11/24/1974  The Humans Leave In Secret

human worshipers

Two men, dressed in white and carrying swords walk down stairs towards Gebâ. When it looks like they are goint to stab him Gôdo intervenes. He pulls off their masks revealing two apes. When he removes his mask revealing that he's a real human they kneel before him. Gôdo takes one of their swords and cuts Gebâ lose. Gebâ still under the effects of the drug collapses. The two apes in white leed Gôdo, Jiro and Pepe to a stream. Gôdo recovers and makes his way back the village. The villages are not pleased to see him and give chase. He just manages to make it to his vehicle and the rifel he kept in it. Now the villagers, armed only with farming tools, have to do as he orders.

waterfall radio

Down stream Yurika finds some leaves that have been formed into a tiny boat, she believes (correctly) that Jiro made it. While Gôdo and Gebâ fight, Jiro and Pepe cross a revine on a rope. After Gebâ is knocked down Gôdo starts across. Gebâ recovers and cuts the rope but Gôdo swings across. Meanwhile, the prime-minister and his passengers have arrived in the village. Kazuko realises that the hair on the more realistic of the human maks is made from actual human hair. Gôdo, Jiro and Pepe find a hidden outpost. Jiro's hopes of finding other humans are dashed when they only find human skeletson. Then Pepe discovers that the radio works and a voice is heard but the old band which on the hand turned electric generator breaks and the radio stops function. Gôdo attempt at reparing the system fails.


Back at the village Yurika is kidnapped! Izumi, Kasuko searches the village for Yurka.

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