Episode 36: A Terrible-Monster Registering 10,000 Phons?
(featuring Noise Terrible-Monster Soundgiller)
Reports of a Terrible-Monster have been coming in from all over. Finally TAC's equipment detects its prescence. Hokuto and Mikawa rush to the scene in TAC Panther. No sing of a Terrible-Monster. When they ask a man who lives in the area if he's seen any strange lights or heard any strange noises he says "everynight". A motorcycle gang has been distrurbing the neighborhood. Hokuto suggest they go ride in some empty field stop distrubing a peacful neighborhood. Next day I finds them harrasing Kayoko, Dan and other children. They leave rather than pickign a fight with him. Later he tries to give them advice on how to make friends with the children and they pretend to listen. But he finds them harrassing a woman again and ends up in a fight with them. Back at TAC HQ Yamanaka is being a loudmothed jerk again. The Terrible-Monster appears and the biker gang leader says "there it is again" so it definatly appearing where they are. And when they ride away it vanishes. Hokuto realses the Terrible-Monster Soundgiller (whos name he somehow knows) appears wherever the motorcycle gang is, but the captain being as stupid as Yamanaka discounts it because he thinks Hokuto just wants an excuse to go after the motorycle gang (where the heck is the Japanese police?) when of course Hokuto is right. Disrguarding Captain Ryu's orders, Hokuto follows the biker gang, so he can protect them when the Terrible-Monster shows up. When they start harrasing children again, the Terrible-Monster appears. Hokuto shoots at and then runs forward to rescue a child. When the males in the gang wont help, the one girl rides off toward Hokuto and the children. When the others turn of their motorcycles the Terrible-Monster vanishes again. Hokuto tells the children the young woman and the biker guys scared the monster away. Since their school is near a factory, Hokuto says these guys will take them to a nice open field to play in and they do. Later the bikers are trying to get the motorcycle shop that made their motorcycles louder to make them quiter. Hokuto gets a call that the terrible monster has appeared by a (noise making) factory. Now having made friends with the children the bikers follow Hokuto the factory because its near the school. While TAC in theif fighter jets attack the Terribel-Monster, Hokuto and the bikers evacuate the school. Hokuto yells "stop the factory noise" and suprsingly the listen. but the Terrible-Monster doesn't leave. Hokuto jumps on the girl's motorcycle the guys follow on their's trying to lour the Terrible-Monster away from the factory and the school. It works but Hokuto is hit and set on fire, the motorcycle he borrowed his destroyed. Suddenly Ultraman Ace appears and the biker gang leader is surpised "Ultraman Ace, he really exists". Standard fight, they exhcange blows, energy busts and in the end Ace blows up the Terrible-Monster with his Metalium Beam. The children and bikers are playing when Hokuto and Mikawa show up. The children now thing the bikers who play with them are now cooler than TAC which is okay with Hokuto. He and Mikawa join in playing with the children.>Preview of next episode<. "See you next week".