he hears a voice and calling " Kôtarô-san" and then he sees the woman who gave him the "Ultra Badge" and now aware she's really the Mother of Ultra, Ultraman Toro's mother he calls her "mother". She's hear to warn him ships are in jeopardy and shows him that a sea monster is moving under one.. He doesn't move fast enough at the ship is destroyed. He looks to the woman as if he expects her to revive all the dead human, she shakes her head. And then we see that Higashi, Kôtarô is actually in bed asleep. This is all a dream or is it? Higashi, Kôtarô awakens to see a captain hat and thinks its his captain friend but its actualy the captain's son and another kid, probably another ship captain's son. Later, while Higashi, Kôtarô is at work in ZAT Tower, a ship explodes. His dream is coming true. Apparently it was the other boy's father's ship because he's in a room yelling at Shiratori, Kenichi about Ultraman Taro and ZAT and trying to break Ultraman Taro toys.I think Kenichi is probably defending Ultraman Taro and ZAT. Before the other boy leaves he break Kenichi's photo of his father.. Later ZAT is an patrol but can't stop another ship from being hit from below. Kôtarô almost transforms then remembers there is another ZAT officer beside him in he plane.. The monster surfaces and they shoot at it but it goes beneath the water again. Being the last episode the ZAT Captain is actually in the ZAT Tower to give order to his new Deputy and crew orders. He takes Kôtarô aside after which Kôtarô heads home probably to break the bad news someone on the phone told Shiratori, Saori before he could. Saori colapses Kenichi asks Kôtarô if his father is dead and Kôtarô can just nod.. Saori and Kenichi are now orphans.their mother having died years ago, Kenichi runs crying into his bedroom. The monster picks that moment to come ashore. Kôtarô transfromrs into Ultraman Taro for the last time. As Taro is fighting the monster a second giant appears, ZAT arrives and while Taro dealsd with the first threat ZAT fires on the second. When Taro kills the monster, its master retreats. Ultraman Taro stands there for a few seconds. Later, Kôtarô finds Kenichi smashing his Ultraman Taro toys. Not excactly the best time for Kôtarô to reveal to the boy that he is Ultraman Taro but he did. Not that matters much given his next move. After a flash back of Ultraman Taro being merged with Kôtarô, Kôtarô throws the "Ultra Badge" into the air. The diguised Mother of Ultra appears with the "Ultra Badge" now around her neck. And then the now human sized alien master of the dead monster appears wanting revenge against Ultraman Taro who is no longer available. Kôtarô shoots the alien in the head but that just makes it giant sizze. Kôtarô sends Kenichi away and lets the giant alien chase him. When the giant breaks a storage container of something flameable Kôtarô shoots it and the alien bursts into flames, falls down dead and explodes causing more fires and melting its body. Kôtarô ends up on fire himself but he drops and rolls while Kenichi who didn't go home runs to Kôtarô. A bit later the two lay down on the grass and Kôtarô hears the voice of Mother of Ultra one last time,and where she called him "Taro" a few minutes ago she now calls him "Kôtarô" so I guess once she had the "Ultra Badge", Ultraman Taro was removed from Kôtarô (must have been because Ultraman Taro will appear in films and other series but Kôtarô never does, which is odd given that other former Ultraman hosts do). Some time later, Kôtarô is in civilian clothes and carrying his dufel bag having resigned from ZAT, his former collegeues except the Captain standing around him, the Captain is standing near a ZAT car watching. Kôtarô approaches him and after a brief chat the Captain shakes his hand. In the final scene Kôtarô walks down a crowded street as "Urutoraman Taro., Urutoraman number six!" is heard for the last time.. THE END [queue teaser for Ultraman Leo]