Episode 33: >Shoot That Airship!
(featuring Airship Terrible-Monster Bad Baron)
Dan sees other boys being bullied but before he can do anyting another kid wearing an Ultraman Ace mask steps in an "Ultra Kick" and "Ultra Chops" the bully.. Dan introduces himself to mask wearing boy as "the 6th Ultraman Brother". THe other boys says he knows and lifts the mask. Dan recognizes him as his classmate Daisuke. Dan and Daisuke run off together. The bully went crying to his mother and lied about what happend. Daisuke calls the woman "Terrible-Monster Mamagon". They run from the scary woman. Daisuke says he sees Terrible-Monster Bad Baron. Its a hot air balloon. They join a group of other children running toward the landing hot air balloon. Daisuke wearing his Ultraman Ace masks is in such a hurry to get a ride in the hot air ballon that he knows down a little girl. Dan helps her up. The two hippies operating the baloon look at each other when Daisuke say he's Ultraman Ace and let him in first. The let other childen onboard but because Dan was helping the girl he didn't make it with the first group. At TAC HQ they are recieving strange energy readings. Hokuto notes the location is near his apartment. Yoshimura thinks the reading indicate a Terrible-Monster, but Yamanaka arrogant as ever discounts it because he doesn't think so. Captain Ryu assigns Hokuto and Yoshimura to investigate.When they spot the hot air balloon, Hokuto laughs saying its definantly not a Terrible Monster but Yoshimura thinks they should take a closer look. Hokuto is too busy remembering when was a kid playing with a balloon and wishing he could fly to notice the strange energy readings that Yamanaka is (correctly) concerned about. Now its Hokuto who is being foolish and a bit of a jerk. After he's piloted the TAC Space away and reported just finind a hot air balloon the kids riding the balloon are hit by a strange blast and after the hotair balloon lands they walk around looking down. Daisuke barely notices Dan and drops the Ultraman Ace mask. Dan picks it up. Then watches as another group of kids go up in the balloon and come back different. The hippes say no more rides for today but give all the children who did not get a ride a helium balloon. Dan declines to take one. The ballons flash and the happy shouting children suddenly go quiet and let go of the balloons as they seem to be marching away. All the loose balloons are sucked into the hot air balloon. Dan runs to Daisuke's home and when he asks if anything has happened to Daisuke she's happy that he's actually doing his homework. Stupid woman doens' think its strange that her son would suddenly be interested in his school work rather than playing Ultraman Ace. Dan tries to tell Hokuto about the hot air balloon being Terrible-Monster Bad Baron but Hokuto is suddenly being dense. Having learned that children who ride the hot air balloon become obedient mothers start forcing their children to ride it. And demanding that it visit their area. If their children cannot ride it they are given a balloon that has the same effect. (Stupid women).
An unknown amount of time has passed. When Dan goes to play with Daisuke his mother actually thinks it would be a good idea if he took a break from stuyding to play with Dan. Later, outside TAC Medical Center, Dan slaps Daisuke hoping he will slap him back but he doesn't. And when he tells Daisuke to go inot the hospital and get a check-up he does so without question. The doctors find that he has no registerable brain waves. Dan says they should contact TAC and they do. Apparently the told TAC that the boy looks like a child but has the mind of an old man. When TAC launch their jets they discover the hot air ballon is now ten times larger than before. Only the balloon not the basket. They cannot attack as long as children are in the basket but if children are in the basket it means they are being drained of the souls energy. They decided to land and attack from the ground, once the children get off. The problem is the mothers refiuse to obey TAC which is ironic given they think they're children should obey them no matter the cost to the children. Hokuto suggests cutting the ropes holding the gondola to the balloon and catching the children and the hyptonized adults in a giant net. Captain Ryu radios TAC HQ to spread the largest and most durable net they can find over TAC HQ. But how to get the balloon to fly over TAC HQ? Hokuto suggests recruiting Dan because only a child can get onboard. Hokuto gives Dan a cylinder of anesthetising gas to put the pilots a sleep and a V09 (a kind of TAC pistol) to use when the balloon tries to turn him old. Hokuto is surprised to find than Dan who is usually so brave and willing is now reuctant and afraid. Hokuto tells Dan the Ultraman Brothers are watching him and will be ashamed if the 6th Ultraman Brother is afraid to act to save others. Dan gases the pilot and shoots at the balloon when it flashes. He stears it to TAC HQ. TAC laser won't cut the ropes. The Terrible-Monster finaly shows its true form and sucks the children inside itself. The Terrible-Monster fires on the TAC jets but they cannot fight back for fear of hurting the children Hokuto's jet is hit. As he's parchuting down he uses the two Ultra Rings to become Ultraman Ace. Ace has the same problem as TAC. he only dodge the Terrible-Monsters attacks not retalliate because the children are in the Terrible-Monster's stomach. Ace cuts off the Terrible-Monster's head that takes a horrible risk, cutting the Terrible-Monster's body in half, vertically. Fortuantly this released the children and the ballons which stole the other children's souls allowing the souls to return to their bodies. Later, Daisuke is back to running around with his Ultraman Ace mask all the time. Captain Ryu acknowledges Dan as "the 6th Ultraman Brother". >Preview of next episode<. "See you next week".
Terrible-Monster Bad Baron was actually named by a child who saw its hot air balloon form and because he was playing Ultraman Ace and everyone and everything was a Terrible-Monter to him he called it Terrible-Monster Bad Baron, not realizing it was in fact a Terrible-Monster in di sguise