Episode 24: Behold! Midnight Transformation
(featuring Alternate-Dimension Being Mazaron)
Through the mail a young boy receives a present for his mother from is father who works on a ship spending months at sea, a strange crystal from Kuwait. Its supposed to being good health for a new born child and she's pregnant with their second. Meanwhile the strange old man who appeared to die with Yapool has returned to life. Seaking to the bottom of the ocean he transforms into Alternate-Dimension Being Mazaron. And then a red rain falls on the Earth. The boy's mother comes home, her clothes stained red. She changes clothes and her son gives the crystal. The narrator warns the viewer that this crystal is a piece of Yapool and something bad will happen. At TAC HQ they don't know if this red rain is something to be concerned about or not. Then Mikawa reports major crustal movement at the base of Mt. Fuji. Something else to monitor. Hokuto is worried. Minami calls him and as they stare at each other the world seems to freeze as they remember the dying Yapool's warning, the Terrible-Monsters would continue to appear. Back at their house mother and son are about to have dinner. Mother says' they are having fried elephant and dried salted whale because he will be a big brother soon he needs to grow bigger, but its actually chicken and salted sardines. Later that night. the boy cannot find his mother but he eventually cannot stay awake. When he awakes in the morning she denies disappearing at night. She claims breakfast is a fried ostrich egg. That night, the boy, who's name is Kenta wants to sleep beside his mother (so he can make sure she doesn't disappear again) and he notices red marks on her back. As his mother sings a lullaby he has a dream. In his dream his mother becomes a monster and chases him. When he wakes up, his mother is gone again. He finds she has left the house and follows after her. Alternate-Dimension Being Mazaron is performes a ritual on her. Suddenly a baby Terrible-Monster Mazarius appears. Whe Kenta calls out to his mother she turns around and become the monster of his dreams.
Kenta runs away and almost get hit by a TAC jeep, Hokuto and Minami take the boy to TAC HQ. But there have been no other sightings of the Terrible-Monster and nothing has appeared on radar. Captain Ryu sends Yamanaka, Konno, and Yoshimura to check out the park where Kenta saw the Terrible-Monster and Hokuto and Minami are sent to check on Kenta's mother. That night Hokuto sleeps beside Kenta. A strange light and a noice awaken them both. They check his mother's room. She's gone. Kenta picks up the crystal before they head to the park. Hokuto calls TAC HQ. As Hokuto and Kenta watch the strange cerimony the rest of TAC, except for Mikawa, walks up behind them. As they watch Kenta's mother turns into the monster of his dream. The Terrible-Monster appears again. TAC attacks. Its mother orders it to kill TAC. Hokuto is about to shoot the woman when Kenta stops him saying "that's my mom". But then the boy runs towards the monster that was his mother and throws the red crystal striking her in the head. She collapses and returns to normal. And the Terrible-Monster has vanished. Yamanaka realizes it was an illusion. Mikawa radios the team calling them back to HQ. Mt Futji has erupted! Suddenly Hokuto and Minami are running towards the volcanoe. The Ultra Rings flash. They grasp hands. "Ultra Touch". Ultraman Ace flies into the volcaneo to deal with the real threat, Alternate-Dimension Being Mazaron. After a fairly long fight Ace uses Metalium Beam on Mazaron. As the its colapses the strange old man appears in the ocean again and seems to boil away. Later, Hokuto and Minami, Kenta and his mother (who's name we never did learn) watch a ship which Kenta says is his father's ship coming home. >Preview of next episode<. "See you next week".
Terrible-Monster Mazarius was created by Alternate-Dimension Being Mazaron, a servent of the Yapool