Episode 38: Resurrection! Father of Ultra
(featuring Namahage & Snow Terrible-Monster Snowgiran)
It's Christmas Eve (why an instrumental version of "The Saints Go Marchin In" instead of a Christmas carol is playing I have no idea), Hokuto, Kayoko. and Dan are Christmas shopping. Hokuto gives a boy, a stranger to him, an Ultraman Ace doll (we'd call it action figure now I suppose). Dan wishes for snow (an instrumental version of "Silent Not" is now playing). As the sun sets, Dan gets his wish, it starts snowing. They are taking the presents to an orphanage. The children are singing a Japanese song about snow. They have a snowman in the yard but its made of styrofoam. It was a present from a stranger. The woman, Miss Yukari running the children's home introduces TAC member Hokutu and then Dan who she refers to as "Ultraman Brother Number 6" (something that was not mentioned in Dan's previous 3 appearances). After receiving their presents the children watch a play but on by other children. In the play a girl is given a present by a masked Santa Claus but then Ultraman Ace appears and says this Santa Claus is an alien in disguise. Ace is winning but then he's attacked by a shirtless kid. Dan said Ace lost to Takanohana. The kids all laughed. Later, they are all singing, but its not a Christmas carol but the Ultraman Ace theme song. A girl wonders if "the real Santa Claus will come". Miss Yukari says he will come down the chimney and leave presents when they are all asleep. She notices its 6:30pm but seems bright as day. When she looks out a window, the fake snowman breaks open and Snowgiran (human sized) appears flashing a literally blinding light at her. Dan look out the window and sees Santa Claus fly passed the window up to the roof. When Santa appears inside, Hokutu is supicious of him but Yukaro-san says not only is that not the voice the monster that blinded her she can tell by the voice he is not a bad man. But Dan says he blinded her from the sky. TAC HQ calls, they've been getting reports of people being blinded by a strange ray. A giant sized Terrible-Monster Snowgiran appears. As Hokuto is about to go outside to face the Terrible-Monster, Santa adresses him as "Hokuto" and then as if an after thought ads the "-kun" (indicating the Santa is older than or of higher rank than Hokuto). Hokuto appologizes for the misunderstanding and Stan tells him its okay and wishes him luck.
TAC Falcon and TAC Arrow are launched. All team members were protective glasses. Terrible-Monster Snowgiran's master Namahage (human sized) appears and urges the Terrible-Monster to destroy TAC but its blinding rays do not work on them. A second TAC Arrow appears. Hokuto announces the Terrible-Monster came out of a snowman. Its blind ray havng no effect on TAC, the Terrible-Monster resorts to blasting cold air which works in downing the jets. Hokuto ejects, and for the first tiime since he got both rings he actually says "Ultra Touch" before toucing the Ultra Rings together. As with the other Ultras, cold is Ultraman Ace's weakness. And his Metalium Beam does not work on this Terrible-Monster. Ace collaposes. The Terrible-Monster starts smashing buildings more blinding men, women and children. Captain Ryu was apparently wounded in the crash landing but instructs his men to leave him and evacuate the civilians. The children refuse leave the orphange they won't abandon Yukari who now needs them. She tells them to let TAC help them but they refuse to budge (why she doesn't as TAC to lead her out I don't understand), The TAC crew decide they will try to distract the Terrible-Monster away from the orphange. But Santa Claus says to leave it to him. And when Dan asks him if he is a good guy or bad guy. Dan just looks at him. Santa smiles and then heads out of the orphange TAC calling after him not to go that he will be blinded but not actually doing anything to stop him.
Santa Claus giant sizes in front of the Terrible-Monster. Dan watchiing sees horns appear on Santa's head. and recoginizes its Father of Ultra (back from the dead). When Dan tries to tell TAC. Santa is Father of Ultra, they don't believe him. Konno says Father of Ultra is dead. Mikawa says the poor boy is in shock from seeing Ace defeated and is seeing things. Yamanaka looks out the window and sees that Santa has giant sized but the horns are gone so he says he's not Father of Ultra. The giant Santa calls upon Ace (now standing but not moving) to pick himself up and destroy the Terrible-Monster, he then fires a red beam at Ace to recharge him. Captain Ryu who has his arm in a sling, sees Father of Ultra. but the ambulance attendents only see a giant Santa Claus and ask if he hit his head. Namahage keeps ranting about "kill the hated westerns". Santa Claus finaly reveals his true form and zaps Namahage with his own ray killing the impish creature. The Terrible-Monster seeing its master fall tries to run away from Ultraman Ace, but Ace won't let it retreat. This time Ace's Metalium Beam kills the Terrible-Monster. Although Father of Ultra has returned to his giant Santa Claus form Ace now recognizes him ans says "thank you, father". Ace salutes him than flies away. The now human sized Santa returns to the orphange to hand out presents to the orphans. Santa invites Dan to get a present too but Dan asks about healing the blind. Santa claims "what can I do, I'm only a spirit?" Which suprises Dan. Santa thinks it over and comes up with an idea. Standing by the fireplace Santa disppears. Dan says everyone should go outside. The children help Yukaro go outside.
As Santa stands on the roof holding his arms out. A red sphere appears then turns into a flying sleigh pulled by reindeer. Riding in the sleigh is Minami, Yuko. She release a red and green and blue beam which cures all the people blinded by Terrible-Monster Snowgiran. Santa Claus joins Minami, Yuko in the sleigh, revealing to all that he's actually Father of Ultra, After the sleigh flys away. The orphans sing "Silent Night". >Preview of next episode<. "See you next week".
Terrible-Monster Snowgiran was created by Namahage, a demonlike creature from Japanse folklore. Its mad because people are worshiping 'foreign gods" and idolizing Stanta Claus