Episode 51: The Life Sucking Sound
(featuring Violin Terrible-Monster Geegon)
Children are playing baseball when a stupid woman who thinks she can live her late husband's dream through her son shows up and drags him away to violin lessons, which he hates. According to the team he is their best pitcher. According to his violion teacher he is his best student but his heart is baseball not music. He leave the music lesson but the music teacher (who probably is trying to live his dream through his students regardless of what they want) calls his mother. And she demands he go back. He tries to "lose" the violin but some stranger who should mind his own business calls out "hey boy you forgot this". The boy decides the violion should be broken "accidently" and throws the case on the down. The case breaks upon and a bolt of lightning strikes the violion but instead of setting it on fire it causes it to raise into the air up to the boy's chin. And suddenly against his will he is playing it. At TAC HQ an anomoly is detected. Hokuto and Mikawa are sent in TAC Panther to investigate. Suddenly the boy sets down and says he's become a genius with this violin. A girl picks it up and she plays it. Then collapses. Another gun witnessing this runs to get the boy's mother. Hokuto and Mikawa show up to find the girl and the boy in some kind of trance. The violin and its bow fly away. They boy says his violin grew big and flew away and he's glad because that means no more violin lessons. The boys idiotic obbssses mother shows up shows no concern for her son only for the missing expensive violion. She laughs at Hokuto when he tells it it flew away and is probably possessed by a Terrible-Monster. Hokuto tells Mikawa to take the children to the medical center. He say he will look for the violin. The unharmed girl says she will help and the crazy woman instead of looking after her son insists on going to make sure "the expensive violin does not get a scratch". Hokuto tells Mikawa just to take the girl. He takes the unharmed girl, the boy and his crazy mother with him in TAC Panther. Mikawa reports that the girl had all he strength sucked out of her. This violin feeds on anwyone who plays it. The violin which is now a cantrobass lands next to a main playing a flute. A boy plays it. Hokuto says when the boy stops he will shoot it. And the crazy woman grabs his gun. And the contrabass flies into the air and plays itself those who listen are drained. And its now as large as TAC Falcon and TAC Space. With the crazy woman now in a trance, Hokuto retreives his TAC Gun and shoots the the instrument, TAC Falcon and TAC Space fire at it two. It falls to the ground and explodes and finally reveals its true self, Terrible-Monster Geegon, It destroys TAC Space and then TAC Falcon (finally giving me a chance to get a screen shot of it no filled with explosions and black smoke). Hokuto tells the boy and girl to run away. The boy's mother is frozen in a trance but Hokuto instead of letting her get smashed runs at her knocking her out of the way and the only reason he doesnt get flattened is Ultraman Ace appears. The Terrible-Monster makes a noise that gives Ace a headache. After stunning him with green rays it uses the same rays to destroy buildings. Ace recovers and breaks some of the strings on the violin monster which causes the crazy woman to clutch her chest as if having a heartattack. He breaks all the strings. Then hits the Terrible-Monster with Metalium Beam. When the Terrible-Monster died the crazy woman collapsed. The narrator said it stole souls and when it died those souls were released and returned to their bodies. The crazy woman is taken to the medical center as she is the only person to not recover. Hokuto shows up and says the boys hatred of violin lessons created the Terrible-Monster and his mother's obssesion energized it. The episode ended where it begain at a baseball game. The boy is playing and his mother is not interfering. >Preview of next episode<. "See you next week".