Episode 2: Surpass The Giant Terrible-Monster
(featuring Ancient Terrible-Monster Chameleking)
An object resembling a large silver egg appears at a construction site and sucks a construction worker into than vanishes. Police don't believe the other man's story. Meanwhile radar detects another objecting head toward Earth, a large golden egg. Hokuto appears to have succesfully shot down the flying egg as it vanishes from his sight and from the radar screen. However, while TAC is having their "welcome party' for Hokuto and Minami, it reappears in front of a passanger jet which crashes into it and is destroyed. Captain Ryu suspends Hokuto ,but when he sees it disappear when fired on he realizes it trick Hokuto in the same way. Hokuto tries to blow up the gold egg with mortar charges when it lands but they have no effect. The silver egg appears. It rolls into the building the golden egg is on collapsing the building. When the eggs touch they merge into a larger egg. Back at TAC HQ Captain Ryu tells Hokuto he is too reckless and needs to take more care for the one life he has (doesn't know he's died once and been restored). An old book claims to report that the last tme these eggs appeared the city of Atlantis was destroyed, sank into the ocean. [The writers of these programs are fascinated with mythological civilizations which never really existed Atlantis, the Mu Empire]. When the monster Chameleking hatch TAC shoots at with their TAC pistols until they are asked to help rescue children in a stalled bus. Captain Ryu decides the monster's weakness its its tongue and since that is a diffcicult target to hit he will risk the danger of piloting the TAC Arrow himself. With Captain Ryu in trouble Hoktu and Minami who are riding motorycles peform "Rider Touch" when their Ultra Rings flash, they ride at each other flipping their motorcycle into the air until the Rings Touch. Ultraman Ace saves the captain's jet from crashin. Combating the monster Ultraman Ace is savage, ripping the wings off the monster, from behind before blasting it to bits with his Metallium Ray. Sometime later, Hokuto vistis Captain Ryu who was wounded when the jet went down despite Ultraman Ace catching it. Captain Ryu tells Hokuto it wasn't Ultraman Ace he saw rescue him, it was Hokuto but when Hokuto doesn't admit the truth, the captain pretends to believe he was halucinating. The rest of TAC shows up. >Preview of next episode<. "See you next week".
Terrible-Monster Chameleking was created by Yapool by merging the eggs beloning to an ancient chameleon from Earth and a space pterosaur