Episode 46: Ride Over the Time Machine!
(featuring Time Terrible-Monster Daidarahoosi)
A Terrible-Monster appears. TAC Falcon and Tace Space are launched. After the fire missiles at it for awhile the Terrible-Monsters turns and tries to run away. It stops. looks back and vanishes. As the Captain says to return to base they get a radio call a Terrible-Monster has appeared 100 km away. They change course. Its the same Terrible-Monster. Which again. turns runs away. Then stops to face TAC. Only this time when it vanishes TAC Space is so close it disappears too. Hokuto in TAC Falcon realizes its the same place the Terrible-Monster vanished from the last time. Yamanaka realizes that TAC Space has disappeared as well. The captain assumes TAC Space made an emergency landing and has TAC Falcon land to begin a search from the ground. There is no sign of TAC Space or its crew. Suddenly Captain Ryu receives a radio call from Yoshimura. The captain asks if Yoshimura and Mikawa are all right and where they are. Yoshimura. says he does not know where they are, but that they seem to be in the past, several centuries back. He says the Terrible-Monster is actually from the past and it escaped back there. Yoshimura and Mikawa find themselves surrounded by men on horseback, dressed in clothes from a different century and carrying swords and spears.. These people think they are "red ogres" servents of Daidarahoosi and attack them. Yoshimura and Mikawa try to fight them off but they are out numbered. Daidarahoosi is a legendary giant. From the locals of Ashikubo Village, Captain Ryu learns that a basin in the area is said to be one of its footprints and there is a shrine dedicated to Daidarahoosi. The captain claims there is a top secret protype time machine. But at Haruki Cosmology Laboratory the scientist says they still haven't succeed in sending a rabbit back five years, its not ready to send humans back centuries. It turns out his real concern is that humans traveling back in time could change the past in such away that they change the future so that this present world never exists as we've known it. The scientist doesn't object to destroying a time traveling Terrible-Monster but looking for people in the past would mean interfering with people from the past. So even if he could make the time machine work he doesn't want to. The captain orders TAC back to HQ. Hokuto keeps maing the argument that they need to rescue Yoshimura and Mikawa right away because they could be killed at any time. Yeah so? If you had a time machine you could just go back to before they were killed and save them. Anyway TAC's jeft are fitted with some mysterious new equipment just in time as the Terrible-Monster has appeared in the present. Captain Ryu has Hokuto fire the new device. Whiich turns out fires a cable attaching itself to the Terrible-Monster so when it travels backwards in time it takes their TAC Space with it.
When Ryu and Hokuto are mistaken for red ogres. the captain wont let Hokuto shoot them because if they kill one man in the past thousands may not exist in the future. So they just knock the men out by hitting them with the back of swords they took from them. Then they take their horses. They find Yoshimura and Mikawa are tied to crosses and are about to be set on fire. They're being hit with stones first and they are knocked out. Daidarahoosi appears scaring the locals, Ryu and Hokuto ride up, throw useless spears at the Terrible-Monster than shoot it with their TAC Guns. Which nealry gets them and the horses roasted by its flame breath. The captain is knocked unconscious, which allows Hokuto to become Ultraman Ace without him witnnessing the transformation. For some inexplicable reason, Ace rips two trees out of the ground and gives one to the Terrible-Monster so they can sword fight each other with them. When Ace hits the Terrible-Monster with his tree it falls down as if dead, but its a trick which nearly cost Ace his life. Ace finally kills it with red blasts from his hand. Ace then picks up the unconscious TAC members, but them inside their TAC Space fighter and carrying them flies into space while the narrator wonders if Ace can travel through time. When Captain Ryu, Yoshimura and Mikawa wake up they are outside. Just as the Captain wonders here Hokuto is he appears. Yoshimura wonders how they got back to the present (I wonder how he knew that since they are in a forest and, one bunch of trees looks pretty much like another). Captain Ryu says he dreamed of being carried in Ace's hands. They all say they had the same dream, including Hokuto. They are joined by the other two members of TAC as they all walk towards Ashikubo Village. >Preview of next episode<. "See you next week".