Episode 44: Setsubun Scary Story! Sparkling Beans
(featuring Demon Terrible-Monster Onidevil)
.Hokuto shows up at an orphange, where his friend Ichiro is demonstrating karate. Because its Setusban, Hokuto has a bag of beans and want to do bean tossing with the children. When there is a sudden brief clap of thunder he doesn't know his bag of beans briefly glowed! Inside, Hokuto and Ichiro wearing paper masks play oni while the children throw beans at them shouting "demons out, fortune in". Afte the gave the children are told to eat the same number of beans as their age, supposed to bring good luck. On of the children figures thats a lie, and it this case it is. Ichiro finds and eats a red bean and loses his strength and ability to break boards with his hands. Back at TAC HQ, their latest weapon is Golden Hawk. No explination is given as to why after one succesful use Silver Shark was forgotten. Or why this weapon is needed. Konno is waiting for Hokuto to return to throw beans. Hokuto arrives with the beans. Konno throws a few in the air than throws some at Mikawa saying :demons out", Then stops so they will have enough to eat. Konno finds at eats a red bean. An alarm sounds. Mikawa reminds Konno not to forget his helemt. When he tries to pick it up he is so weak he cannot even lift it.Mikawa hands it to him. When ordered to fire on the Terrible-Monster, Konno cannot move the lever. Mikawa has to do it. Hokuto must have also eaten a red bean because he cannot steat the TAC Space. He and his partner eject just before it crashes. Hokuto does "Ultra Touch". But Ulltraman Ace has no strength in his arms either. Losing the fight, Ace retreats, vanishing. The Terrible-Monster seems to summon a lightining strike and vanishes as the lightning hits it. Back at TAC HQ, Yamanaka being the jack ass he is accuses Hokuto and Konno of slacking off. Mikawa says she saw Konno fail to lift his helmet. Captain Ryu orders them to the hospital to get checked out. The doctor tells them they have lost all elasticity. Another patient is brought it, its Ichiro. Their condition is worsening, Hokuto cannot walk without a cane. Its been a week. The rest of TAC decides to visit Hokuto and Konno. The find them as was as Ichiro trying and failing to exercise themselves back to health. The captain tells them they may be making their condition worse and Hokuto pretends to listen but once the rest of TAC is gone they go back to trying left weights they should be able to lift easily but can barely move now. Ichiro is depressed because tha national champions ship is only days away and there is no way he can take part. Later, Hokuto is having a nightmare about losing to the Terrible-Monster Onidevil suddenly the dream changes to Ultraseven calling him home to Nebula M78 to be cured by the Ultra Capsule. A red sphere leaves the hospital. On the Land of Light in Nebula M78. Ultraseven cures Ultraman Ace. Hokuto awakens in the morning cured. As he is checking himself by doing execrices he notice his radio and a red bean on the bed. He calls TAC HQ to report that he's better but Konno isn't.. Later, Hokuto goes to Ichiro's room and tells him the doctors know the cause now.and will have the cure soon. Hokuto receives an alert. The Terrible-Monster has reappeared. TAC Space 1 and 2 are launched. Hokuto is hurrying to the scene in TAC Panther. As the Terrible-Monster steps on TAC Panther crushing it Ultraman Ace appears. As Ace fight the
Terrible-Monster the Golden Hawk is used, doesn't seem to have effect or maybe it was a delayed effect but Ace seems to beat the Terrible-Monster to death no need for Metalium Beam. After the Terrible-Monster is dead, Ace fires red beams from his eyes, at Konno and Ichiro who were watching the fight from the hospital roof. The see red beans on the ground and they release they have their strength back. Later, Hokuto and Konno go to the orphange and see Ichiro and another man sparring to enterain the children. Konno shows off his strength by picking up a very large black rock. >Preview of next episode<. "See you next week".
Setsubun, a spring festival in which its traditional to cast out evil spirits through a ritual which includes throwing beans at a member of the family dressed as an oni, a creature from Japanse folklore similar to a troll