Episode 42: Winter Horror Series - Mystery! Monster Woo Rises Again
(featuring Ice Terrible-Monster Iceron and Monster Woo)
A girl, Koyuki, and her father are walking through a snow covered forest on their way to the girl's grandfather's home. They are attacked by Terrible-Monster Iceron. The father tells his daughter to run down to the village while he districts the Terrible-Monster by running up the mountain, claiming he will be okay because he has a gun. Of course shooting the Terrible-Monster just makes it angry, and the father is buried under an avalache caused by the Terrible-Monster. The girl colapses in the snow calling for her father. Villagers hearing then seeing the Terrible-Monster call it a god of the mountain pass and flee in terror. And the same time,. Hokuto, Kayoko and Dan are on a sking vacation.. In the lodge the meet a man who is waiting for his son and granddaughter to arrive, she's Dan's age (10) and has never met her. The villagers show up talking about the mountain pass god and one says it maybe a Terrible-Monster, which get's Hokuto's attention. Dan want to be taken to where the Terrible-Monster was seen but Koyuki's grandfather talks him waiting until morning as its dangerous to be wondering the mountain pass at night. The next morning the two of them go looking for the Terrible-Monster. They find Koyuki, who somehow did not freeze to death in the night. Her grandfather, who of course does not recognze her comments on this. Hokuto wants to leave the girl to the older man and keeping searching for her father or the Terrible-Monster, but the older man talks him out of it, again. And they both return to the lodge with the girll. When she awakens from a dream about her father, she sees four strangers. When Hokuto asks her name, the older man realizes she is his granddaughter. Hokuto wants to go looking for the man's son, Koyuki's father but the old man is afriaid and thinks his son is probably dead anyway. So Hokuto contacts TAC HQ. TAC Falcon and TAC Space show up. But they dont find any sign of a Terrible-Monster. At the lodge Yamanaka continues being a Janisu. And even Konno thinks a child is not a reliable witness. Hokuto points out villagers saw the Terrible-Monster too. Captain Ryu says they will talk to the villagers.
Grandfather wants to leave Koyuki with Hokuto and go somewhere "for a bit" but she won't let he grandfather leave her alone. When the two go off, Hokokut tells Dan to wait in the lodge while he goes out "for a bit". Finding footprints in the snow he release grandfather and granddauther went off to look for the missing son and father. When his TAC teammaters come looking for Hokuto and learn he went out "for a bit" they notice his TAC uniform is not in the closest. So the realise he's gone looking for the Terrible-Monster without them. Captain Ryu, orders Yamanaka and to search in TAC Space, While he and the others will find a snow vehicle. Terrible-Monster Iceron disturbed by all the shouting (girl for father, old man for son, Hokuto for girl and grandfather) appears. Grandfather and grandaughter find a man buried in in the snow. When the Terrible-Monster Iceron attacks them the man stands up and transforms into Woo and attacks the Terrible-Monster. Koyuki keeps calling for her father. Hokuto recognizes Woo and shouts "Get him, Woo!" but an ordinary kaiju (mysterious beast) is not match for a choju (super beast or terrible-monster). After Woo is down TAC Space finally shows up. Followed by rest of TAC in the snow vehicle. While the TAC Space fires on the Terrible-Monster, ground crew try to give Hokuto and the two civilans cover so can run away. As the Terrible-Monster closes in Hokuto, Ultraman Ace suddenly appears. Ace picks up Koyjuki and her grandfather and puts them down where TAC is. Ace us his Metalium Beam on the Terrible-Monster then causes an avalanche to burry it under tuns of ice and snow. Hokuto is found fallen in the snow and helped up. He actually says "thank you" (in English). After Koyjuki calls for her father once last time, Woo stands up and disappears into the mountain. .>Preview of next episode<. "See you next week".
Woo first appears in Ultraman (episode 30), in which its a guardian spirit protecting an orphan girl. In my opinon Science Special Search-Party and Ultraman were in the wrong attacking Woo, who was the victim of human prejducies and fears. They were the villains not Woo.