Episode 10: Duel! Ultraman Ace vs. Goh, Hideki
(featuring Rhino Terrible-Monster Zaigon & Alien Antira)
A young boy, Sakata, Jiro and his legal guardian Maruno, Rumiko (familiar to fans of Return of Ultraman) are walking down a street in Tokyo when the boy thinks he's seen his missing "older brother" (they not actually related) Goh, Hideki. His guardian thinks this is impossible because as they both know Goh, Hideki is the host for Ultraman Jack and he left the Earth when Ultraman Jack returned to the Land of Light without seperating from him. When a Terrible-Monster appears Sakata says if Goh-san was here he could take it down with a single shot. TAC prepars to launch, taking a new gun with them. Sakata and Maruno are in grave danger, but TAC has to becareful not to hit them with their missiles they try aiming for the monster's mouth.. Sakata is nearly set on fire by fires burrning from the monsters attack. Hokuto sets out to attack the monster with the new gun from the ground. A missile in the monster's mouth and a blast from the new gun just anger the monster.
Hokuto tries to fire the new weapon again but a someone dressed in black keeps spoiling his aim. Sakata recognizes the man in black as Goh-san. The man fires his own weapon at the monster, the monster vanishes. Because the man has suffered burns his face is wrapped in a bandage. When TAC asks his name, Skata runs up and hugs him. Then man says he is Goh, Hideki ex-MAT member (Monster Attack Team). Mikawa, Noriko remembers that according to the MAT files Goh, Hideki was killed by Zetton (becaue thats what Goh, Hideki let MAT believe only revealing to Skata and Maruno that he was Ultraman Jack before he left the Earth). Goh says he was traveling when he heard the Terran Defense Force was wiped out and he returned to Japan to give TAC the :"Ultra Laser" he invented. Most of TAC wants to recruit him but Hokuto, Seiji gives him a dirty look. And Captain Ryu thinks they should be more cautious. He tells Kaji,Yoichi to check out the Ultra Laser and sends to Hokuto, Seiji and Minami, Yuko to speak to Goh, Hideki (which makes me wonder if he knew they were Ultraman Ace and Goh, Hideki was Ultraman Jack). A guard won't let Sakata and Maruno in to see Goh, so Sakata tries to sneak in but the guard catches him. However, Hokuto authorizes their visit. Sakata has brough Goh his favorite food, but Goh doesn't seem interested. Then he takes the food but he eats it left-handed.The supposedly vaporized Terrible-Monster appears. Kaji tries to take the Ultra Laser but Goh says only he can use it and runs out of the room, looking the door behind him. Hokuto and Minami had already left the room. And they incorrectly assume the scientist, the boy and the young woman evacuated the hospital with everyone else. Hokuto is going to try Kaji's new weapon on the monster again but Yapool in the Alternate Dimension laughs saying Zaigon is immortal. Goh watchs from the roof top. TAC finaly realizes their scientist and the others are trapped in the hospital Hokuto goes to rescue them. But he is attacked by Goh. Minami decides Hokuto is taking too long and goes to help him. Goh reveals he is actualy Alien Antira and he is working for Yapool. He flees when Minami shoots his gun out of his hand. Hokuto and Minami both try to tell Sakata that the man he thinks is Goh, Hideki is an alien in diguise, but even though the boys knows his "older brother" is right handed he runs away to find Goh. When he hears Goh giving the monster orders he know it not his friend and he's angry. He tries hitting and kicking the imposter. The alien grabs him tries to use him as human shield against Hokuto and Minami shooting him but the boy bites his hand abd breaks free.
The alien claims that even if they kill him Zaigon is immortal before revealing its true form. Hokuto and Minami are able to kll the giant Alien Antira with their guns. Sakata is about to be overwhelmed with smoke, the Ultra Rings flash. Hokuto and Minam grab the boy and when they do "Ultra Touch", Ultraman Ace appears with the boy in his hands. Ace puts the boy down. . Ace seeing the monster's reaction to a red flag grabs the flag and plays matador. Ace kills the monster by cutting off its head with "Ultra Knife". So much for Zaigon being immortal, Later, that night, Sakata while talking to Hokuto and Minami about how the real Goh wouldn't kill or deceive people (the last is an odd claim seeing how he let his friends in MAT believe he was killed by Zetton) and after taking off his shoes, Sakata looks up into the sky and sees the real Goh, Hideki smiling down at him. Skata recites "The Five Ultra Oaths": One, run around and play barefoot in the dirt. Two, never go to school on an empty stomach. Three, air out your futon when the weather is nice! Four, watch out for cars when walking on streets. Five, do not rely on others for strength. (This is a different order than was used in Return of Ultraman and a slightly different translation. Number three is usually translated I will go out and play when the weather is nice, perhaps not to confuse American children who don't know what a futon is.) The Oaths or Pledges have been reritten entirely over the years and are now currently unrelated to Ultraman Jack's original Oaths as listed here. >Preview of next episode<. "See you next week".
Its interesting that Hokuto, Seiji and Minami, Yuko show no sign that they recognize Goh, Hideki as Ultraman Jack's human host, perhaps Ultraman Ace has never seen him as Goh, Hideki since he'd have no use for the human form at the Land of Light, in Nebula M78..
Terrible-Monster Zaigon was created by Yapool by merging a rhinoceros from Earth and a space monster, Alien Antira appears only in this episode, has not been seen since