Episode 48: Revenge of Verokron!
(featuring Missible Terrible-Monster Verokron II)
Hokuto is piloting a TAC Space, alone, actually in space. He reports a meteor shower, but its actually bubbles. Then he sees Verokron. And suddenly Ultraman Ace is fighting Verokron.
Ace seems to be loosing. A female voice says: "Feel my wrath, Ultraman Ace. Even if this body falls into hell, I will be reborn again and again until the Yapool's grudge has been vindicated. Get revenge, Verkokron! Drag Ace into hell. Into hell, where the Yapool's friends are waiting". Verokron shoots missiles at Ace. Ace is holding is left yaw. A strange laughing woman appears. And then, Hokuto wakes up from his nightmare. He's in TAC Space but he's not alone. He tells Yamanaka about his dream but not how Missible Terrible-Monster Verokron actually killed him (and Minami) and he (and Minami) was revived by Ultraman Ace. Hokuto has a tooth ache. He decides the cavity gave him the nightmare. Back at TAC HQ he claims he never had a cavity before. Captain Ryu, not in on the cavity discusion reminds Hokuto that he has ground patrol so Hokuto sets out in TAC Panther. But then Captain Ryu radio's him permission to see the nearest dentist right away. He finds a Q Dental Hopsital almost immediatly. The dentist is a woman (uh oh). She put "pain killer" and a capsule on the bad tooth. The pain goes away. He drives off.
Hokutto starts having blurry vision. He stops the car and sees Terrible-Monster Verokron. He reports it to TAC HQ, but radar shows nothing. Hokuto starts shooting at the Terrible-Monster, but TAC HQ's video screen shows no Terrible-Monster. The police contact TAC HQ to report one of them is firing his TAC Gun at random. People are running away, from the crazy TAC man shooting at nothing. Hokutu hears a strange bussing and starts clutching his head. He sees a strange woman laughing at him, then Verokron, then the woman, then Verokron. Eventually the halucinations stop. As a voice is heard ordering Hokuto to "Nice and easy, drop your gun". He looks around and sees is surrounded by police in riot gear. They again order him to drop his gun. Because they won't help him fight the Terrible-Monster he assumes they are aliens. And instead of lowering his gun he points it at them. Its shot out of his hand. Not by the sharpshooter Yamanaka, but by Captain Ryu. The police officers have moved in on Hokuto. He keeps raving about the Terrible-Monster. Captain Ryu, tells him there is no Missible Terrible-Monster Verokron and Yamanaka tells him to get a grip. Back at TAC HQ, Yamanaka yells at Hokuto for causing a scare, and says if anyone had been hurt he'd be going to prison. Captain Ryu, suspeneds Hokuto and tells him to get his cavity fixed. Hokuto bows and hands in his TAC Gun and then leaves, The pyschiatric report found nothing wrong with Hokuto. Captain Ryu sends Konno to check out the Q Dental Hopsital that treated Hokuto. Konno reports there is no such place where Hokuto reported it being. Captain Ryu sends Yoshimura to find Hokuto but Hokuto stole a TAC Panther to go see the dentist he is now supicious of himself. TAC gets an alert someone has reported that Terrible-Monster Verokron has in fact appeared. On the way to the dentis, Hokuru sees Missible Terrible-Monster Verokron II. He reaches for the TAC Gun he no longer has, but then decides the Terrible-Monster is just a hallunication anyway. At TAC HQ, Captain Ryu is replaying a video recording of Verokron's first appearance. He says its weakness is its stomach, and they must fire missiles into it. Hokuto walks down the street, convinced the Terrible-Monster and the destrcution it's causing is a hallucination intended to trap him. Taunting what he believes isn't really there, Hokuto calls upon the Terrible-Monster to shoot him and he;s knocked of his feet when he does. TAC Space arrives and starts firing missiles at the Terrible-Monster. Both TAC Space are shot down. Hokuto stands up and notice the capsule that the "dentist" put in his mouth is on the ground. Suddenly he releasis the Terrible-Monster is real and about to step on him. He takes off running. The Terrible-Monster stops perusing him but sprays fire at him just singing his hair. Hokuto becomes Ultraman Ace. Ace boxes the monster, wrestles and then does a sumo stance. The Terrible-Monster tears a round object off a building and throws it Ace who catches it and throws it back. But this attempt to play fetch was a trick and the Terrible-Monster starts releasing poisonus bubbles. Which makes Ace mad, he rips off the Terrible-Monsters horns at stabs it in the stomach with them. He then carries the Terrible-Monster into space.
Hokuto goes to confront the "dentist". He accuses her of being a remnant of Yapool which she neither confirms nor denies. Knowing she's lost she throws herself at Hokuto who already has a gun aimed at her and he fires. As he reporting to TAC HQ about the dentist her body turnins into bubbles. The room turns black like it had been in a fire. Mikawa says there is no Q Dental. He says there was but its gone now. Hokuto drives off. >Preview of next episode<. "See you next week".