Episode 52: You Are the Ace of Tomorrow!
(featuring Ultimate Terrible-Monster Jumboking and Alien Simon)
Two alien ships are shooting at each other over Tokyo. One his shot down and explodes when it crashes. TAC investigate the crash. They find burning debris but at first no sign of alien life forms or dead bodies. Then Hokuto carrying some kind of scannng device picks something up, Children playing Zoffy, Ultraman, and Ultrasven. have found the alien are "fighting" it when TAC arrives on the scene. Mikawa, says the alien is a child and its crying. When Captain Ryu says they will take it to TAC and question it, the children ask if they will execute it because its an alien. Hokuto asks if they think its okay to just kill aliens. He asks who they are under their masks and when they reply that they are Zoffy, Ultraman and Ultraseven, the Ultraman Brothers, he tells them the Ultraman Brothers don't bully the weak and would not harm an alien child for no reason. The boys sheepishly remove their masks. Hokuto tells them all the Ultraman brothers including Zoffy. Ultraman and Ultraeven side with the weak.
Driving in TAC Panther they talk about the alien whihc they somehow know is an Alien Simon which were attacked by Yapool. When a red light on the Alien Simon starts flashing its apparently a sign its afraid of something. A strange circle of light appears in the sky and a voice says : "Spirits of Terrible-Monsters drifting in the skies of Earth.... Vengeful ghosts of the many turned to dust in the sky by Ace... gather here!" white silhouttes of Yapool, Unitang, Cowra, Mazaron, and Mazarius appear in the sky as the voice is heard. "Return to life! Come to life, Jumboking!" Terrible-Monster Jumboking appears. TAC all standing outside TAC Panther open fire with their TAC Gun. Hakuto tries to help the Alien Simon get to safety and his wounded by the Terrible-Monster;s missile attack. Their weapons having no effect. Captain Ryu orders the rest of TAC to return to base. With the Alien Simon, Hokuto runs into the three boys again who offer to take him to their base. One of the boy's says he can treat Hokuto's leg, they have first aid kit in their base and his father is a doctor. The other boys apologise to Alien Simon and ask to be friends. Simon is wounded too but wont let the boys treat his wound. The boys have a radio and a the voice of Terrible-Monster Jumboking covers over the radio, demanding they hand over Simon or it will destroy the city. The boys refuse to hand over their new friend. Leaving them to look after Simon, Hokuto says he will take care of the Terrible-Monster. But Simon zaps Hokuto in the leg so now he's really wounded. The boys say he did it to so Hokuto wont endanger himself. And Simon nods. TAC Falson and two TAC Space are launched to deal with the now rampaging Terrible-Monster (it had just been standing around). Not wanting to fait the Terrible-Monster in the city they drop nets on it to drag it away to open ground. This only results in the lose of both TAC Space. And half the city is left in ruins anyway. Threatening to destroy the rest of the city if Simon isn't turned over by 8AM the Terrible-Monster vanishes. Simon tries to leave, to turn himself ,
Captain Ryu claims that made from bits of strongest Terrible-Monster its the strongest ever and their king. He says molecules from dead Terrible-Monsters are in the air and Yapool brought them togeher. Mikawa,asks a good question, where is the Yapool that is controling Ultimate Terrible-Monster Jumboking? Not surprsingly Yamanaka thinks they should hand Simon over to see what happens. Hokuto objects that doing that would cross the spirits of those three boys who are trying to be like the Ultraman Brothers. The Captain says they should wait until morning than try the Cell Decomposition Missile. Its just a prototype but Ryu says they must try everything to safe the city and the hearts of those boys. Hokuto goes outside and looks up at sky. Minami, Yuko despite claiming the would never meet again when she left for the moon appears and tells him if anyone finds out he is Ultraman Ace he can never return to being human form again (huh?) and he says he knows that and asks why she would bring that up now but receives no answer. Its 7:59AM as TAC prepares to fire the Cell Decomposition Missile, Captain Ryu tells Hokuto he should join Simon and the boys. He find the cave full of boys who all want to protect Simon. Some armed with baseball bats, pieces of wood or toy guns. Hokuto notices Simon's red light is flashing again. Terrible-Monster Jumboking returns. Cell Decomposition Missile which is actually an energy weapon has no effect on Terrible-Monster Jumboking. But it is able to destroy the Cell Decomposition Missile with its own energy weapon. The Terrible-Monster Jumboking begins its attack on the second half of the city. Hokuto wonders why Simons light is blinking is it transmitting something? Terrible-Monster Jumboking approaches the boy's base. Hokuto tells them to run away. Hokuto takes Simon and tells the boys not to wait for them. When a voice from Simon asks "Hokuto, Seiji: do I not sound familair to you?" Hokuto recognizes the voice of Yapool! Simon aka Yapool taunts Hokuto wanting him to transfrom into Ultraman Ace in front of the children. Hokuto is no poing his TAC Gun at Simon which the children do not understand. Apparently on Hokuto can hear Yapool's voice coming from Simon. Yapool brags to Hokuto that his purpose was to take kidness away from children and remove Ultraman Ace from the Earth. Hokuto shoots Simon in the head. The children cannot understand why Simon's protector killed him. He tells them he was a Yapool. They dont believe him. Hokuto realizes Yapool was commucating with him through telepathy which is why the children did not hear him. When they ask him why a human would have telepathy..Hokuto realizes Minami knw what was coming. The children think there is no kidness. That TAC could not kill the Terrible-Monster so they killed Simon instead. He tells them "I am Ultraman Ace". The rest of TAC appears. Hokuto says "This is Ultraman Ace's final battle", Runs foward and touchs the Ultra Rings togther. Ace says "Goodbye Earth. Goodbye fellow TAC members. Goodbye Hokuto, Seiji" before charging Terrible-Monster Jumboking. One last Metalium Beam followed by one last Guiltoine kills the Ultimate Terrible-Monster Jumboking. Ace looks down at the children: "Do not lose your kidness. Take care of the weak and help each other. And don't stop trying to be friendly with people from other countries. No matter how many times you are disappointed. Those are my last wishes". Ace flies away. The children wave goodbye. Captain Ryu calls "Hakutp....."
>Review of the remaining TAC members<. THE END
Don't worry Ultraman Ace does in fact become Hokuto, Seiji again, in the very next series Ultraman Taro and decades later in Ultraman Mebius