Episode 21: I Saw a Vision of the Celestial Maiden!
(featuring Celestial Maiden Terrible-Monster Aprasari)
Captain Ryu dreams of a beautiful woman dancing in a rainbow-colored sky. Early the next morning, a woman knocks on his apartment door, wanting him to hire her as a maid. The still single Captain Ryu turns her down saying he doens't need a maid. TAC detects a nebula somewhere deep in space exploding. A young man's dog Cherry barks at a young woman, the same mysterious woman who wanted to work for Captain Ryu. The young man falls for her and hires her as his maid. He notices its suddenly gotten cold, but not that his gold fish are dying from the cold. On patrol in the neighborhood in TAC Panther Hokuto and Minami notice the sudden temperature drop. Talking to two women on the street, Minami learns that radio and televsion reception have gone bad suddenly too. The love struck fool want talk to Hokuto and Minami, claiming TAC Captain is arrogant (for not hiring a young woman who appears at his door at 6AM wants a job as maid but will not explain how she knows he's TAC Captain and won't provide any identification). The spot the woman through a window. She hides behind the furtniture. Hokuto and Minami report back to TAC HQ. Captain Ryu decides to go talk to the young man himself. He goes alone, in civilain clothes. He find the mysterious young woman standing on the roof, she attacks him with a flashing ray from her eyes. Though the captain shows him the burns on his own gate from her laser beam attack he refuses o believe the captain. He should believe his own dog, who barks at the woman. Since the man and the strange woman have both seen Hokuto and Minami and the captain, he sends the rest of TAC, out of univorm to investigate. At HQ. the scientis Kaji reports that house is absorbing cosmic rays. Inside the house the fish in the fish bowl are dead. The young fool has the same dream the captain did. Yapool is maniuplating the woman, she was saved when Virgo was destroyed and brought to Earth by Yapool. She tries to get the young fool to run from her. She kicks him out of the bedroom. He decides he wants to marry her and pounding on the door annoucnes that he loves her. Yapool is transforming her. She becomes a Terrible-Monster and the house is destroyed. But somehow the lovestuck fool survives and runs to TAC to save him.
Hokuto and Minami launch TAC Space, Captain Ryu, TAC Arrow as the rest of TAC shoot at the monster from the ground. But because this Terrible-Monster is composed of cosmic rays has no true physical form their weapons cannot harm it. As well as firing energy blasts it uses the flowing sleeves of its robe as a weapon, strike at the aircraft and churning up powerful gusts of wind. The captain flies his TAC Arrow into the Terrible-Monster where the Maiden of Virgo appears to let him know this is not her doing but Yapool's. When TAC Space is caught in the Terrible-Monsters sleeve the Ultra Rings flash and Hokuto and Minami eject to return to doing "Ultra Touch" in the air. Ace removes TAC Arrow from within the Terrible-Monster. After they've been beating on each other for awhile, the Terrible-Monster becomes insubstantial and duplicattes itself. Ace can no longer strike it until he forces it back into a single solid form by spraying it with some gas from his hands. It tries to strangle him with its sleeve. The Maiden of Virgo appears and tells Ace to shut of the energy supply Yapool is using to control the Terrible-Monster. He sends out a rainbow fan and the Terrible-Monster becomes the Maiden. The lovestruck young fool runs to the giant Maiden who just looks down at hin, The narrator says "Ultraman Ace has decided to take the maiden of Virgo to Cygnus, the Swan. Because maidens are most beutiful when riding a swan." Ace flies away. And the woman flies after him, The young fool falls down crying. The captain tells him what he had was just a summer's dream. >Preview of next episode<. "See you next week".
Terrible-Monster Aprasari was a female alien corrupted into a Terrible-Monster by Yapool, it is only the second Terrible-Monster not killed by Ultraman Ace