Episode 14: 5 Stars Scattered In the Galaxy
(featuring Assassin Terrible Monster Varava)
Yapool announces to the Ultra Brothers that their lives are in his hands and that Ace is defeated, He tells the "earthlings" that it is usless to continue fighting. Hokuto and Minami have been found and taken to TAC HQ and bathed in aritifical sunllight which revives them. Hokuto swears to himself that he will save Ace's brothers no mattter what. Commanding Officer Takaura arrives in Japan from TAC International Headquarters somewhere in the South Pacific. He orders a special missile to be built to destroy the planet Yapool is operating from. Hokuto objects that the 4 Ultra Brothers who have saved Earth many times over the years are trapped there and would be killed along with any innocent inhabitants of the planet. He won't listen and Captain Ruy says they cannot go against orders. Meanwhile, Yapool creates Ace Killer using Ultraman's Specium Ray, Zofft's M87 Beam, Emerium energy and Ultraman Jack's Ultra Bracelet to empower it. Showing off Ace Killer's power in an attempt to demoralize the 4 Ultra Brothers even further Yapool creates a fake Ultraman Ace for it to kill. Hokuto promises again to avenge the boy's dead older brother. Six days later the missile is complete. Typical Japanse thinking the missile requires a human pilot. Commanding Officer Takaura picks Hokuto the others try to talk him out of it, claiming Hokuto is the youngest, least experienced pilot and is still recooperating from being wounded but the arrogant commander claims a computer picked the best candiate. He demand that Hokuto accept the assignment or resign from TAC. To their surprise, Hokuto accpets the mission. Yamanaka believing the commander is just being a jerk and choosing Hokuto because he objected to the plan offers to switch places with Hokuto at the last moment but Hokuto declines the offer (how else is he going to get to the planet?). The missile is to be launched the next morning, July 7th Hokuto's birthday, also Minami's. Yamanaka tells him to surive the mission and return safely for birthday cake. After the missile is in space the first and second stages are supposed to seperate with the second stage contining the misssion unmaned but the release mechanism fails to operate. Commanding Officer Takaura wants Hokuto to continue the mission as a sucide run. Captain Ryu over rules him ordering Hokuto to return to Earth saying he is charge of the lives of his men. When Commanding Officer Takaura still order Hokuto to crash the missile, Capain Ryu knocks him down but
Hokuto hearing the commotion says to stop that he will complete the mission, he wants to die with the Ultra Brothers. Minimai orders Takaura to leave and Yamanaka backs her up.
Terrible Monster Varava appears in Tokyo again, but wihtout the radioactive rain. The boy is again trying useless to harm the monster with stones from his sling shot, The captain leaves Minami in charge of HQ and he goes out with his men to face the monster. Even with the radioactive rain Terrible Monster Varava manages to take down both TAC fighter jets. This is rediclous. Minami is talking to Hokuto by radio, she can see him but he cannot see her only hear her voice. When the Ultra Rigns flash she tells him to hold his hand out and somehow through a video screen a fast distance apart they skill manage to connect to become Ultraman Ace, deep in space not on Earth. Ace destroys the missle and goes to his brothers. He meets Ace Killer. As things look please the 4 Ultra Brother's color timers fire a beam to Ultraman Ace's head granting him Space Q, a glowing sphere which Ace usues to explode Ace Killer. And depsite Hokuto's early talk about innocent life forms posibly residing on this planet in the "Anti-Universe" the Ultra Brothers blew up the planet. Zoffy, Ultraman, Ultraseven and Ultraman Jack returned to the Land of Light in Nebula M78 whitle Ace hurried bacl to Earth to deal with the Terrible-Monster. Ace stabs it with its own hurn, which functions like a sword, litteraly pulls its eyes out than decapitates it. Later at TAC HQ, the others are waiting on Hokuto and Minami to cut their birthday cake. Konno thinks it supicious that they have the same birth, first wondering if they are siblings, twins, but Yamanaka says they don't look anything alike, so then Konno wonders if they are a couple (I've wondered that myself since the first met in the first episode), the others laugh at the suggestion. Later, Hokuto and Minami are star gasing and she has the same question, asking "what exactly are we?" but Hokuto doesn't answer. >Preview of next episode: beginning of Summer Horror Series<. "See you next week".
Terrible-Monster Varva was created by Yapool by merging the larva of a swallowtail butterfly from Earth and a space monster