Episode 23: A Game Changer! Here Comes Zoffy
(featuring Alternate-Dimension Terrible-Being Yapool)
A strange old man talking about the end of the world appears across Japan and people, mostly children, are hypnotized by him the start dancing and singing is song, he even makes them see the blue sea as yellow, the green mountains as brown and that flowers which have bloomed are long dead. Hokuto, who has been watching through binoculars sees nothing strange until the children and the strange old man vanish. And its starts snowning, on the beach. When he tries to contact TAC HQ he cannot get through. Then he sees someone dancing and when the figure turns around it has monsters face and spits fire at him. He screams "Yuko!" and at TAC HQ Minami, Yuko says she heard him callling her name but no one else did. Hokuto falls off a cliff, and should have been killed but later he's at TAC HQ with a bandage on his head and his arm in a sling. He tells what happened but TAC detected no change in the normal weather patterns. Worse according to their maps there is no beach that cliff drops right into the ocean. The captain tells Hokuto to get some rest but he also tells the others to look for the old man and check if any children have been reported missing. Minami goes to keep any eye on her partner. Once every one else is out of the room Kaji asks Captain Ryu if he belives Hokuto's story and he shakes his head no, so he's just humoring him. Minami tells Hokuto she believes his story then tells him how when she was a child she saw a man's spirit leave his home as a fireball, no one believered her but the next morning they learned their neighbor had died. Instead of driving him to where ever he was supposed to go to rest she takes him to the location of his strange experience. Yamanaka and Mikawa are already there. When Hokuto tries to show them the beach below the cliff its not there, just a rocky shore. Yamanaka tells Minami to take Hokuto the Medical Center. In case there was any doubt the narrator in forms the audience that Hokuto was not dreaming. Then announces that TAC starts receiving reports of children vanishing from all over the world. At TAC HQ they are also watching news broadcasts from around the globe. The one supposedly from New York has the report in English but spoken with a Japanse accent by someone clearly not a native English speaker. There are also French and Spanish reports before something starts jamming the signals. Then the phones star ringing with more reports of children disappearing. The strange old mans singing can be heard over the radio. The narrator reports that as more children disappear more stars seem to appear in the sky. Later, Hokutu, no longer wearing bandages sees children vanish near a river. The captain appears and he points out the increased number of stars. He now believes Hokuto but that what he saw were glimpses into the Alternate-Dimension of Yapool. He tells him that his sister's two sons, his nephews have vanished. The captain and Hokuto want to take the battle to Yapool before all the children of Earth, the futre of the human race are gone, but how?
Back at TAC HQ Kaji says there is a way but it may prove fatal. Hokuto of course volunteers. He disappears into the Alternate-Dimension. The narrator says a command comes from the Ultra Star for Hokuto, Seiji and Minami, Yukoi to show their power. The Ultra Rings flash. Minami jumps up and is caught by Zoffy who transports her to the Alternate-Dimension (so all they had to dow as become Ultraman Ace in the first place) so she can touch her ring to Hokuto's. Then Zoffy vanishes, leaving it up to Ultraman Ace to deal with Yapool. Yapool appears not as multuple beings but as one giant. For most of the battle Yapool seems to be winning but then Ultraman Ace rallies and turns the tide in his favor. The two giants are able to deflect each others energy weapons untl Ace uses Metalium Beam. Before dying Yapool pronounces a curse state the Terrible-Monsters will continue to attack Earth. On Earth, the strange old man screams and fades away as the giant Yapool dies in its own dimension. With Yapool's death the children fall back to Earth. The narration makes it seems like this is the end as he wishes Ultraman Ace "Thank You. Goodbye". The narrator also announes that unkown to us on Earth when Yapool's body exploded pieces of it landed on Ear th.
>Preview of next episode<. "See you next week".