Episode 16: Summer Horror Series - Scary Story of the Cattle God-Man
(featuring Cattle God Terrible-Monster Cowra)
Its Yoshimura's turn to have his vaction interrupted by a Terrible-Monster. On train home, Yoshimura meets Takai, who lookes like a hippie. At a Buddist shrine to cattle, Takai steals a nose ring and puts it on his wrist like a braclet. As he drives away it tightents itself hurting his arm. He ends up crashing the car. Yoshimura tells him he should return the cursed nose right but he laughs at the idea. And he can't remove it anyway. A buddist monk dressed in purple (Yapool in disguise) summons "the spirit of cow" to posses Takai. Unware of this, Yoshimura takes Takai to his mother's store/home to get something to eat and to rest. Where the nosehorn is on his arm he starts growin thick hair. The next morning, Yoshimura head off this his father's grave (its the 13th anniversary of his death). Not realising this man in purple is hanging around their home and that Takai is being transformed into a Terrible-Monster. Takai is now half-human, half-cow by the time he returns to the shrine and begs not to be turned into a cow.
The man in purrple transforms Takai into the giant Terrible-Monster Cowra, Yoshimura contacts TAC HQ, they launch TAC Falcon and TAC Space. After destroying a resteraunt where people are eating stake all the Terrible-Monster wants to do is eat olive trees. Seeing the Terrible-Monster is wearing a nose ring on its wrist, Yoshimura, now in his TAC uniform releases its Takai. Hre asks the captain to hold of on attacking and tries to tell the story of how he met Takai, but the Terrible-Monster nearly crushes him. It doesn't seem hostile towards it but its huge and nearly trapples him by accident. Yoshimura's radio is broken and he's trapped in a cave whtn the Terrible-Monster sits down beside it. The captain orders TAC to land. Yoshimura's mother tells TAC the story about Taki. The next morning they plan to tranquilize the Terrible-Monster so as not to hurt Takai. Buddists monks are praying to plecate the cow spirit but the man in purple interrupts them and Terrible-Monster Cowra finally becomes aggressive. THe tranquilizer doens't work. So TAC start shooting at it. It sounds out a purple beam nearly killing Yoshimura's mother and her employeer. The Terrible-Monster;s ray bursts an olive oil tank and sets the olive oil a blazze, threatning then entire valley and the town. The Ultra Rings flash, "Ultra Touch!" and Ultraman Ace appears. TAC finally rescues Yoshimura. Yapool is heard laughing and it causes a disoreinting effect on Ace. Ace hearing Yoshimura's mother talking about the nose ring, kicks it off of the Terriblle-Monster's wrist. Than places a new nose ring in the Terrible-Monster's nose which cause it to calm down. He then grabs it by the nose ring, pets its, then picks the Terrible-Monster up and throws it down. It reverts back into (a now shirtless and shoeless and dirty) Takai, Later, cleaned up and dressed, Takai has a job on the olive farm. Yoshimura's mother says olive oil has lots of fat so he doesn;t have to eat beef. (The man in purple never reveals his true form) >Preview of next episode<. "See you next week".
Terrible-Monster Cowra was created by Yapool summoing the cow spirit to posses a human, this the first Terrible-Monster defeated without Ultraman Ace killing it