Episode 34: A Terrible-Monster Dances on a Rainbow Over the Sea
(featuring Rainbow Terrible-Monster Kaiteigagan)
Hokuto wants Yuji to give him the scales so they can be analyszed to find the Terrible-Monster's weakness but he's made at Hokuto for telling him his father is dead, and mad at his sister for lying to him about it. And the sister still refuses to admit she was wrong, because she doesn't want to face the reality that she is an orphan. Putting on his fathers coat and falling asleep Yuji has a dream of his father who tells him he can always talk to him in his heart. Ships are banned from the area the Terrible-Monster appeaed in and so far it has not reappeared. Yuji has not lived the house and now Hokuto is worried about that. Captain Ryu decides they need to draw out the Terrible-Monster so he decides they will send out an tanker as a decoy to lure it out. Hokuto says he will there on time but needs to see Yuji. He doesn't trust the sister when she claims Yuji does not want to see him. He yells out that boy's need to be strong and brave to not cowardly. The Terrible-Monster appears but apparently annoyed that the tanker is an empty decoy it turns to head to shore. TAC Falcon and TAC Space fire on it. Hokuto pulls up to the shore in TAC Panther and is about to shoot at the Terrible-Monster when he sees Yuji, being brave but foolish, wearing his father's captain's hat he is heading toward the Terrible-Monster with a fishing net. He sees a sea shore/scale and picks it up. As the Terrible-Monster attacks Hokuto looses sight of the boy but then he finds him in the water clining to drift wood. He offers Hokuto a scale so he can examine it and find the Terrible-Monster's weakness. A little late. Yoji says he cannot hold on. Hokuto's reponse is to tell him to stay there while he walks off to henshin. Ultraman Ace and the Terrible-Monster wrestle and exchange blasts of energy weapons. Eventually Ace kills it with Metalium Beam. Hokuto carries Yuji out of the water. As he is peforming CPR on the boy, Yuji hears father telling him "No, Yuji. turn around, go back!" His sister shows up and just repeats his name over and over. Dan and other boys are starting a fire, I guess the figure he needs to be kept warm. The sister appologises. The sun goes down. Hokuto's been peforming CPR for some time. No one seemd to think mabye they should call an ambulance. Of course the boy survives. And the other children are happy they can play with him again. >Preview of next episode<. "See you next week".