Episode 39: Seven''s Life! Ace's Life!
(featuring Flame Terrible-Monster Firemons and Flame-Being Alien Fire)
Dan is trying to do a handstand because another boy promised to give him tangerines if he could do one. Hokuto shows up after the other children have let. Dan is annoyed because Hokuto did not show up on Christmas and he had to spend it alone with his sister. Hokuto promises to hang out with Dan on New Year's. Hokuto than gives Dan his Christmas present late, a sweater vest with an A for Ace on it. Dan puts it on right away. Dan and his sister are expecting a vist from an uncle they thought was dead and Dan is looking forward to eating sukiyaki with him and hearing his stories about living abroad., A boy named Ryo is climbing on the outside of a building and falls. Hokuto and a stranger lock arms to catch him when he falls. The other man turns out to be Dan's uncle Saburo. He thanks Hokuto for taking care of his niece and nephew. When they shake hands Hokuto's ring and Saburo's metal arm band are revealed to the viewer. Saburo gives Kayoko a locket he said was originaly intended for her mother. And gives Dan a present as well. At TAC HQ. Yamanaka is barking orders to stay alert, because Captain Ryu and Yoshimura are at the secret lab finishing the long-planned "Silver-Shark" development. Another one of TAC's "ultimate weapon against Terrible-Monsters" (which never work as advertised). Konno and Hokuto are sent to patrol, while Yamanaka has Mikawa go with him (first time since Minami left that Hokuto's partner was not Mikawa). Yamanaka and Mikawa, in TAC Panther are ambushed. Hokuto and Konnon arrive in TAC Panther 2, The unseen attacker flees when Hokuto tries to approach him but leaves a familar look metal bracelet. Hokuto hides in a park near his apartment building watching for Saburo. Naturaly Yamanaka radios him wanting to know what he's doing, when he tells him he's narrowing in on the suspect he lets him be, Hokuto confronts a limping and clearly wounded Saburo. And asks if the bracelet in his hand is his. When Hokuto accusses him of attacking TAC, being wounded by a TAC gun and of being an alien, Saburo runs away. Hokuto gives chase. The other three TAC officer arrive (now in TAC Panther 2). When the corner Saburo, he no longer has short, combed hair but long, unkempt hair. And he summons Flame Terrible-Monster Firemons and jumps away. Cut off from the rest of his team and surrounded with flames, Hokuto becomes Ultraman Ace (once again saying "Ultra Touch").
Ace is winning so Alien Fire throws a flaming sword to Terrible-Monster Firemons. Seeing this Konno says "Ace, be careful", Ace fires his Metalium Beam but the flaming sword absorbs it. Ace is wounded in the shoulder by the flaming sword. Then he trips on a pile of coal. He falls down. He stands back up, but his is impaled with the flying sword, it pierces his chest neat the color timer and come sout his back. He collapses.Though his color timer can stll be heard, Alien Fire assumes Ace has been killed and orders Terrible-Monster Firemons to rest until he can find out where TAC's Silver-Shark is hidden And both vanish.
Ultra Seven appears and takes Ultraman Ace into space to revive him. Hokuto is unconcscious in a hospital. Dan is begging him not to die. Kayoko is there beside Dan.. Yamanaka, Konno and Mikawa are there on Hokuto's left. The doctor is shocked when he awakes from his comma and has a normal heartbeat. Hokuto asks Yamanaka if he told Dan and Kayoko. He has not and does not want Hokuto to tell them now. For once I agree with Yamanaka (shocking isnt it) but Hokuto doesn't take his advice and tells them the man claiming to be their uncle is an alien. Which of course makes them mad at Hokuto. Yamanaka receives a radio call from the Captain, the Silver-Shark is complete. Yamanaka warns the Captain about the alien. The three leave for TAC HQ, Yamanaka agains showing for him remarkable sense and concern when he tells Hokuto to stay and rest. Kayoko, apparently deciding to believe Hokuto after all starts crying for her probably dead uncle, when the pendant he gave her pops open to reveal a hidden transmitter. Whichi means Alien Fire know knows Silver-Shark will be at TAC HQ in 30 minutes. Ignoring the doctor, Hokuto insists he must go warn TAC (his radio broken?). Dan and Kayoko insist on going with him, they want proof their uncle is really an alien. Alien Fire summons to destroy the Silver-Shark. which Captain Ryu and Yoshimura have in the back of a jeep (license plate; TAC 7). TAC Panther 2 pulls up. Another TAC Panther pulls up (oddily it has TAC 7 on its license plate like the jeep). Hokuto tells Dan and Kayoko to stay back as he runs towards the Terrible-Monster and immediatly uses the Ultra Rings. As Ace is fighting the Terrible-Monster. Alien Fire sneaks up behind and crabs Dan and Kayoko. He knocks them out and brings out the sword to give to the Terrible-Monster Firemons again. Captain Ryu orders the use of Silver-Shark, which surprisingly actually destroys the Terrible-Monster, leaving nothing but the flaming swords.
With his Terrible-Monster gone, Flame-Being Alien Fire finally giant sizes, revealing its true form. It picks up the flaming sword. Ace breaks off the top of an electrical tower and uses it as his own sword until its widdled down by the flaming sword then he throws it knocking the flaming sword out Alien Fire's hand and into his. Ace stabs Alien Fire with the flaming sword then blows the alien up with Metalium Beam. Dan thanks ace. Ace does a handstand before flying away. Later, Kayoko, Hokuto and Dan are walking by a lake at sunset. The other children show up and Dan does a hand stand. They clap. Dan collects his promised reward then shares it with the other kids, and Kayoko and Hokuto. >Preview of next episode<. "See you next week".
Flame Terrible-Monster Firemons is the first Terrible-Monster killed by TAC not Ultraman Ace