Episode 30: You Can See the Star of Ultra
(featuring Black-Cloud Terrible-Monster Red Jack)
Dan (from the previous episodes) spots a strange black cloud and tells some other boys there is a Terrible-Monster hiding it in, he also claims he's the "sixth Ultraman brother". TAC's radar has picked up somethng strange, in a black cloud over Tokyo, Hokuto says its near his apartment. Konno is itching for a fight. But Captain Ryu says they dont know its a Terrible-Monster yet. But as a precaution he orders Area K evacuated and posted off limits. Hokuto stops an ambulance from entiering the closed off area but the dying woman's daughter and the ambulance driver beg him let them through. He does, a big mistake. Mikawa stops a girl on a bicycle from following the car, saving her life. A Terrible-Monster appears directly in the path of the ambulance smashing it to bits. At TAC HQ, Mikawa takes Minami's place in defending Hokuto. On his way home, in civilian clothes, Hokuto meets Dan and learns he lives in the same building now. A girl on a bicycle crashes into Hokuto and when he tries to pick her up she yells at him "give me back my mom! Give me back my sister!" Dan tells Hokuto, Yoko's mother and sister were killed by the Terrible-Monster but the girl says "No, no, no. TAC killed them." Resting at home, Hokuto is distrubed by his radio linked to TAC HQ bussing. The Terrible-Monster has appeared again and he as he is the closest TAC member he has to evacuate the residents. Although most evacuate themselves. Dan and Yoko are headed the wrong way. Hokuto and a police oficer stop them. Yoko wants her bicycle which is the last gift her mother gave her. So Hokuto volunteers to go get it. Dan, the 6th Ultraman Brother wants to go with Hokuto, to get the bicycle while Hokuto holds back the Terrible-Monster. Hokuto agrees. Before they go Hokuto asks Dan if he can see the Star of Ultra, he can so they go. After theyve gone. Two foolish young men and two foolish youn women appear. One man on a motorcycle with a woman in side car, one man on another motorcycle with a woman behind him. They decided to ignore the warning signs. The captain spots the binkers from the TAC jet. As Dan rides the girls' bicycle back to her, Hokuto tries but failes to stop the foolish bikers, who end up roasted by the Terrible-Monster. The captain says to attack before it vanishes. They do and Hokuto finally shoots at it too but it vanishes into a black cloud. Back at HQ, Hokuto is gettting yelled at by Yamanaka, Captain Ryu stops the shouting and assigns patrols. Yoshimura and Konno TAC Space, Yamanaka, TAC Panther, Mikawa and himself TAC Falcon. Hokuto is relieved of duty and told to leave his uniform in his locker. Dan is telling other children about the bikers being killed and his bravely escaping riding through the flames on a bicycle. Not afraid because "I am the 6th Ultraman Brother, after all". He then claims "The Terrible-Monster disappeared after it saw me". Yoko agreed he looked cool. To prove all his bragging to the other boys he promises to get a Terrible-Monster claw next time (he couldn't lift it it would be as big as he is). Dan sees Hokuto who waves at the boy but looks sad and goes home to mope. Dan's sister drops of some fresh fruit. She's surprised that his batcheolor apartment is so neat and says its the first time she's seen him in civilian clothes, he looks better in uniform (ouch). The Terrible-Monster appears and the other boys expect Dan to get a claw. Dan looks up in the sky but cannot see the Star of Ultra but he goes anway, borrowing Yoko's bicycle. Yoko informs Hokuto and Dan's sister that Dan went off to get a Terrible-Monster claw. Hokuto promises to bring Dan back. Captain Ryu orders a three flank attack, the two jets in the air and TAC panther on the ground. As Yamanaka is firing both his guns at the monster he spots Dan and breaking formation runs after the boy. He almost runs into Hokuto (who apparently did not leave his uniform behind) and gets burned by the Terrible-Monster''s firery breath attack. Hokuto's runs to his aide.He get Yamanaka out of Terrible-Monster's range but then he sees Dan is about to get fried. Yamanaka tells him to go save the boy. All this time TAC is holding their fire. Once they see Hokuto has the boy out of the way they restart their attack from the air. When Hokuto learns why Dan was running into danger he calls him a fool and slaps him Dan says "But I'm the 6th Ultraman Brother". Hokuto asks him if he can see the Star of Ultra now. He cannot. And he starts to tear up. Hokuto tells him to get out of the area and to take care of Yamanaka. Another TAC Falcon is shot down. As Hokuto runs towards the Terrible-Monster he touches the rings together. After Ultraman Ace has killed the Terrible-Monster. Yamanaka has his arm in a bandage. He thanks Hokuto for saving him. Captain Ryu rinstates Hokuto. Dan no longer wants a Terrible-Monster claw. Dan's sister points out the first start of the night. The narrator says Hokuto and Dan see another star as well the Star of Ultra. >Preview of next episode<. "See you next week".