Episode 7: Monster vs. Terrible Monster vs. Alien
(featuring Terrible-Monster Doragory, Alien Metron Jr, Monster Muruchi)
A red rogue planet, Goran is on a collesion course with Earth, it will hit in seven days. A plan to destroy Goran with an intergalatic interceptor missile is put in place. As TAC is leaving the missle control center, Yamanaka, Ichiro has a talk with his girlfriend Takashina, Maya, giving her an engagment ring. Later, Alien Metron Jr appears and before TAC can react it destoys the rocket and several buildings before vanishing. The alien appears human sized inside a building and ruthless blasts down Maya so it can use her body to disguise itself. Yamanaka rescues "Maya" from a burning building. In the hospital she asks if anything can be done to safe Earth, Yamanaka says the rocket was destroyed but they still have the blue prints securely stored in Weapon's Divisions safe, where even an alien cannot get to it (thats what he thinks). At an emergency meeting Captain Ryu assumes Earth has two enemies, Yapool which wants to conquer it and Alien Metron which wants to destroy it. He asks Kaji,Yoichi if he can build the second rocket before the 6 remaing days are up. While they are discusing it, Hokuto, Seiji and Minami, Yuko talk about whether they (meaning Ultrama Ace) can handle a Terrible-Monster and Alien Metron at the same time without using "Ace Barrier" which would drain half Ace's energy all at once, meaning one of them could die because its Ace's life energy that is sustaining them. Minami, Yuko is willing to die to safe the Earth. An alarm sounds, the safe with the rocket blue print has been blown open. Hokuto spots Alien Metron Jr and shots it, wounding it in the arm. The alien vanishes. Hokuto enters Maya's room to asks if she saw an Alien Metron she shakes her head no, but then he sees she is bleeding from the arm. He pulls his gun to finish of the alien imposter but its blasted out his hand by the team marksman Yamanaka who of course doesn't believe the woman he is enagaged to marry is actually the alien. And he punches Hokuto when he tells him Maya is dead, killed by Alien Metron. Just then another alarm sounds.
A Terrible-Monster has appeared outside HQ. TAC team members shoot at it, the bases automated defenses shoot at it. The monsters sprays fire. When the Ultra Rings flash Hokuto tells Seiji they must use the "Ace Barrier" against the Terrible-Monster because Alien Metron is already inside their base. and they need to defeat one before facing the other. He says doing so will cause one of them to fall, again Seiji says she is willing to fall saving the Earth. Again the rings flash, they do their standard runnig jump into the air to touch rings (why they have to that instead of just touching rings standing ou the ground I have no idea). While Ultraman Ace battles the Terrible-Monster, Alien Metron Jr raises havoc with the staff and equipment inside TAC HQ. Ace uses "Ace Barrier", spinning his body around, creating a crack in the atmosphere to send the Terrible-Monster back to the Alternate Dimension it came from. Ace then vanishes. Hokuto, Seiji finds an unmoving Minami, Yuko. She recovers though her hear may have been weakened.. Back inside HQ he tries to tell the others the death and destruction inside their HQ was caused by Alien Metron diguised as Maya. They won't listen because it would hurt Yamanaka, Ichiro's feelings if it were true. Even Minami, Yuko thinks he should apologise, so he does, knowing he's right. Kaji,Yoichi reveals the rocket's blue print has been burnt, but he had already memorized it. The new rocket is being built. Maya wants to see it but Yamanaka tells her only the engineers and TAC officers are allowed. She then claims to be afraid of Hokuto and ants him to shoot him for her. Finally he begins to get suspicious. But never the less he takes her too see the rocket. Hokuto wont let her in and threatens to shoot her even if Yamanaka shoots him. Minami tells the men to stop it and says she will her in if she will do one thing for her, give her the ring she has on her finger. She does and has no idea what she just did. Yamanaka tells her she gave away their engagment ring and Hokuto says their must not be such a custom on Metron. Maya takes Hokuto's gun and tries to shoot him, but Yamanaka the fast draw shoots her, for a moment he's horrified at what he's down but then Maya turns into the Metron and he finaly accepts that Maya was killed the day before. The Metron runs away. Hokuto runs after it, Minami gives Yamanaka his ring. They catch up with Hokuto and all three shot the Metron but it just giant sizes. The rest of TAC shows up. As they are shooting at the giant Metron, the Alternate Dimension Aliens send Terrible-Monster Doragory again. Hokuto (probably afraid it will kill Minami) says they cannot use "Ace Barrier" but they both agree to henshin. Ace tries to keep one monster knocked down whey he fights the other. Then knocks the other down to deal with the one that just got back up. It works until the figure out they need to attack him together. And to make matters worse an Earth monster, Muruchi wants in on the action, appearing from under the ground. Under normal circumstances Muruchi would't be a threat to Ultraman Ace, but these are not normal circumstances. >Preview of next episode: after the battle with three monsters, Ultraman Ace host Minami, Yuko is close to death<. "See you next week".
Terrible-Monster Doragory was created by Yapool by merging a month from Earth and a space monster, Alien Metron was first introduced in Ultra Seven (episode 8), Monster Muruchi was first introduced in Return of Ultraman (episode 33)