Episode 17: Summer Horror Series - The Demon Woman of Hotarugawara
(featuring Giant-Firefly Terrible-Monster Hotarunga)
Yapool promises a young girl, Tamiko, who lost her mother in an automobile accident five years ago and is wheel chair bound from the same accident , that she can see her dead mother.Yapool uses the girl to create the Demon Woman which causes fatal accidents on a highway linking TAC HQ with its factory. Those killed are turned into skeletons. Mikawa figures this an attempt by Yapool to stop "Project V7" and the captain agrees. He sends TAC out to interview witnesses but they cannot find any. Minami befriends Tamiko and her father. Protect V7 turns out to be the creation and transportation of a new missile system designed to take out Terrible-Monsters. Since the strange accidents happen at 2AM, Hokuto volunteers to drive the road at 2AM, Minami goes with him. Parked. Minami hears someone singing, buy Hokuto doesn't. As they are about to drive off Hokuto spots an extra large firefly and then they are attacked by the Demon Woman. They shoot at and it flees. Minami runs after it and finds herself outside Tamiko's home. She finds the girl giving sugar-water to a huge firelfy in a cage. Tamiko denies seeing a strange women in a white komono. Minami decides to stay with her to protect her from the Demon Woman. Later in the night the girl has vanished and a strange voice can be heard singing a song about fireflies again. Minami find the Demon Woman in Tamiko's wheel chair. The Demon Woman vanishes. Minami finds Tamiko back in her room, asleep but wearing the Demon Woman's komono. She waks the girl who denies having left the room. She recognizes the komono as her deceased mother's. In the morning Minami reports the nights events to TAC. The scientist Kaji wants to delay transporting the missile. But the captains says no they will stick to the schedule. Yamanaka is to continue preperations for transporting the missile, Konno and Yoshimura are to investigate the mother. Minami and Hokuto are to guard the girl. Mikawa gives Minami a pin filled with gas.
Minami assuming Tamiko could walk if she really wanted to pushes her wheelchair down a hill but the girl does jump out and crashes. Minami appoligises and the two of them sing the firefly song. That night as TAC is about the move the missle from factory to HQ, Minami is in the house, lying down but gun in hand. Hokuto is outside being bitten by insects. TAC's convoy, two cars, two trucks and a third car behind, sets out. As they approach the problem highway the captain orders his team to be prepared for combat. Minami seems to be having a nightmare as fireflies fill the room. Tamiko tries to wake then begins to strangle her, turnning into the Demon Woman. Minami cries out for Hokuto. The two of them chase after the Demon Woman. Somehow Hokuto has learned about the girls mother dying in an accident 5 years ago at 2AM. Minami acts like this is new to her even though the girl's father told her about the accident. Hokuto wants Minami to inform the captain about the possiblity they are dealing with a ghost. Instead of using the radio she walks to the highway bypass. She encoutners the Demon Woman but is able to remove its mask causing it to revert to a sleeping Tamiko. The girl awakes, and stands up. When she realizes she is standing she stars walking. Tamiko tells Minami about hearing a voice telling her she can see her mother. Minami tells her someone has been using her. Yapool is angry that she's figured it out and orders Terrible-Monster Hotarunga to arise and attack. The Terrible-Monster appears and sucks Minami and Tamiko inside itself so Minami and Hokuto cannot become Ultraman Ace. The Terrible-Monster destroys one of the trucks but the other contains the missle, the captain orders its use but cancels the launch after Hokuto reports the woman and the girl are inside it tail. Inside the Terrible-Monster, Minamia rembers the gas filled pin Mikawa gave her and activates it. Parilysing the Terrible-Monster. As soon as she and the girl are free the Ultra Rings flash. Hokuto and Minami run to each other and this time the stay on the ground as they "Ultra Touch". The Terrible-Monster shocks Ace with its tail and tries to set him on fire with its exploding gas. Ace and the Terrible-Monster wrestle. The Terrible-Monster grabs Ace by his neck with its tail pincers and electrocutes him. Stunning him. TAC shoots at the Terrible-Monster. Ace recovers but he has to avoid the tale. TAC fires the V7 missile. Setting the Terrible-Monster's head on fire. Ace fires his Metalium Beam hitting the Terrible-Monster in the back of the head, it explodes and bursts into flames. Later, TAC discuse how Yapool took advantage of young girl missing her mother and hating automobiles because of the car wreck that killed her mother. And fed the victims of the Demon-Woman to Terrible-Monster Hotarunga. The episode ends with Miniami chasing sTamiko through a field of flowers. >Preview of next episode: Yapool once again preys on the feelings of a child, a boy this times<. "See you next week".
Terrible-Monster Hotarunga was created by Yapool by merging a firelfy from Earth with a space monster