Episode 47: Salamander's Curse!
(featuring Fluid Terrible-Monster Hanzagiran)
A Terrible-Monster attacks Hinohara village. But when Hokuto, Yoshimura and, Mikawa from TAC show up in TAC Panther, it has vanished, after apparently eating of the cows and horses, not to mention burning up all the trees. Villagers believe it was a local legend, Hanzaki, a giant salamander. Mikawa radiosTAC HQ to report the salamander Terrible-Monster attacked then vanished and they will stay to investiage. A TAC Space is launched to patrol the area as well. Yamanaka radios Hokuto from TAC Space, to inform him he's spoted a cave, not large enough for a Terrible-Monster but should be checked out anyway. On the way to the cave, Hokuto, Yoshimura and, Mikawa find an unconscious girl. They revvive her. She doesn't know what a Terrible-Monster is are why she blacked out. She tells them she lives in a cave with her grandfather. Her grandfather turns out to be happy that the villagers finally received "retribution". The man and girl have a pet giant salamander (Japanse has the world's third largest salamanders, they're not literally giants called that because they are bigger than most). The old man hates the villagers because he blames their use of herbicides and pesticides on the demise of the local giant salaamnder population, in other words he's an enviromental lunatic. He and his granddaugter live in a cave because he morgated his house to try to rescue the salamanders and lost it when he could't make the payments. Back at TAC HQ, Mikawa thinks Hokuto who has a far away look was thinking about the girl but actually he was thinking about the salamander and wether it could be connected to the Terrible-Monster. This crazy old man blames the villagers for his irresponsability towards his granddaughter. He tells his granddaughter the salamander wants to play outside the gave and carries it outside. It transforms into the Terrible-Monster. The girl think it absorbed sunlight and transformed. It attacks the village again. Villagers call TAC. The girl plays a flute which calms the Terrible-Monster which turns back into the salamander. When TAC arrives there is no Terrible-Monster to shoot at. The old man who's crazy enough sober, gets drunk. Captain Ryu decides to keep a guard outside the cave while keeping rest of TAC in the village. Later that night, Hokuto releaves Konno who reports no anomolies. The old man manages to sneak out the cave's back exist with the salamander but the Terrible-Monster doesn't appear until morning. Hokuto calls for reinforcments but the girls asks him to not kill her pet. TAC Falcon and TAC Space weapons have no effect on the Terrible-Monster while its foam attack penetrares their cockpits and causing a tear gas like effect. They fly higher and put their jets on autopilot in order to recover. Then they land and try shooting at the Terrible-Monster with the TAC Guns. Which only makes it angry. It even turns on its friends. The old man saves his grandaughter but he is hit with acidict foam and is disolved. Hokuto becomes Ultraman Ace. Ace cannot hurt the Terrible-Monster all his attacks do is drain his energy. Then he suddenly realizes its powered by solar energy and places a sun blocking shield around it which turns it back into a salamander. TAC returns the salamander to the cave and seals it in. The girl is crying because she lost her own blood relative, her grandfather, and her only friend, the salamander. Captain Ryu tells her friend will never leave the depths of the earth again but that she has six new friends and one by one each TAC member smiles at her. The narrator then says thet Ryu's sister took her in and she is now living happily. >Preview of next episode<. "See you next week".