Episode 37: Star of Friendship Forever
(featuring Slow Feet Terrible-Monster Machles)
While Hokuto is visting his friend Kashima who dreams of building a car that move at mach speeds (the speed of sound or faster) Terrible-Monster Machles attacks a bullet train and a jet plane. TAC Arrow and two TAC Space fire laser beams and missiles at it before it burrows into the ground to escape. Back at TAC HQ, Captain Ryu says TAC's honor is at stake for letting the Terrible-Monster escape. They are able to track its movements 300 meters underground, it heading toward Kanto where Kashima's factory is. Kashima is so obssessed with building a super fast car, which for some strange reason he thinks will bring him status,fame,wealth that he is ignoring a young woman who loves him. Hokuto on the other hand hopes that someday a woman like her will love him. Hokuto is ordered back to TAC HQ to discuse plans for dealing with the Terrible-Monster. THey have concluded that the Terrible-Monster isn't so much attracted to fast moving machines as annoyed by the sounds they make it and it attacks them to make them quiet. Hokuto suggests using his friend's race car to lure the Terrible-Monster up from underground. The race car is actually being tested as the speak. and it does attrack the Terrible-Monster which attacks it and destroys it. When it attacks the building and everyone flees.Kashima forgets his brief case with the blueprints inside it. Suddenly he remembers. And runs back into the building. The woman tries to stop him. he knocks her down. His team yell at him he doesn't listen. Hokuto spots him from the air. He lands his TAC Arrow to protect the people on the ground. The woman, Mayumi followed Kashima into the building. He gets the briefcase but hurts his leg and drops it. Mayumi goes to retreive it for him and nearly gets killed by falling debris As they exit the building they run into Hokuto. As debris falls and Kashima screams Ultraman Ace suddenly appears. holding the Kashima and Mayuimi in his hand. he puts them down out of harms way. Two TAC Space fire missiles at the Terrible-Monster and then Ace attacks it. A song about TAC's machines plays in the background. Its followed by the series theme song. As Ace finishes off the Terrible-Monster with his Metalium Beam. Later Kashima and Mayumi are walking by a river. He opens his briefcase and lests the blue prints blow away. He suddenly realises that Mayumi is more important to him. Hokuto spies on the couple. .>Preview of next episode<. "See you next week".