Episode 5: The Giant and Terrible-Monster vs. The Ultra Brothers
(featuring Great Ant Terrible-Monster Aribunta)
Pretty young women are being sucked into the Alternate Dimension. Witness see a sand pit and the weapon being sucked into than nothing. TAC invesitagates but finds nothing. TAC is divided, some believe its Yapool some do not. The investigation is handed over the police who think its kidnappings using holograms to create illusions of sand traps sucking the women down. Seiji (who belives correctly that its Yapool) and Minami (who is too obssesed with her shopping to listen) have the day off. Minami is targeted buy Seiji manages to save her, so another young woman is taken insead. Back at TAC HQ, Seiji and Minami report seeing a giant ant drag the woman down. Since all the victims have type O blood Kaji theorizes the ant is eating them and likes the taste of type 0 blood. Later, a subway train is attacked by a monster. Its breath melts people leaving nothing hut bones it also melts the metal of the subway. At a subway station, Captain Ryu call for Duckbill, the TAC drilling machine. He and Konno and Mikawa will go underground in attempt to drive the monster to the surface where the others will attack be waiting to attack it. Yamanaka is put in charge on the surface. The Duckbill is damaged by the monster, its missle launcher, engine, oil and oygen tanks danaged and Mikawa nearly killed when she exists the machine to throw an exploding star shapped pin at the monster.
Seiji decides that Ultraman Ace needs to save the Duckbill crew but Minami doesn't think Ultraman Ace would know how to get himself underground so Seiji comes up with the crazy scheme of letting the monster go after Minami and this time he'd jump into the sand trap with her so they would transform under ground. The plan works but after ace uses his Metallium Ray on the monster he hears laughter. An alien Gironman, which has been controling the monster Aribunta, appears and catches Ace in a trap while the monster Aribunta appears on the surface, now spraying fire instead of spiting acid. Ultraman Ace sends a Ultra Sign into space, an SOS to the Ultra Brothers. The SOS is answered by Zoffy who flies to Earth and right into the ground to rescue Ultraman Ace. Zoffy gives Ace a braclet which reenergises him so he can fight Aribunta while Zoffy rescues the Duckbill and its crew.
Once on the surface Ultraman Ace finds himself being double teamed by Aribunta and Gironman, but Zoffy soon surfaces and after seeing Duckbill is safe, joins the battle. The two ultras kill Aribunta and Gironman by grabbing them and slamming their heads together, no need for energy weapons. Seij and watch the sunset. >Preview of next episode<. See you next week".
Terrible-Monster Aribunta was created by Yapool by merging a carnivorous ant from Earth and a space monster