Episode 19: The Mystery of the Haunted Kappa Mansion
(featuring Kappa Terrible-Monster King Kappa)
A boy, Yasuo witness a Terrible-Monster disguise itself as a swimming pool but when he reports it to TAC his own mother and sister call him a liar, because he's been know to make up stories in the past. Later when he witness two of his schoolmates drown in the pool he tries to warn his sister she doesn't listen. And when the two boys show up claiming nothing happened to them he realizes they have no belly buttons. Yasuo convinces Hokuto to investigate but when his sister claims nothing happened and Yasuo insists on seeing if she has a betty button she does. The man and woman who live there trick Hokuto into promising to jump into the pool if the boy is proven not to be lying. TAC men laugh at Hokuto for checking a girl's belly button. Later, at their home Yasuo's sister removes her fake belly button. He follows here back to the house with the pool. He's captured and thrown into the pool and sucked down, The next morning he awaks byside the pool, with no belly button, He must have conntacted TAC beause the captain orders an investigation. Hokuto and Minami watch over the boy as a doctor and nurse examine him. His body is being transformed. After his mother comes to see him, Hokuto promies the boy he will keep his word. Minami tries to talk him out of falling into such an obvious trap. TAC raides the house and discovers its occuptants are robots which they destroy. Minami is wounded by one, Hukuto seperated from the others jumps into the pool. The Terrible-Monster finally reveals itself. The children are released. When TAC attacks Terrible-Monster, Yapool informs them that they have Hokuto, Seiji. He's floundering in the pool on top of the Terrible-Monster's head. Minami with her arm in a sling, is denied permission to attack the Terrible-Monster with a TAC Arrow but when TAC Space is shot down she returns to HQ to take one against orders. When the TAC Arrow is shot down, Minami jumps out of into the pool (which had to be her plan all along). Minami and Hokuto swim to each other to graps hands in "Ultra Touch", Ace sucks the water out of the swimming pool on the Terrible-Monster's head then splits the monster in half killing it. Yasuo who survived the Terrible-Monster's attack on the hospitle is over joyed to find his belly button is back. For their infraction of TAC regulations the captain orders to work on Sunday, by taking the children to the beach. >Preview of next episode<. "See you next week".
Terrible-Monster King Kappa was created by Yapool based on the Japanse mytholigcal water based supernatural creature Kappa (river-child) which carries a dish of water on its head when away from its river, if it spills the water it weakens and may die