Episode 3: Go Up In Flames! Terrible-Monster Hell
(featuring One-Horned Terrible-Monster Vakishim)
Its Minami, Yuko's turn to go on patrol, solo. She spots a boy wearing a yellow hat on a bridge. they wave at each other. Then the sky cracks and a giant monster from another dimension enters ours. Concerned for the safety of the child she circles back only to see the monster blast a passanger jet out of the sky then vanish.. Since none of the other members of TAC have seen the dimensional cracks, are not even aware of where these monsters are coming from as yet, they don't believe Minami saw a monster,or a child, except of course for Hokuto, Seiij. Minami is suspened for one week. Hokuto finds a yellow hat, with a name written on it. He finds the boy's grandparents but they laugh at the notion of a "terrible-monster". When he refusesa glass of saki the grandather is insulted so he drinks it. When their grandson shows up he admits being on the bridge and seeing the TAC plane but when asked about the terrible-monster he asks "what's a terrible monster" his grandparents laugh again. He spots Hokuto's TAC gun and grabs and fires a shot which hits a wall. Hokuto grabs the gun back and the boy runs away. Hokuto was sure he had the safety on, which means the firing of the gun was no accident. A Hokuto is flying back to TAC HQ the sky cracks open but as he tries to fly into the crack it reseals. And his jet is suddenly out of fuel, he makes an emergency landing but the police phone TAC HQ to report him drinking under the influence and although Capatain Rru thinks it unlikely two of his team would have the same delusion about the sky cracking he suspends Hokuto for one week for flying drunk. The other men of TAC set out to investigate leaving the women behind, Minami because she's suspended and Mikawa to run the base communications. Hokuto radios HQ to confirm with Minami that when she flew the jet it had plenty of fuel and learning the captain his heading to meet the boy concludes the boy emptied the jet's fuel tanks, borrows a motorcycle and heads back to the house. The boy claim first to be "Yapool" then "Vakishim" kills his grandparents and sets their house on fire. TAC arrives and finds more dead villagers. When the TAC Falcon (larger jet which carries a smaller Jet Arrow inside it), the Captain lifts Hokuto's suspension and sends him to rescue the Jet Arrow (because Hokuto's his best pilot). He braves the flames to fly the Arrow out once airborn he can see the boy sneaking up on the rest of TAC. he radios a warning.
Cornered by TAC the point releases the monser Vakishim. A voice from the other dimension tells the monster TAC HQ is now empty (not entirely correct). The sky cracks, the monser vaniishes then reappears outside TAC HQ. Mikawa, Noriko radios the captain that HQ is under attack then activates the base automatic defenses. The captain orders Hokuto to return to HQ to protect it The monster fires missles at the base. The base shoots back. Kaji,Yoichi: and two other men in white lab coats brink up a new weapon. Mikawa takes on the responsabilty of lifting Minami's suspension so she can have her "attack from the sky". Mikawa and the scientist shoot at the monster with the "Electo Gun" and set bombs in its path. After shooting at the monster a couple of times from each of their jets, their rings flash and the eject from their plans and spin around in the air until their rings touch. The fight has barely started when Ultraman Ace's Color Timer starts flashing. The monster tries to set him on fire but he puts up a shield to block the flames. The monser then launches its horn like a missle but Ultraman Ace blasts it. He kills the monster by slicing off its head with "Ace Slash". Won't be the last time he decaptiates a monster. Later TAC receives a report from the police, the boy and his parents had all been killed in a car wreck three days ago. All that happened after that was a trap for TAC. The Captain sends both Hokuto and Minami on patrol. .>Preview of next episode<. "See you next week".
Terrible-Monster Vakishim was created by Yapool by merging a space monster and a caterpillar