Episode 50: Tokyo Great Panic! The Mad Traffic Signals
(featuring Signal Terrible-Monster Signalion and Alien Lebori
Hokuto and Yamanaka in TAC Panther are involved in a traffic accident with a woman driver. Both sides claim they had the green light. When two police officers who up they assume the woman must be guilty because TAC wouldn't run a green light. Hokuto looks at the traffic lights and thinks the fault could be with the lights. The police don't think the lights are faulty and site the woman. Hokuto and Yamanaka follow her and find that she runs a vegetable stand to proviide for herself and two younger brothers, If her license is suspened she won't be able to collect vegetables to sell. (seems rather harsh to me to suspend a driver's licence for 30 days after one minor traffic accident in which no one was hurt and wasn't even major damage done to vehicles) Hookuto and Yamanaka see strain lights in the sky. TAC radios a report that traffic lights all ove Tokyo are malfunctioning cause a rash of accidents. An alien space craft appears and orders the citizens of Tokyo to leave the city or their guardian Signalion will trample them. The Terrible-Monster briefly appears and then vanishes. By the time TAC Falcon and TAC Space arrive the Terrible-Monste is gone so they shoot at the space ship, which is not harmed. To punish humans for rebelling a hear ray is fired at the civilians on the street. Then a blue, freezing ray to hurt other humans. And then a yelllow ray which drives people crazy. Yoshimura, figures out that the alien voice is actually being transmitted from the sewers.
Hokuto and Yamanaka climb down into the sewer. The find what appear to be three men operating a control pannel one of whom speaks into a microphone. Since they are not sure if these are aliens in disguised or hypnotized humans Hokuto is hesist to shoot them, so Yamanaka volunteers to lure them away so Hokuto can destroy the machinery. After Hokuto shots the machine the three men return and transform into three aliens. Hokuto fights with them. Yamanaka returns and between the two of them they kill the aliens. The last one makes threats before a final attack before disiningrating. Hokuto and Yamanaka to tell the woman vegetiable stand woman they have proven her innocence. The alien ship which had vanished with the aliens returns and transforms into the Terrible-Monster Signalion and starts blasting building with red, yellow and green rays. Hokuto and Yamanaka shoot at it. Yamanaka is knocked down so Hokuto can run off to shoot at the Terrible-Monster alone and then become Ultraman Ace. After a pretty decent fight Metalium Beam finishes off the Terrible-Monster. Hokuto and Yamanaka see the two police officers appologize to the vegetible seller. >Preview of next episode<. "See you next week".