Episode 45: A Desperate Situation! Save Ace!
(featuring Gas Terrible-Monster Gasgegon
Satellite Jupiter 2 has gone missing. Yutaka. a boy who made his own telescope and his father who works at Special Gas Co, Ltd as a night guard. sees a red sphere through his telescope. At the same time TAC's system pick up the missing Satelite. The red sphere lands at the Special Gas Co, Ltd causing a gas tank to glow read and the boy's father reports it to the police and then his company's head office. The tank stops glowing. The police arrive but they are lazy idiots, they don't look around they just notice the man had a couple drinks to celebrate his birthday and assume he's drunk and they dismiss his son outright. They report it as prank The man at the gas company main office doesn't even bother to come look.. The boy calls TAC. Captain Ryu sends Hokuto and Yoshimura to check it out, in TAC Panther. Yoshimura points what looks and sounds like a giger counter at the tank and says the tank is alive, that a Terrible-Monster has made a nest of the satelite. Yoshimura says he will call the company. First he calls TAC HQ to report that a Terrible-Monster laid an egg in the satellite. Captain Ryu tells Yamanaka to stay behind to montor communications. The rest head out, They have Silver-Shark (guess they havent forgotten it after all) set up in a TAC jeep. The company night man finally shows up. He takes Konno to the control room so they can release the gases. But something goes wrong and the gases all flow into the Terrible-Monster egg. Captain Ryu calls Yamanaka. tells him to come in TAC Space. Yamanaka missile barrage just breaks the egg releasing the Terrible-Monster. Then the captain orders a cease fire because the Terrible-Monster is full of gas and might explode. TAC on the ground stand around doing nothing. TAC Space flies around doing nothing. When the Terrible-Monster moves towards the house Yutaka tries to run home to save his telescope. Hokuto stops him but promises to get the telescope for him but its too late, the house gets flattened and Yutaka blaming TAC for the egg hatching hits Hokuto. The the gas company man blames TAC too. Captain Ryu orders Mikawa to return to HQ and load the gas neutralizer on a TAC Arrow and the TAC Falcon. He orders Yamanaka, still flying around in TAC Space to drop a freezing bomb on the Terrible-Monster. Then they all return to HQ to upgrade their equipment..
Yamanaka drops a freezing bomb on the Terrible-Monster which turns it white. As he prepares to launch missiles at it and heats itself up and shoots flames at TAC Space which goes down. Unfortunantly he ejects safely. The Terrible-Monster than stars setting buildings on fire. TAC Falcon and TAC Arrow show up and use the gas neutralizers to put out the fires and then spray the Terrible-Monster. Assuming it can no longer spray fire, Hokuto turns the TAC Arrow to get close and fire missiles into his face but it sprays flames taking down the TAC Arrow. Captain Ryu notices the TAC Arrow going donwn in flames but apparently not Ultraman Ace flying out of the flames. After some brawling with Ace the Terrible-Monster stars sprying fire. Mikawa says "Ace cannot use Metalium Beam" (who told her that's what it was called. Ultras are not Kamen Riders they don't shout out the attack names). Ace seems to be losing. Yamanaka distracts the Terrible-Monster by running past it firing his two TAC Pistols in laser mode at it. Then TAC Falcon flies close by to distract it. Given Ace the chance to sneak up behind it, grab it and fly into space with it. TAC Falcon follows to back Ace up. When Ace releases the Terrible-Monster, Konno fires its laser. Gas Terrible-Monster Gasgegon is the second Terrible-Monster killed by TAC not Ultraman Ace. Later, Yutaka is either reparing old telescope or making a new one when Hokuto arrives to give him a powerful lense for it. One Yutaka points the lense at Hokuto he proclaims "Ultraman Ace!". Hokuto looks stunned. But when the boy lowers the lense he's disappointed to just see Hokuto again. Hokuto is releaved. .>Preview of next episode<. "See you next week".