Episode 15: Summer Horror Series - Curse of the Black Crab
(featuring Giant Crab Terrible-Monster King Crab)

King Crab King Crab

Konno is on vacation in the fishing village his family comes from. His neice Yumiko meets, Yumeiji, a boy's who's father was lost at sea and when holding a sea shell to his ear he hears a voice he believes is his father. The voice warns him that someone has transformed a crab into a monster which hates humans because they hunt fish and shell fish. Shortely after the boy hears the warning the Terrible-Monster King Crab appears and Konno radios TAC HQ. The Terrible-Monster can spray foam and fire and it can destroy building which a sweep of it tail. Hokuto who is on patrol in a TAC Arrow responds to Konno's call. Of course the jet is hit by the Terriible-Monster's flames and he has to make an emegency landing. Rest of TAC arrives in jets to shoot at the Terrible-Monster. Suddenly the Terrible-Monster vanishines. Hokuto learning about the boy who talks to a crab from Yumiko decides to try talking to the crab. And through the shell the voice does talk to him it senses has a great heart and agrees with Hokuto that it is Yapool that is contring the monster. It sends Hokuto to Mt. Washu. Hokuto ask the boy, who thinks the horseshoe crab is his father if he will take it Mt. Washu for him and after holding the shell to his own ear the boy agrees. At the mountain amusement park rest of TAC think Hokuto is crasy talking to a crab but the captain sends Hokuto and Minami to follow the boy who's listening to the sea shell and send Konno and Mikawa to patrol the area from the air. They dont see anything but the boy points to where the monster is supposed to be Konno drops a nitrogen bomb to make the invisible monster visable. TAC attacks from the air and on the ground. As the Terrible-Monster starts spraying fire the boy drops the crab and its hit by a blast from the monster. TAC Space is hit, Konno and Mikawa eject, parachuting to the ground safely. Hokuto and Minami barely miss being hit by the Terrible-Monster's blasts rull down a hill and just as their hands touch the Ultra Rings flash. Ace is winning until Terrible-Monster King Crab wraps its tail around him. Yapool thinks their winning but Ace ulimatle shatters the Terrible-Monster's tail TAC shoots at the Terribe-Monster. Ace finishes it off with a red beam, puts out the fires it started and flies away. Although the crab is dead, Yumeiji can still hear the voice of his father through the sea shell. Yumiko can still not hear it. The voice tells Yumeiji "the man behind you is Ultraman Ace". He turns to see Hokuto and Minami who had been standing behind walking away. >Preview of next episode<. "See you next week".

Terrible-Monster King Crab was created by Yapool by merging a horseshoe crab from Earth with a space monster

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