Episode 18: Give the Pigeon Back!
(featuring Giant-Pigeon Terrible-Monster Black Pigeon)
When Saburo's mother wont' let him keep his pet pigeon Kojiro in the house, he threatens to leave and he does.. Hokuto and Minami on patrol in TAC Panther notice a flying pigeon. When he says how peaceful it is she reminds him there is always a war somewhere on Earth. When a boy also watching the pigeon jumps out in front ot the car they almost run him down. He calls for the pigeon and blows a whistle he flies down to him. Then the boy shows them his secret bird house he plans to keep it to hide it from his mother. Back at HQ they looking at Kaji's plans for an unmaned probe and thanks to Hokuto and up talking about carrier pigeons. Its decided that they will study Kojiro to figure out how to program their probe with the homing instincts of a pigeon. But Yapools his its own plans. Saburo loans Kojiro to TAC.
As they are monitoring its flights a fog rolls in, Hokuto has the best eye sight and can follow it when the others cannot see it, not even Minami. But suddenly Kojiro vanishes, having been taken into the Alternate-Dimension. Where its brain is transplanted into a space monster. When the others at TAC HQ assume the pigeon just flew back to its nest, Yapool laughs at their foolishness. Hokuto goes to check the est. Yamanaka thinks he should go with him, the captain lets him but tells him not to get carried away after all its just a bird. Of course its not there. Yamanaka tells Saburo the pigeon is missing. He refuses to believe it could have gotten lost and accueses TAC of having done something to it. Hokuto convinces Saburo to go with them to where Kojiro was last seen and try calling him with his pigeon whistle. Somehow without a brain the bird flies home but lacks the strength to fly to Kojiro on the hill. Terrible-Monster Black Pigeon appears and Yamanaka alerts TAC HQ. TAC attack from air and the ground. Hokuto and Saburo get knocked around by wiind gusts caused by the Terrible-Monster flapping its wings. Yapool not happy with the Terrible-Monster's performance summons it back. /font>
Later at HQ Hokuto realies the Terrible-Monster could be Kojiro and that it appeard when Saburo blew the pigeon whistle and that if he blows the whistle again it could appear again. Minami wants to inform the captain, but Hokuto dosesn't think anyone else will believe him, so the two of them head out in TAC Panther to find Saburo. He is not at home but they learn from his mother that he orginally fond the pigeon at Harumi Port so they head there. And they hear the whistle! Saburo wont listen and sure enough the Terrible-Monster reappears after he blows the whistle again. Minami alerts TAC HQ. Yapool order the Terrible-Monster to fire its beam, it sprays fire. TAC Falcon is hit and crashes. TAC Space is hit, the crew ejects. The Ultra Rings flash. Hokuto and Minami run toward seach each other, they grasp hands saying "Ultra Touch" again staying on the ground. The Terrible-Monster sprays some liquid on Ace and tears off part of building to hit him with it. With Ace, down, Yapool orders the Terrible-Monster to wipe out TAC. It actually moves towards Saburo. Ace rallies and rescues the boy from being crushed to death. The Terrible-Monster launches the spike in its stomach like a missile destroying a fuel station. Ace zaps the Terrible Monster in the stomach with his Metalium Beam, It stands there as if paralyzed before zapping Ace with a beam from its stomach. Ace collapses. The Terrible-Monster beats him. Just as it looks like its the end ofr Ultraman Ace (why do they always have trouble with birds?) Saburo calls for Kojiro and plays his whistle. The Terrible-Monster turns its back on Ace who shoots in the back of the head with enrgy bolts from his hands. The Terrible-Monster falls down and dies. Saburo cries. Back home, Saburo finds the dead boy of Kojiro and with tears cries silently. Hokuto puts a white cloth over the bird's body. The other men of TAC curse Yapool. They all watch as Saburo, tears streaming down his face plays his pigeon whistle. >Preview of next episode<. "See you next week".
Terrible-Monster Black Pigeon was created by Yapool by merging a pigeon from Earth with a space monster