Episode 13: Death Penalty! 5 Ultra Brothers
(featuring Assassin Terrible Monster Varava)
Hokuto and Minami are on patrol in TAC Panther. A teenage boy delivering newspapers and his younger brother spot a Terrible-Monster. When they try to use a phonte booth (remember those?) to call TAC the monster grabs the phone booth, the older boy helps his younger brother to escape before the monster lifts the phone booth with the older boy into the air than hurls to the ground, leaving the teenager mangled and bloody. The police don't seem to believe the younger boys story about how his older brother died. but Hokuto and Minami are concerned it might be true. Later TAC's radar has picked up the planet Golgada which they say is name after Golgotha where Christ was crucified. The plant is in the "Anti-Universe" (whatever that means). Bath on patrol, the Ultra Rings flash, but no Terrible-Monster is in sight. The Ullra Rings flash again. Minami spots an "Ultra Sign" in the sky (normal humans cannot usually see them, but being a host to an Ultra allows them too), calling the Ultra Borthers to Golgada. They jump into the air to transform. According the narrator, Ultrama Ace exceeds the speed of light to enter the Anti-Universe. All the Ultra Brothers land on Golgada and Ultraman asks Ace why he summoned them? He of course responds that some one sent him an Ultra Sign. Looking around they find giant cross, with their names on them.
Yapool sends Terrible-Monster Varva which is bathed in deadly radiation back to Earth. As TAC prepares to launch they get no reponse from TAC Panther. Mikawa is to take a TAC Arrow and join the fight once she contacts Hokuto and Minami. The Ultra Brothers realize thay have been tricked and they all agree that Ace should return to Earth immediatly as its under attack by a Terrible-Monster, Bur before he can make any move to return the Ultra Brothers are sprayed with a freezing gas. Meanwhile, back on Earth the Terrible Monster Varava continues its onslaught as Yapool sends a radioactive rain storm to protect him. TAC's weapons cannot harm it. And TAC Panther is still anwering the radio calls. Ace knows Earth, particularly Tokyo is in great danger but he does not have enough enery to reach other. Ultraman (who is the spokesman for this episode even thoug Zoffy out ranks him) tells thim they will all share their energy with him to get him to Earth but Ace refuses to accept it on the ground they would die. Ultraman slaps him then tells him if they are all going to freeze to death anyway, bur Ace is too young to die, he must live and save the Earth. The Ultra Brothers use Ultra Charge to share their energy with Ace.
As he leaves for Earth they are chained to their croses (the villains in tokusatsu are never so evil as to actually nail anyone to a cross).Back on Earth, the captain orders "Laser Attack" but then his jet is shot down, he parachutes to safety. Mikawa arrives in a TAC Arrow without Hokuto and Minami to join the "Laser Attack". Second TAC jet shot down, crew espcaes. TAC Panther finally arrives. A vengance seeking young boy is spotten heading towars the Terrible-Monster, by Hokuto. The boy is armed with a sling shot. Saving him from being crushed to death, Hokuto promies "we will surely evenger your brother" Milkawa, conered for Hokuto and Minami in the last TAC Arrow tries to attack the Terrible-Monster but it catches her jet. The Ultra Rings flash. As they jump into the airl, Yapool tries to strike them with lightining to stop the transformation, doesn't work.Ace saves the TAC Arrow. Then despite Yapool claiming Terrible Monster Varava is protecd from harm by the radio active rain, Ace seems to beat it to death. Its a trick! It only played dead. TAC perpares to join the battle from the ground. Until Yapool reveales the captured four Ultra Brothers and threatenes to kill them unless Ace surrenders. The TAC stands down. Ace continiues to to fight but is defeated. Captain Ryu beleving Ultraman Ace has been killed calls for TAC to fight for all their might, then wonders where Hokuto and Minami. have disappeared to again. Hokuto and Minami are shown unmoving, eyes closes with an image of the four Ultra Brothers hanging on crosses behind them in the sky. >Preview of next episode<. "See you next week".
Terrible-Monster Varva was created by Yapool by merging the larva of a swallowtail butterfly from Earth and a space monster