Episode 26: Total Defeat! The 5 Ultra Brothers
(featuring Inferno Alien Hipporit)

Inferno Alien Hipporit Inferno Alien Hipporit

When a giant monster appears in Tokyo the people assumes its another Terrible-Monster, they're wrong its, far worse, something so bad even the Ultras hesitate to attack it. It introduces itself as the "strongest of all creatures" Alien Hipporit and demands that the Earthlings hand over Ultraman Ace to it. Then it releases the "Winds of Hell", blowing hurrican like wind from its beak. According to Captain Ryu this invader is at least 200 meters tall. He orders "no rash actions' before assigning Yamanaka and Yoshimura to TAC Space 1, Hokuto and Minami to TAC Space 2, the rest with him in TAC Falcon. After TAC fire on the alien it uses energy weapons to blow up buildings that were not destroyed by "Winds of Hell".TACs attack seem to have no effect on the giant alien, but actually pass right through it. TAC Space 1 is literally blown out of the sky, Yamanaka and Yoshimura eject safely just before it hits the ground and explodes. Alien Hipporit laughs. Then challanges Ultraman Ace to appear and be defeated. Hokuto aims TAC Space 2 at the alien. The captain orders him to stop. Mikawa tells him to stop. Konno crosses himself. As TAC Space 2 is nearing the monster a voice speaks to Hokuto and Minami "Don't transform into Ace. It's an opponent you cannot win against". The Ultra Rings do not flash. They try touching rings anyway. nothing happens. Except they fly TAC Space 2 right through the giant alien. It laughs and tells the Earhtlings they cannot solve the mystery with their level of science and the next time it appears to give it Ultraman Ace, It then makes an Ultraman Ace doll appear. It says "and this will happen" as it cuts the head off the doll. Laughs and disappears in a puff of blue smoke. The captain chastists Hokuto for not obyeing orders then sends Hokuto and Minami to search north for the alien while he and he, Mikawa and Konno will search south. Hokuto and Minami discuss the voice telling them not to become Ace. Seeing a burning car and a man near it they land to check it out. The man has a headless Ultraman Ace doll, the head is nearby. he want them to take to is son as a gift. He says a Terrible-Monster ripped the head off. Hokuto says the man said he hit the Terrible-Monster with his car and there are pieces of skin on the car. Back at TAC HQ Yamanaka and Yoshimura are both bandgaed. Kaji, says it may be from a Terrible-Monster but he cannot be certain. Hokuto says the Terrible-Monster in the valley and the alien in town must be connected. There is a brief arrogument about how the alien could be in two places at once. The captain tells every one to rest up for the next battle. Hokuto asks permission to take the Ultraman Ace doll the dead man's son. The captain grants permission than says he's going along but that they should buy the buy a new doll. The give the boy his present but the throws it down saying Ace failed to save his dad. The Captain apologies for TAC not finding the Terrible-Monster. The boys says TAC is no good and they should just hand Ace over to the alien. His sisters scolds him and he leaves the room. She explains they have now lost both their parents. As they are driving back to HQ, Hokuto wonders if humans no longer need Ace.

Inferno Alien Hipporit 5 ultra brothers

Back at TAC HQ no one is resting. They tell the captain citeznes have been calling saying to turn over Ace. The Captain points out that if they turned over Ace the aliens would invade. Phone rings and an alarm sounds, the alien is back. The captain orders Hokuto and Minami to a TAC Space, Mikawa and Konno on TAC Falcon with him. He's going to leave the other two behind but the insist they can fight too so he orders Yamanaka to join Konno in a TAC Space, whie Yoshimura goes with him and Mikawa. Alien Hipporit demands Ultraman Ace be turned over and launcehs "Fires of Hell". Spraying flames instead of gusts of wind. All the TAC jets are to fire "Cell Destructive Missiles". They are actually gas bombs which have no effect on the Alien Hipporit which takes out TAC Falcon with a single missile. The crew eject. Hokuto flys towards the alien, assuming they won't be allowed to be killed and when the TAC Space is shot down the Ultra Rings do flash this time. They clasp hands and say "Ultra Touch" (which is not strictly neccessary). Ace flies away. TAC thinks he's abandoned them. In fact he's realized that what they are fighting is an illusion and he has found the real Alien Hipporit in some kind of capsule sending out waves that control the illusion. When Ace destroys the capsule the illusion vanishes. Ace and Alien Hipporit seem easily matched until the alien summons a capsule which surrounds Ace and is it fills up with gas he sends out an Ultra Sign. The capsule vanishes, Ace has been turned into a giant jade statue. Zoffy, Ultraman, Ultra Seven and Ultraman Jack all responsed to Ace's distress signal. Zoffy, Ultraman and Ultraman Jack are caught in the same trap as Ultra Seven battles Alien Hipporit until he too is caught in a capsule. As the four Ultra Brothers are turned into statues like Ace, Alien Hipporit vaniehs. TAC minus Hokuto and Minami, arrive on foot, to find the Ultra Brothers have been defeated. >Preview of next episode<. "See you next week".

There is no indication at all that Inferno Alien Hipporit has any link to Yapool/ Humans having gotten used to Terrible-Monsters appearing just assume any hostile giant is a Terrible-Monster

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