Episode 29: The 6th Ultraman Brother
(featuring Underground Terrible-Monster Gitagitanga & Underground Terrible-Being Ungramon)
>The Keihin Industrial Zone is attacked by a Terrible-Monster. But when TAC arrive there is no monster. There is however a terrible smell of alcohol and two dead guards.. Hokuto, Seiji is on patrol in TAC Panther with Mikawa, Noriko (now that Minami, Yuko is gone). He slams on the breaks to avoid running over a boy named Dan. Dan stepped in front of the moving car as part of dare. From the other boys we learned his mother died when he was born and his father died in an accident while drunk. Hokuto and Mikawa, find Dan trying to pole vault over a canal. Mikawa wants to stop they boy but Hokuto won't let her. He makes the jump and both adults clap. But probably thinking they were mocking him, he runs away. Later, at TAC HQ its revealed the two guards died from Anoxia Gas. Next day, a woman ask Hokuto to save her brother. Its Dan being beat up for "lying". He lie? He claims to see a star, during the day. Hokuto looks up and he a sees a star. He asks Dan to point to the star. From Dan's sister Hokuto learns their father died in an acccident in the factory were he worked and he smelled of alcohol. Dan tells the other boys he can hear the star talking and it says Terrible-Monster Gitagitanga under the control of an underground being will attack the factory. That night his prediction comes true. The Terrible-Monster Gitagitanga reaks of alcohol. TAC shoots at the Terrible-Monster. Suddenly Terrible-Being Ungramon appears and tells the humans to stop pumping up water from under the earth. The underground alien gives them 10 hours otherwise he will send Gitagitanga to destroy them all. They both vanish. The next day, Hokuto learns from Dan's sister that the factory fired her because her brother predicted the monster's attack. Hokuto finds Dan crying and asks him if he can see the star he saw yesterday. He cannot see it now. Hokuto tells Dan it can only been seen if you are not giving up, that is the Star of Ultra and he cannot see it now because he was giving up. Hokuto finds the record of Dan's father's accident. There is something he cannot quite make out in the photo of the accident. He goes to find the negative. He finds Dan again and tells him there is part of Gitagitanga in the photo that his dad saw the Terrible-Monster was going to gas a little girl and crashed his car to distract the Terrible-Monster to protect her. He did not die driving drunk. Dan runs off to his father's grave. He spots the Terrible-Being Ungramon (hunman sized) and follows it to avenge his father's death. The Terrible-Being summons the Terrible-Monster. Ungramon spots Dan. Dan shoots at him with a slingshot, when he hits Ungramon in the chest it stuns him for a moment but he recovers and chases Dan to the edge of a cliff, Dan falls but catches himself on a tree brance. When TAC jets appear Ungramon decides Gitagitanga in in danger and turns to join the coming battle. Hokuto pulls up in TAC Panther and spots Dan. Hokuto stars climbing the cliff to rescue Dan. As the TAC Jets are firing on the Terrible-Monster, Ungraman giant sizes. Dan tells Hokuto to not worry about him go fight Ungramon becauses its controlling the Terrible-Monster and that Ungramon's weakness is its chest. The TAC jets are shot down. Hokuto reaches the top. Dan is not far behind. Hokuto apologizes and leaves Dan. He touches the two Ultra Rings he now wears to become Ultraman Ace. He does not say "Ultra Touch" though he does make some completly unneccesary gestures before touching the rings together. Terrible-Being and Terrible-Monster both attack Ace. Ace is losing. Dan sees the Star of Ultra and says to himself "I will not give in. I will not give in". Ace hears Dan and rallies. He knockes the Terrible-Being back then lifts the Terrible-Monster and when he throws it to the ground it explodes. Ace remembers Dan saying the Terrible-Being's weakness was in its chest and when Ace zaps it in the chest it explodes and bursts into flames. Later, Hokuto and Dan are talking. Dan can see the Star of Ultra. He asks Hokuto if that makes him the sixth Ultraman brother and the two shake hands. >Preview of next episode: Dan will be back with a new friend<. "See you next week".
Terrible-Monster Gitagitanga was created by Underground Terrible-Being Ungramon