Episode 6: Solve the Mystery of the Transforming Terrible-Monster
(featuring Transforming Terrible-Monster Brocken)
The Alternate Dimension Beings merge a crocodile taken from Earth and an unamed space monster to create Terrible-Monster Brocken. A one man rocket ship is returning to Earth from the moon. TAC is monitoring. The ship is one hour from Earth. The astronaut has a wife who is in the hospital expecting to give birth to their second child any time. The first born child is at school. Hokuto, Seiji is granted permision to visit the boy and tell him his father is on the way home. As he is driving to the boy's school the rocket ship is attacked, radios a distress call. Hokuto, Seiji receives the news of the emergency seconds after telling the boy his father was safely on the way home. TAC mounts a rescue not realing that the astronaut has been possessed by the Terrible-Monster Brocken. The astronaut, Koyama, Akira is safed but won't shake hands with Captain Ryu claiming the first person he wants to shake hands with is his son Atsushi. Captain Ryu wants Koyama to be the one to test a new rocket enging TAC is developing in secret Labortory #3, an engine that can almost reach lightspeed. No one in TAC noticed Koyama's eyes glowing for an instant.
After dropping Koyama at home with his son, Hokuto, Seiji reveals he doesn't remember his father as he died when was an infant. Koyama, Akira goes to sleep still wearing his gloves. Koyama, Atsushi sleeping beside his father wakes up and decides to remove his father's gloves. He only gets one off when he recoils in horror when he sees his father's hand has an eye and a mouth. He runs to a phone to call TAC to report his father is an alien, but they don't believe him. He tries to tell other children at school, they don't believe him either. But Hokuto, Seiji shows up to ask for proof. The boy tells him about the eye and the mouth. Hokuto, Seiji decides to follow the astronaut. But he's seen and the hand spits gas at him and the astronaut gets away.. Hokuto, Seiji reports the incident to TAC. Despitse TAC's attempts to stop him the astronaut makes it to the secret lab, and turning into Brocken inside the building destroys it. Brocken breaths fire and generates an electric discharge. The boy throws rocks at the monster demanding it return his father. When Hokuto, Seiji shoots at the monster it attacks and grabs him. Its Minami, Yuko's turn to eject from a yet so as she falls by him in the monsters claws they can touch rings. The transformation into Ultraman Ace cuts off the monster's arm.
Despite that Ace nearly loses the fight but then he receives an "Ultra Sign" from the Ultra Brothers encouraging him to "Stand Up!. Shoot! Cut" and for the first time he uses "Ultra Guillotine" to remove the monsters head and remaining limbs. Found in the rubble is a man who appears to be Koyama, Akira but he doesn't respond to TAC or his son and he casts no shadow. Then his shadow suddenly appears and he callls his son's name. Later, he tells TAC that the next time he sees a Terrible-Monster he will be the one doing the possessing. His son is the phone. He hangs up and comes running to announce his mother had another boy. As the boy and his father are heading to the hospital they play a game trying to catch each other's shadows. The narrator comes on and warns children that if the see a person without a shadow its an alien then asks "Does the person beside you have a shadow". This is the sort of thing that happened in Ultra Q >Preview of next episode<. "See you next week".
Koyama, Akira is played by Kobayash,i Akiji better known as Captain Muramatsu, Toshio or "Cap" to the SSSP crew of the original "Ultraman" series and Tachibana, Tobei or "Oyassan" (pops) to Kamen Rider 1, 2, V3, Riderman, X, Amazon and Stronger.
Terrible-Monster Brocken was created by Yapool by merging a crocodile from Earth and a space monster