Episode 9: 100,000 Terrible-Monsters! Surprise Attack Plan
(featuring Ninja Terrible-Monster Gamas)
Strange weather patterns have convinced TAC a Terrible-Monster is on the way. As they set up an ambush a reporter from some child's magazine shows uo claimng "freedom of the press" and that Hokuto invited her. Before Konno can inform the capatain the monster appears. From the TAC Falcon the new RX Missile is fired at the monster. But using "Octagram Shuriken" it splits the TAC jet in half. The crew ejects safely. The woman snaps a photo of the monster and the monster vanishes before Konno can take his photo and instead of confiscating his camera as he should have he lets her leave with it even after she refuses to give him a copy of the photo. Konno apparently informed the captain about the reporter but not about is notting getting a photo, he pretends its not develped yet and that he will get the phot lab to hurry up while he secretly goes looking for the phographer. When the captain ask Hokuto why he would invite his photographer friend he denies knowing her. Again the reporter lies to Konno, claimig Hokuto came and got the photo. She gets a taxi to the magazine office but the driver doesn't have change for 10,000 yen so he makes her go into a shop to get change. She leaves the photo in the car. The monster which was actually in the photo comes out destroyng the taxi and killing the poor innocent driver. After the monster misses the TAC Arrows and TAC Falcon with its blow gun mouth TAC fires several RX missles at it. The monster vanishes again. Konno shows up at the photorgrapher's apartment with a very angry Hokuto and when she refues to admit she did anything wrong using his name he ends up slapping her.(Thank you Hokuto). He leaves. She finally agrees to make Konno a copy of the monster's photo (still not realizing it hides in photographs). Konno takes the photo and shows it to Hokuto hoping he won't tell the captain he miissed phographing the monster. He claims the photoropher has a sharp tongue but is a good girl. I love his response "What's good about her"? Hokuto notices a problem with the photo, the monster is holding a sword, when it wasn't holding one when it attacked. This perplexs the captain too when he sees the photo but all kinds of scientific tests find nothing wrong with the photo until it was bombarded with sound waves,then the monster in the photo moved. The captain orders the photo to be burnt, and it is. But then he orders Konno to burn the negative, which he does not have. Hokuto tells him its time to stop hiding the truth and so he explains where he got the photo. TAC goes affer the photographer but she sent the negative to the magazine. When she says they will print 100,000 photos they realize that would be the end of the world, 100,000 monsters running lose. And head to the magazine to stop the presses. The magazine editor is looking at the photo when the monster comes out destryoing the building. The monster shoots down TAC Falcon, again. "Ultra Touch" and Ultraman Ace appears to catch the jet before it his the ground. Ace dodges the monster shurikens and throws its darts back at it. It uses smoke bombs to hide itself.Then tries to stab Ace. Ace stabs the monste with its own blade before blowing up the monster with a red beam. Later at TAC HQ there is some speculation that the original plan was to infect TAC's camera in order to destroy TAC. The phographer finally turned in the negative and with Yoshimura holding it Yamanaka shoots it to destroy it. Hokuto warns Konno to stay away from such an unruly woman (I agree) and Konno pretends to listen but he asks the captain for permision to go out to get something to eat, Wearing civilian clothes he goes out with the phographer but he's cought on TAC's camera. Hokuto still cannot figure out what's good about this woman (me either). >Preview of next episode: shows Goh, Hideki (Ultraman Jack) <. "See you next week".
I find this episode extremely annoying. We're supposed to believe an international, government agency designed to defend the planet wouldn't have confiscated the camera and locked her in a cell? That's assuming they didn't just shoot her on sight. . She got several people killed and TAC acts like she did nothing wrong.
Terrible-Monster Gamas was created by Yapool by merging an orchid flower from Earth and a space monster