Episode 1: Shine! The Five Ultra Brothers
(featuring Missile Terrible-Monster Verokron)
Fukuyama Hiroshima is attacked by a fire breathing monster.
Bakery delivery man Hokuto, Seiji has bread for an orphange in his truck, he refuses to let a monster stop him from deliving food to hungry children. He is nearly killed when the monsters aims its firey breath at his truck. Nurse Minami, Yuko is attempting to evacuate a girl in a wheelchair from the orphanage.
The Terrestrial Defense Force (TDF). scrables all its fighter jets. They are wiped out by its firey breath, missiles fired from its finger tips and missiles fired from its mouth. Hokuto, Seiji meet briefly outside the orphanage. Something passes between them (love at first sight?). He starts to help her with the child in the wheelchair but then seeing the monster appraching the orphang he sacrifices his life by driving a gas truck into the monster's feet in attempt to blow it up. The monster suddenly vanishes.
Suddenly the Five Ultra Brothers, the new guy, Zoffy, Ultraman, Ultra Seven and Ultraman Jack appear. The new one introduces himself (to audience) as Ultraman Ace. [For me its kind of disturbing hearing the voice of Naya, Gorô coming from Ultraman Ace since I know him best as the Kamen Riders greatest foe, the "Dai Shuryou" (Great Leader or Great Boss)]. Although we don't actually see Minami, Yuko getting killed, both Hokuto, Seiji and Minami, Yuko seen lying dead among the rubble. Ultraman Ace gives them each an Ultra Ring, proving their membership in the Galactic Federation. He then merges himself into both of them to bring them back to life. Touching the Ultra Rings together will transform them into Ultraman Ace. A few days later Hokuto, Seiji and Minami, Yuko both join Terrible-Monster Attacking Crew (TAC) the new defense orginization formed to replace the Terrestrial Defense Force (TDF). After they pass their tests they are introduced to the other five members of TAC plus the scientist who developes weapons. An alert sounds, Tokyo Tower, where the TAC communincations system is set up is in danger.
Hokuto, Seiji is assigned to work with TAC engineer Konor, Tsutomu but when Konor takes time to go to the bathroom , Seiji takes off without him. Konor has get a ride in the car with other team members. Tokyo Tower is destroyed. Minami, Yuko is in the car and she remembers what Ultraman Ace said about "when the Ultra Rings shine you two will know the great power I have given you". In the jet, Seiji remembers it too. But they are apart. And TAC's first battle does not go well, two out of three Jets are shot down, but the pilots survive. Hokuto, Seiji is not show down. The other team members shot at the monster with their TAC Guns. Team sharpshooter Yamanaka, Ichiro: shoots two, the others one each. When smoke starts billowing out of the monster Hokuto assumes they've killed it. In fact its a trick and finaly he's shot down too. He ejects. Eventually he starts shooting at it with his TAC Gun too. When the monster approaches a school he's upset. His Ultra Ring but no great power appears. Minami, Yuko 's Ultra Ring flashes. Hokuto and Minami run towards each other than jump into the air and flip over, the Ultra Rings touch and Ultraman Ace appears.
The monster stars using energy weapons it never used before.When Ultraman Ace's Color Timer starts flashing the monster thinks its won. Ultraman Ace shoots the monster in this face with his Punch Laser. He follows thiswith Ace Kick and then he picks the monster up and hurls it to the ground (Ultra Swing).
He then shoots the monster in the head with his signature weapon the Metallium Ray. The monster finally dead, Ultraman Ace flies away. Back at TAC HQ, the narrator talks about how another Terrible-Monster can be sent by the extra-dimensional beings any time. And Captain Ryu, Goro orders Hokuto to partol the Kanto area. >Preview of next episode<. "See you next week".
Terrible-Monster Verokron was created by Yapool by merging a space monster with sea coral from Earth